
ɡuò dù jǐn zhānɡ
  • hypertension;overstrain;too nervous;undue tension
过度紧张 [guò dù jǐn zhāng]
  • [extratension] 过分紧张的性质或反应的状态或事实

  1. 运动员的赛前过度紧张及其控制

    The athlete 's overstrain before match and its control

  2. 发烧也可能是一些药物的副作用引起,譬如说抗生素和用来治疗过度紧张以及抽搐的麻醉药。

    Fever can be a side effect of some medications such as antibiotics and drugs used to treat hypertension or seizures .

  3. 过度紧张的工作使得他更加消瘦了。

    He became even thinner from overwork .

  4. 过度紧张的行为让你…

    the kind of nervous , overwrought behavior that leads to ...

  5. 运动员过度紧张的预防和克服

    Methods to prevent and overcome the nervousness of pingpong players

  6. 当接到额外的任务时,他过度紧张。

    He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment .

  7. 她不想去打扰那些生活已经过度紧张的亲戚们。

    She did not want to trouble relatives already overburdened with stress .

  8. 前几天过度紧张的负面影响开始显现出来。

    The strain of the last few days was beginning to tell .

  9. 工作情况很糟糕,人们因过度紧张越来越吃不消。

    Things are terrible at work and people are cracking under the strain .

  10. 这样的行为显示你过度紧张。

    These actions show that you are overly nervous .

  11. 毕竟,精神的压力过度紧张!

    After all , the mental pressure on over-stretched !

  12. 眼神接触时间太短会使你看起来不可信或过度紧张。

    Breaking eye contact too soon can make you seem untrustworthy or overly nervous .

  13. 医生警告他不要过度紧张。

    The doctor warned him against straining himself .

  14. 全球金融危机爆发后,西方的财政状况常常过度紧张。

    Fiscal positions in the west were often overstretched when the global financial crisis erupted .

  15. 企业家们不应过度紧张。

    Entrepreneurs should not be unduly alarmed .

  16. 她很累且过度紧张。

    She was tired and overwrought .

  17. 他演讲时因过度紧张而说话结结巴巴。

    He was so nervous when he made the speech that he stumbled over his words .

  18. 根据《每日健康》声称,当过度紧张的时候,我们的神经系统就会产生“溃退或战斗”反应。

    According to Everyday Health , when we stress out our nerve system activates the flight-or-fight response .

  19. 这表明你渴望把事情做好。不过,过度紧张则会适得其反。

    It shows you care about doing well . But , too much nervousness can be detrimental .

  20. 所有发达国家的汽车销售都出现下降,原因是家庭需要改善其过度紧张的资产负债状况。

    Car sales have declined across the developed world as households rebuild their heavily stretched balance sheets .

  21. 肌肉过度紧张造成的痉挛性便秘,恐怕比无张力性便秘要多得多。

    The overactive spastic type of constipation is probably much more common than the atonic lazy kind .

  22. 这类环境导致过度紧张和执行力下降:它必须停止。

    This sort of environment leads to inordinate stress and degradation of performance : it must be stopped .

  23. 单杠向后大回环脱手的原因主要是倒立后摆阶段抬头、挺胸、塌腰和悬垂前摆时翻腕等技术错误,以及思想和肌肉过度紧张等。

    The reasons of hand leaving in horizontal bar giant swing backward such as technical error and muscle tension etc.

  24. 手机网络业务的现有模式已经不起作用,而且已经呈现出过度紧张的迹象。

    The existing model for the mobile Internet business has not worked and is already showing signs of strain .

  25. 精神情感障碍:表现为精神过度紧张,焦虑,忧郁,失眠等。

    5 , mental and emotion aberration : it expresses the extra mental tension , dysphoria , melancholia and insomnia .

  26. 当我处境窘困时,我一般只在过度紧张或情绪过分激动后才发出痛的信号。

    When I am in trouble , I usually send out a pain signal only after undue exertion or emotion .

  27. 船长因故死去,显然是死于“过度紧张”,而之后几个海盗也可能在一次争吵之后开始相互残杀。

    The captain died , apparently of " hypertension ", and several pirates may have then killed each other after a quarrel .

  28. 如果你过度紧张,或者心灰意冷,就站起来,走几分钟。

    If you start to get unduly tense , or frustrated , simply get up and walk away for a few minutes .

  29. 在判断他的行为时,我们必须考虑到这样一个事实:他当时过度紧张。

    In judging his conduct , we must keep sight of the fact that he was under great strain at the time .

  30. 经血过多,可能是精神过度紧张、环境改变、营养不良以及代谢紊乱等因素引起的功能性子宫出血。

    Hemorrhage , may be mental strain , environmental change , malnutrition and metabolic disorders caused by such factors as the dysfunctional uterine bleeding .