
  • 网络the hobbit
  1. 《霍比特人》,J·R·R·托尔金

    The Hobbit , JRR Tolkien

  2. 当《霍比特人》被批评为可能过度运用CGI时,他们制作的特效技术也在不断前进。

    While The Hobbit has been criticized for possible overuse of CGI , their use of special effects has also been consistently pioneering .

  3. 他想看哈利波特或霍比特人的电影布景。

    He would like to see the Harry Potter or The Hobbit movie sets .

  4. 稍加浏览谷歌趋势(GoogleTrends)就会发现,过去几年间大众对食肉的食尸鬼的兴趣已经远远超过了对吸血鬼、巫师和霍比特人的兴趣。

    A glance at Google Trends reveals that in the past few years , interest in flesh-eating ghouls has far outstripped popular enthusiasm for vampires , wizards and hobbits .

  5. 那时我们开始做《霍比特人》(Hobbit)游戏。

    That is when we did a Hobbit game .

  6. 他堪与史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)和比尔·盖茨(BillGates)并驾齐驱,就像甘道夫指引着精灵和霍比特人,他们也指引着那些创造了现实世界“绿洲”中的谷歌(Google)和Facebook等组件的那些人们。

    He is the peer of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates , and a Gandalf for the elves and hobbits who made Google , Facebook and the other components of our present-day Oasis .

  7. (注:“魔戒”中的霍比特人)你做了“Frodo”煎饼?

    Leonard : You made Frodo pancakes ?

  8. 《霍比特人》电影发行方之一华纳兄弟公司(WarnerBros.)也证实了更名消息。

    Warner Bros. - one of the studios behind the ' Hobbit ' films - also confirmed the title change .

  9. 随着米高梅逐渐恢复元气,以《霍比特人》三部曲、《龙虎少年队》(21JumpStreet)和《机械战警》(RoboCop)等影片提高产量,这些债券持有人得到了回报。

    Those bondholders have done nicely as the studio has recovered , upping its production with films such as the Hobbit trilogy , 21 Jump Street and RoboCop .

  10. 21世纪福克斯公司可能面临华纳兄弟的激烈竞争。华纳兄弟已发行了包括《霍比特人》(Hobbit)三部曲在内的米高梅公司的多部影片。

    It is likely to face fierce competition from Warner Brothers , which has distributed several MGM films including the Hobbit trilogy .

  11. 从小马,小猫,鸭子到海盗,半兽人还有霍比特人,前端Drupal绝对是一本值得一读的书。

    From ponies , kittens , and ducks , to pirates , orks and hobbits , Front End Drupal is actually a " readable " book .

  12. 就在《霍比特人》(TheHobbit)伦敦首映式前一天,主演多米尼克•莫纳汉(DominicMonaghan)在自己的微博中展示自己佩戴的华丽摇滚手表(GlamRock),他准备第二天晚上戴着它参加电影首映式。

    A day before the London premiere of The Hobbit , actor Dominic Monaghan tweeted about the Glam Rock watch he would be wearing the next night .

  13. 人们最喜欢买回家放到书架上尘封的藏书是JK罗琳的《哈利波特与火焰杯》,其次是《霍比特人》。

    The book most people are likely to have gathering dust on the shelf is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling , followed by The Hobbit .

  14. 《霍比特人:意外旅程》将于今年12月13日上映,并将在影院分六种版本播出:2D、3D和iMax3D分别都有24帧版和48帧版。

    The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey is due for release on December 13 and will be released in six different formats : 2D , 3D and iMax 3D - each in 24 and 48 frame rates .

  15. 索尼数码影院(SonyDigitalCinema)将向目前使用4K数码投影机的影院标价出售一款远程软件升级,确保这些投影机能放映像《霍比特人》这样用每秒48帧技术拍摄的电影。

    Sony Digital Cinema will offer for sale to current users of its 4K digital cinema projectors a remote software update to make sure its projectors will be able to play movies like ' The Hobbit ' at the higher , 48 fps frame rate .

  16. BoxOfficeMojo称,霍比特人第一部《意外旅程》(AnUnexpectedJourney)全球票房超过10亿美元,第二部《史矛革之战》创出9.5亿美元以上的高票房,不过较第一步有所下降。

    The first ' Hobbit ' film , ' An Unexpected Journey , ' grossed more than $ 1 billion at the worldwide box office , according to Box Office Mojo , but ' Desolation of Smaug 's ' take , while still a whopping $ 950 million-plus , marked a decline .

  17. 通过运用类似《霍比特人》(TheHobbit)等电影中的动作捕捉技术,昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)研究人员发现,走路时发讯息不仅会影响平衡感和直线行走的能力,而且还会损害人的身体姿态。

    Using motion-capture technology similar to that used for films such as ' The Hobbit , ' University of Queensland researchers concluded that texting while walking not only affects balance and the ability to walk in a straight line , but can actually damage a texter 's posture .

  18. 《霍比特人:五军之战》被标记为PG-13级(强烈建议家长注意),如片名所言,有大量强烈的奇幻暴力场面。

    The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Armies is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ) . Extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence , per the title .

  19. Imax公司说,《绝迹重生》在中国的票房销售超过了上个纪录保持者《霍比特人:史矛革之战》(TheHobbit:TheDesolationofSmaug),是后者的两倍还多。

    the large-format exhibition company said that ticket sales in China for " Age of Extinction " beat those for " The Hobbit : The Desolation of Smaug , " its previous record holder , by more than two to one .

  20. 就像作家J.R.R托尔金的《指环王》前传《霍比特人》一样,《神奇动物在哪里》将被拆分成三部曲。

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is following in the footsteps of J.R.R Tolkien 's The Lord of the Rings prequel The Hobbit , and will be divided into three stories .

  21. 杰克逊原本计划将托尔金(J.R.R.Tolkien)很受欢迎的儿童探险小说改编为两部电影,但他根据托尔金《指环王》小说的附录和一些原书中的叙述线索增加了部分内容,将《霍比特人》扩展为三部曲电影。

    Originally , Jackson had intended to spread his adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien 's beloved children 's adventure novel over two films , but he expanded the ' Hobbit ' slate to three films as he added material based on Tolkien 's ' Lord of the Rings ' appendices as well as some original narrative threads .

  22. 已不再是以往的那个霍比特人了。

    I 'm not the same Hobbit I once was .

  23. 在地里洞穴中住着一个霍比特人。

    In a hole in the ground , there lived a Hobbit .

  24. 我们知道霍比特人的安全路线。

    We knows ! We knows safe paths for Hobbitses .

  25. 对于战争你像霍比特人一样无知。

    You know as little of war as that hobbit .

  26. 我和别的霍比特人一样很好客。

    I like visitors as much as the next Hobbit .

  27. 简单点,就像霍比特人那样。

    Keep it simple , as a hobbit would .

  28. 原型理论分析比较《霍比特人》和《西游记》

    A Comparative Archetypal Analysis of the Hobbit and Journey to the West ;

  29. 那些小霍比特人在他的床上蹦来蹦去。

    And the little hobbits are jumping up and down on his bed .

  30. 霍比特人及指环王系列

    The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings series