
  • Mr. Bean;Rowan Atkinson;The Ultimate Disaster Movie;Mr.Bean
  1. 现场明星嘉宾包括EltonJohn、小贝夫妇和憨豆先生RowanAtkinson。

    Celebrity guests include Sir Elton John , David and Victoria Beckham and Rowan Atkinson .

  2. 但香港市民JackieRain想要比他的橙色奥迪TTS更具回头率的东西:一副写着“MRBEAN(憨豆先生)”的车牌。

    But Hong Kong resident Jackie Rain wanted something even more eye-catching than his orange Audi TTS : a license plate that reads'MR BEAN . '

  3. 同时,微博和QQ等社交媒体也使用“憨豆先生”的形象作为搞笑表情。

    Meanwhile , the image of Mr. Bean has also been used in funny stickers on social media , such as Weibo and QQ . Hustle

  4. 英国男演员罗温·艾金森(RowanAtkinson)在中国也是一位大明星,他创造了“憨豆先生”这位令人捧腹的幽默角色。

    Rowan Atkinson , the British actor who created the humorous character , is quite a star among Chinese audiences .

  5. 在英国一家独立电视台的荧幕上,憨豆先生第一次踉踉跄跄现身。

    Mr. Bean first blundered on to television in an ITV series .

  6. 电影《憨豆先生》是一部非常成功的喜剧。

    The movie Mr Bean is a very successful comedy .

  7. 现在,他带着他的新电影《憨豆先生2》回来了。

    Now he is back in a new movie called Mr Bean 's Holiday .

  8. 只要看看《憨豆先生生日特辑》就明白了。

    Just watch Mr. Bean 's birthday episode .

  9. 论协商的听者意义&析英国系列喜剧《新憨豆先生》

    On Negotiated Listener Meaning as Reflected in the British Comedy Series the Thin Blue Line ;

  10. 华尔顿:哈琴森小姐,请你将憨豆先生叫到董事室来好吗?

    Walton : Miss Hutchinson , would you send Mr Bean up to the boardroom , please .

  11. 他被比喻为既是约瑟夫?斯大林,又是那倒霉的喜剧人物憨豆先生。

    He 's has been compared to both Joseph Stalin and the hapless comedy character Mr Bean .

  12. 很奇怪,从很多方面看,在中年时期饰演憨豆先生比在年轻时要合适得多,他说。

    Rather oddly , middle age suits Mr. Bean more in many ways than youth , he said .

  13. 扮演憨豆先生而出名的演员罗温·艾金森在62岁的时候要又要当爹啦~

    Mr Bean star Rowan Atkinson is to become a dad again - at the age of 62 .

  14. 分析所用语料全为英语系列喜剧《新憨豆先生》转录而来。

    All the language data for analysis are transcribed from the British comedy series The Thin Blue Line .

  15. 《憨豆先生》系列喜剧风靡全球多年,中国也不例外。

    The Mr. Bean series has been a global craze for years and China is not an exception .

  16. 尽管憨豆先生是个英国人,而且故事大多发生在英国,他所带来的影响是不受国界所限制的。

    Although he is British and the stories generally take place in British settings , Mr Bean is really nation-less .

  17. 1990年,《憨豆先生》终于以半小时特别节目的形式首播,其中包括那个教堂小品。

    Finally , in 1990 , Mr. Bean made its premiere as a half-hour special that included the church sketch .

  18. 憨豆先生去了一个游泳池想尝试一下高空跳水但却害怕。

    Mr Bean goes to a swimming pool , and tries out the high diving board , but gets scared .

  19. 仅仅在爱奇艺一家网站上,2002年出品的《憨豆先生动画版》的26集节目就有33.9亿的浏览量。

    On Iquiyi alone , the 26 episodes of the 2002 Mr. Bean animated series received 3390 million viewing times .

  20. 他担心,看着一个中年男人饰演永远长不大的憨豆先生会让人觉得不舒服,甚至觉得悲哀。

    He was worried that it would be uncomfortable even sad to watch a middle-aged man playing the eternally childlike Mr. Bean .

  21. 但是影迷们也只能等到电影上映之后才能够知道憨豆先生在电影里究竟有多少镜头了。

    But moviegoers will have to wait until the release to find out how much screen space he has in the film .

  22. 故事情节颇有创意,可讲述的又是日常琐事,再加上他独具一格的“英式性格”,让“憨豆先生”成了英国电视史上最成功的角色之一。

    The creative yet daily-life plots and his unique British personality make Mr. Bean one of the most successful British TV characters .

  23. 《憨豆先生》及《憨豆先生动画版》在中国很多视频网站均可观看,如优酷、土豆、爱奇艺和乐视。

    Mr. Bean and the animated series are available on many video websites in China , such as Youku , Tudou , Iqiyi and Letv .

  24. 1997年的《憨豆先生:终极灾难大电影》和四年前的《憨豆的黄金周》这两部电影在全球获得了3.05亿英镑的票房。

    The two films , Bean : The Ultimate Disaster Movie in 1997 and Mr. Bean 's Holiday four year ago , earned 305 million worldwide .

  25. 但是,请不要认为泰迪熊是女生们的专利,憨豆先生也很爱泰迪熊,或许哪天你的他也会收到一只你送来的泰迪熊。

    However , if you think this is just for the girls , wait until you gift your lover a huge teddy bear that Mr. Bean likes .

  26. 大家都很享受憨豆先生带来的欢笑,但是我却受到他的激励,他是如此地享受独处时刻,这让我学到了人生的一课。

    People laugh and enjoy Mr. Bean but I get motivated by him . He enjoyes his own company so much that it gives me a life lesson .

  27. 上周怀孕的路易斯挺着大肚,里面是憨豆先生的引以为傲的骨肉,被拍到在伦敦北部逛街,对此罗文的发言人拒绝回应。

    Pregnant Louise was seen shopping in North London last week ... sporting one of bungling Mr Bean 's proudest bumps so far . Rowan 's spokesman declined to comment .

  28. 在餐桌就座后,憨豆先生拿出一张卡片,在上面写了几个字,然后将卡片封入信封,放在桌上。

    After being seated at his table , Mr Bean takes out a card , writes a few words on it , seals it in an envelope and places it on the table .

  29. 凭借在英国情景喜剧《憨豆先生》中饰演憨豆一角而享誉全球的罗文·艾金森,不久将会在电影版《欢乐喜剧人》中与观众见面。

    Rowan Atkinson , who is globally famous as Mr Bean from the British sitcom by the same title , will soon be seen in the Chinese film Top Funny Comedian The Movie .

  30. 英国女王和007的扮演者共同演绎了一个皇家开幕式的序曲。在周五晚上举行的奥林匹克运动会开幕式上,演奏摇滚巨星披头士的音乐,足球明星贝克汉姆和憨豆先生的扮演者,一起演绎了一场别开生面的乐曲。

    The Queen and an actor playing James Bond gave the London Olympics a royal entrance like no other on Friday in an opening ceremony that rocked to the tunes of the Beatles , the Rolling Stones and the Who . Soccer sttar David Beckham and comedian Rowan Atkinson , who plays Mr Bean , also participated in the show .