
  • 网络excessive debt
  1. 这种思维模式很可能让IMF对较贫困国家经常实行的低估汇率和资本管制措施更加宽容,而对试图逃脱过度负债和改革极不彻底的较富裕国家则不那么宽容。

    That mindset might well lead to more patience with undervalued exchange rates and capital controls , as often practised by poorer countries , and rather less tolerance when richer countries try to get away with excessive debt and completely inadequate reforms .

  2. 欧元区的债务削减或“重新安排”(reprofiling),将有助于解决某些无力偿债国家的过度负债问题。

    Eurozone debt reduction or " reprofiling " will help to resolve the issue of excessive debt in some insolvent economies .

  3. 在温考特基金会(wincott)的最近一次演讲中,英国央行(boe)金融稳定事务执行董事安德鲁霍尔丹(andrewhaldane)指出,有限责任、过度负债、债务的税收优惠和政府担保会造成激励倒错。

    In a recent Wincott lecture , Andrew Haldane , executive director of the Bank of England for financial stability , pointed to the perverse incentives caused by limited liability , excessive gearing , the tax benefits for debt , and government insurance .

  4. 债务重组便是解决过度负债问题的一个有效途径。

    Debt restructuring is an effective way to solve over-indebtedness .

  5. 家庭过度负债的后果是什么?

    What are the consequences of too much household debt ?

  6. 地勘企业过度负债的成因及对策

    Reason and Countermeasure for over debt in Geological Prospecting Enterprises

  7. 解决国有企业的过度负债要重视发挥财政的作用

    Settling Excessive Debt of State Enterprises by Attaching Importance to Functioning of Finance

  8. 在实践中风险来源主要包括:公司过度负债;

    The source of risk mainly includes fore kinds : The company is excessively in debt ;

  9. 而萧条的现实是,西方世界正遭遇一场过度负债的危机。

    The reality being repressed is that the western world is suffering a crisis of excessive indebtedness .

  10. 文章从三个方面分析了地勘企业过度负债的原因及其危害性。在此基础上,提出了解决地勘企业过度负债的四项对策。

    From three aspects , the paper analyses the reason for over debt in geological prospecting units and harmfulness .

  11. 巨型医院的问题主要表现在过度负债、规模不经济和导致新的医疗事业发展不均衡;

    The main problems of huge hospitals included high debt , diseconomies of scale and imbalance of health resources .

  12. 要避免过度负债国家私人部门出现更多问题,答案在于转变外部收支状况。

    The answer that avoids yet more problems in the private sectors of overindebted countries is a shift in external balances .

  13. 所以,解决上市公司的过度负债问题成为我国证券市场健康发展的关键。

    Therefore , solving the excessive liabilities becomes the key issue of making sure that our stock market could develop healthily .

  14. 但是这并不意味着过度负债的英国人可以坐下来如释重负。

    But that does not mean that over-borrowed Britons can sit back with a sigh of relief ( see article ) .

  15. 因此,以低效率且扭曲市场的政府负债来替代私人部门的过度负债,无法使世界更加稳定。

    Thus replacing excessive private sector leverage with inefficient and market-distorting state leverage is not a path to a more stable world .

  16. 过度负债和规避风险的金融业产生的中期影响,会加剧潜在增长减弱引发的长期影响。

    The medium-term consequences of excess debt and a risk-averse financial sector would aggravate the longer-term consequences of the weaker potential growth .

  17. 他们担心低利率,以及在利率具有吸引力时借款人会忍不住过度负债。

    They fear low rates and the temptation for their borrowers to take on too much debt when it is priced attractively .

  18. “去杠杆化”是一个丑陋的字眼,用来代称信贷泡沫破裂后削减过度负债的痛苦过程。

    " Deleveraging " is an ugly word for a nasty journey : that towards lowering excessive debt after a credit bubble .

  19. 对过度负债的美国消费者来说,在房屋价值不断下降的同时,轻松日子几乎肯定结束了。

    For the over-levered US consumer , coming on top of declining housing values , the era of buoyancy is almost definitely over .

  20. 因此,我国政府在实施财政政策时要注意避免过度负债或税负过重对经济发展造成的不利影响。

    Thus , Chinese Government should pay attention to adverse influence of excessive debt or tax on economic development when implementing financial policies .

  21. 与传统的国有企业过度负债不同,我国上市公司的资产负债率普遍偏低,有着强烈的股权融资倾向。

    Different with state-owned enterprises which hold high liability , public companies possess very low asset-liability ratio and have strong tendency of issuing stock .

  22. 债转股对改善企业资本结构,避免企业过度负债并降低代理成本是有效用的。

    It is of great effectiveness for a debts-to-shares enterprise to better capital structure , to avoid excessive liabilities and to decline agency cost .

  23. 但是,融资平台的良莠不齐以及平台的过度负债给国家带来了财政风险和金融风险,削弱了中央宏观调控效果。

    However , the variety of the financing platform and its excessive debt induced a large amount of financial risk , weaken the macro-control effects .

  24. 实证研究部分主要是针对企业财务风险来分析的。包括企业过度负债风险、偿债能力下降风险和募集资金短融长投风险。

    Empirical research component mainly refers to enterprises financial risk , including over-indebted risk , Solvency falling risk and putting short-term funds into long-term investment risk .

  25. 但对整个金融行业而言,其它减少过度负债的方式不仅过于缓慢,而且具有全面的破坏性,抑或两者兼而有之。

    But for the sector as a whole , any other way of reducing excessive liabilities is far too slow , collectively ruinous , or both .

  26. 这对于那些指责公司过度负债的批评家来说,应该是彻底的好消息。然而,很难判断这样的效应是否是完全良性的。

    That will strike critics of the over-leveraged company as thoroughly good news , but it is hard to say whether this effect is entirely benign .

  27. 从经济学的角度讲,科学理性的负债有助于学校事业的发展,而过度负债会给高校带来极大的财务风险。

    From the perspective of economics , science and rational liabilities would promote the development of universities ; while over-indebtedness will bring them great financial risk .

  28. 经营城市客观上容易扩张城市建设规模,产生大量的财政赤字和过度负债,形成经营风险。

    It is objectively apt to expand the urban construction scale , producing a great mass of financial deficit and excessive debts , and bringing about operating risks .

  29. 地勘企业过度负债问题,无论是从相对比例上还是总体结构上看,都是地勘经济深层次矛盾的综合反映。

    Looking from comparative proportion and general structure , the problem & over debt in geological prospecting units is comprehensive reflect for deep contradiction of geological prospecting economy .

  30. 在英国,我们提出了一种新的债务责任机制,这将恢复央行在整个系统内就过度负债及时发出警告的作用。

    In Britain we have proposed a new debt responsibility mechanism , which would return to the bank its role in calling time on excessive debt across the system .