
  • 网络Sodium percarbonate;SPC
  1. 用盐析剂法制备粒状过碳酸钠,所得颗粒型过碳酸钠样品的活性氧质量分数为13.5%~14.5%,超过国家一级品标准(13.0%);

    The particulate sodium percarbonate was prepared with a salting-out agent method . The mass fraction of the active oxygen in the prepared sodium percarbonate particle samples is 13.5 % ~ 14.5 % and exceeds first grade product index ( 13.0 % ) of national standard .

  2. 过碳酸钠的生产、应用与发展前景综述

    A Summary about the production , application and development foreground of sodium percarbonate

  3. 研究了含氧系漂白剂&过碳酸钠(PC)和过硼酸钠(PB)的物化性能和洗涤漂白性能。

    The physico-chemical performances and detergency , bleaching of containing oxygen - PC and PB were studied .

  4. 目的用前馈(BP)神经网络对过碳酸钠合成工艺进行研究,筛选新的复合稳定剂。

    Objective To study the synthetic process of sodium percarbonate using Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network ( BP-ANNS ) .

  5. ATR图谱分析表明,过氧乙酸-过碳酸钠脱胶的精干麻中半纤维素和木质素等胶质的含量都进一步得到降低。

    ATR analysis showed that the content of hemicellulose and lignin had been further reduced .

  6. 过碳酸钠-醋酸酐作用下的Baeyer-Villiger反应

    Baeyer - Villiger Reaction with Sodium Percarbonate in acetic anhydride

  7. ATR图谱分析表明,过碳酸钠脱胶后精干麻中的胶质基本去除,但精干麻中还含有半纤维素和木质素。

    ATR analysis showed that the gum was removed after the sodium carbonate degumming . But the degummed ramie fiber contained hemicellulose and lignin .

  8. 从SEM图片可以看出,过碳酸钠脱胶后包覆在苎麻纤维周围的胶质基本去除,苎麻纤维的横节和竖纹都能够清晰的看到,但纤维素表面有裂缝,纤维受到了损伤。

    From the SEM pictures , readers can see that the gum coated with ramie fiber was removed after the sodium percarbonate degumming . But the cellulose surface was cracked ; it meant that the fiber was damaged .

  9. 以Coats和Redfern线性化简单图解法对加入稳定剂和未加稳定剂的过碳酸钠热分解过程中的动力学特征参数进行了计算。

    The kinetic characteristic parameter of thermal decomposition of sodium percarbonate with / without stabilizer are calculated according to the Coats and Redfern 's linearized simple graphical procedure .

  10. 结果表明,同不添加稳定剂的过碳酸钠脱胶工艺相比,添加稳定剂P5之后,精干麻的断裂强度和断裂伸长率都得到了改善。

    The results showed that compared with the process of not using the oxygen bleaching stabilize in sodium percarbonate degumming , breaking strength and breaking elongation of the degummed ramie fiber were improved after using the oxygen bleaching stabilizer P5 .

  11. 过碳酸钠包覆剂聚丙烯酸盐的研究

    Study on the polyacrylate salts used as packing agent of sodium percarbonate

  12. 过碳酸钠洗涤性能和稳定性能影响因素的研究

    Study of Influencing Factors of Detergency and Stability of Percarbonate

  13. 过碳酸钠的制备及其活性氧含量分析测定方法研究

    Study on Preparation of Sodium Percarbonate and Analysis of Activated Oxygen Content

  14. 高收率、高稳定性的过碳酸钠的制备

    Preparation of Sodium Percarbonate With High Yield and High Stability

  15. 应用于洗涤剂工业的高稳定过碳酸钠研究进展

    Advances in studies of stable sodium percarbonate applied in detergents

  16. 过碳酸钠对菊酯类农药降解作用的研究

    Study on the Degradation of Pyrethroids Pesticides by Sodium Percarbonate

  17. 工业生产过碳酸钠的技术经济评价

    Technologies and Economic Assessment on Commercial Production of Sodium Percarbonate

  18. 一种新型的氧系漂白剂&过碳酸钠

    A new bleaching agent of oxygen series ── per-sodium carbonate

  19. 高有效氧含量过碳酸钠的制备

    The Preparation of Sodium Percarbonate Containing More Effective Oxygen

  20. 对过碳酸钠生产工艺的研究

    A Study of the Technological Process of Sodium Supercarbonate

  21. Co-Cu/SiO2催化过碳酸钠氧化降解邻硝基氯苯的研究

    Catalysis of Co-Cu / SiO_2 in Oxidative Degradation of Sodium Percarbonate for o-nitrochlorobenzene

  22. 高含氧量稳定性过碳酸钠的研制

    Preparation of stable sodium percarbonate with high effective oxygen

  23. 过碳酸钠产氧反应的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Oxygen Generating Reaction of Sodium Percarbonate

  24. 本方法生产的过碳酸钠属于1.5型。

    The product manufactured by this method belongs to 1 . 5 type .

  25. 过碳酸钠生产中稳定剂的选择

    Selection of Stabilizers in Production of Sodium Percarbonate

  26. 过碳酸钠的生产现状及发展前景

    Production Conditions and Development Prospects of Soduim Percarbonate

  27. 均匀设计法在过碳酸钠生产上的应用

    Application of Homogeneous Design in Sodium Percarbonate Producing

  28. 过碳酸钠热分解动力学理论分析与实验验证

    Theoretical Analysis of the Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Sodium Percarbonate and Its Experimental Verification

  29. 方法采用液相法合成过碳酸钠,测定其活性氧含量并考察合成条件。

    Methods The target compound was synthesized and the content of oxygen was determined .

  30. 过碳酸钠的开发、生产及应用

    Development , production and application of sodium percarbonate