
  • 网络process industry
  1. 用于间歇过程工业则可替代DCS与PLC的复杂组合;

    In intermission process industry can replace the complex combination of DCS and PLC ;

  2. PID控制是目前过程工业应用最普遍的控制方法之一。

    PID ( Proportional-Integral-Derivative ) control is one of the control methods which are widely used in process industry at present .

  3. 虚拟DCS(VirtualDCS)是相对于在过程工业系统中运行的真实DCS(RealDCS)而言的,就是要在一种通常为开放平台的计算机信息管理系统中,尽可能真实地再现分散控制计算机系统。

    Virtual DCS reappear the real DCS as possible on a open platform .

  4. 论文在WEB技术的基础上,采用了XML规范和B/S结构,提出了针对过程工业运行系统的信息管理平台结构,并开发出对应的信息集成平台系统。

    The paper develops the information integration framework for the process operation based on WEB , XML and the Browser / Server technology .

  5. 过程工业MES图形化动态成本软件的设计开发

    Design and Development of MES Graphic Dynamic Cost Accounting Software in Process Industries

  6. ESD系统在高危险性过程工业领域的应用。

    Application of ESD system to high dangerous industrial area .

  7. 文末给出了XML与STEP相结合所描述的一个典型过程工业信息集成应用案例。

    In the end , this paper gives an example of using XML and STEP to express a synthesis process in the information integration of process industry .

  8. 制造执行系统MES在流程工业和批量过程工业的应用现状和发展

    Application and Development of MES in Process Industry

  9. 过程工业水分配网络系统集成的NLP模型

    NLP model for water networks synthesize in process industry

  10. 现场演示将促进基金会SIF技术在过程工业中的应用。

    The field demonstrations will promote adoption of FOUNDATION SIF technology in the process industries .

  11. 整个过程工业的客户也在期望ABB等公司可以提供这些解决方案。

    Customers throughout the process industries are looking to companies like ABB to provide these solutions .

  12. PROFIBUS是目前适用于整个电厂过程工业的单一现场总线标准,且产品系列齐全;

    With full series of products , PROFIBUS is the only field bus criteria applicable to the entire power plant operative process .

  13. 随着现代过程工业生产的发展,现场工况变化频繁和日益复杂、需要经常对PID参数进行不断整定,以适应工艺产品产量和质量的要求。

    With the incessantly development of industrial production , some equipments which operating condition changes frequently and complicatedly and need to optimize the PID parameter to fulfill the requirement of production quality and quantity .

  14. ICS以ICSTriplex的品牌开展业务,是过程工业关键控制和安全解决方案的全球领先供应商。

    ICS trades and does business as ICS Triplex , a leading global supplier of critical control and safety solutions to process industries .

  15. ICS在油气和其他过程工业的客户将受惠于罗克韦尔自动化广阔的产品组合和解决方案能力。

    ICS customers in oil and gas , and other process industries will benefit from the breadth of Rockwell Automation 's product portfolio and solutions capabilities .

  16. 提出PFS是适合于过程工业的一种基于过程结构分解的全过程调度逻辑。

    PFS is regarded as the acceptable scheduling logic based on the decomposition of process structure that is more suitable to process industry .

  17. 说明了PID控制器是过程工业控制中应用最广泛的控制策略,且幅值裕度和相位裕度作为频域分析时常用的性能指标,可用于衡量系统的稳定性及相对稳定性。

    PID control algorithm is widely used in industry process control . As the performance index of control system in frequency analysis , gain margins and phase margins can he used to represent the stability and relative stability of the control system .

  18. 对连续过程工业实施CIMS总体技术方案作了较为深入的探讨,并对天津市轧三制钢有限公司实施CIMS总体方案及技术路线进行了详细介绍。

    To discuss the implement of CIMS general technical project for continuous process industry , make detailed introduction of implement of CIMS general project and technical line for Tianjin No. 3 Steel Rolling Co. , Ltd.

  19. 近二十年来,ECT技术在很多方面均取得了较大进展,并在过程工业参数检测领域取得了较丰硕的成果,但达到实际应用阶段尚有许多基础研究需要进一步探讨。

    Although ECT technique has achieved great progress in the recent twenty years , and has promising applications in industrial processes , many basic researches need also to be done in the further steps .

  20. 运用过程工业模型系统(PIMS)评估企业生产经营业绩,找出企业生产经营中存在的差距。

    This paper tries to apply PIMS to evaluate enterprises ' achievements , so as to find the gap existed in the enterprises'production and management .

  21. 针对过程工业的具体特点,讨论了计算机集成过程系统CIPS的概念、特点以及应用,然后着重分析了其生产子系统CIPOS的集成目标和集成的若干关键技术:计算机辅助实时监控、故障检测及诊断;

    Based on the characteristics of process industry , the concept , characteristics and application of computer integration process system ( CIPS ) are introduced . Computer integration process operation system ( CIPOS ) is studied in detail .

  22. 过程工业中的多尺度效应及离散化单元模拟

    Multi - scale Effect and Discrete Element Simulation in Process Industries

  23. 过程工业信息化与组织模式重构

    The Informational Activities of Process Industry and Restructuring of Organizational Model

  24. 分离与纯化技术在过程工业中占有重要地位。

    Separation and purification play an important role in process industry .

  25. 基于夹点技术的过程工业废水减量模型开发

    Based on the Pinch Technology Process Industry Wastewater Minimize Model Development

  26. 微弱电容/电导检测技术在过程工业中的应用

    Applications of Weak Capacitance / Conductance Measurement Techniques in Process Industry

  27. 过程工业部门仪表型安全系统的功能安全

    Functional Safety of Safety Instrumented System for the Process Industry Sector

  28. 面向过程工业的陶瓷膜制备与应用进展

    Recent advances in process-engineering oriented preparation and application of ceramic membranes

  29. 过程工业监测系统中的交互协议设计

    The design of communication protocol of monitoring system for process industry

  30. 中药生产自动化传统过程工业绿色化的定量评价

    The quantitative evaluation index of the greenization of traditional process industry