
ɡuò shēnɡ rì
  • celebrate a birthday
过生日 [guò shēng rì]
  • [celebrate the birthday] 庆祝某人生日的活动

  1. 现在想和爸爸过生日,却不在爸爸身边。

    Now wants to celebrate a birthday with the daddy , actually not side daddy .

  2. 对我来说按农历过生日太特别了。

    It 's quite special for me to celebrate a birthday according to the lunar calendar .

  3. 他说要给妻子过生日,利用这个借口,就不去参加会议了。

    He used his wife 's birthday as a convenient excuse for not going to the meeting .

  4. 他问女儿过生日想要什么。

    He asked his daughter what she would like for her birthday

  5. 我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片。

    I took some photos with her camera on my birthday

  6. 我过生日时她寄来一张贺卡。

    She sends me a card on my birthday .

  7. 我过生日时会得到一辆自行车。

    I 'm getting a bike for my birthday

  8. “我过生日想要一辆自行车。”——“不行。”——“我就要。”

    ' I 'm getting a bike for my birthday . ' — ' You are not . ' – ' I am too . '

  9. 那姑娘过生日那天穿上了漂亮的衣服。

    The girl wore glad rags on her birthday .

  10. 他是个爱钱如命的人,妻子过生日他是不会带她出去吃饭的。

    He 's such a cheap skate ; be won 't take his wife out to dinner on her birthday .

  11. 有时人们故意显得把某个人的生日忘记了,让要过生日的人感到本人被忽视了,而实际上大家都在暗中打算惊喜聚会。

    Sometimes people seem deliberately to forget the birthday of a person , to let people feel that his birthday has been neglected , and in fact we all gathered in secret preparations for surprises .

  12. 一年多前我有能力买它,因为我让亲戚在我过生日的时候送给我钱,而不是很多不合身的衣服。

    I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn 't fit .

  13. 每个人都盼望着过生日,那时他们就可以吃他的蛋糕。

    Everyone looked forward to birthdays , when they could eat his cakes .

  14. 那天是我过生日,但所有人的注意力都在他身上。

    It was my birthday but everyone paid attention to him .

  15. 从前,有个官员过生日。

    In the past , an official celebrated1 his birthday .

  16. 你过生日想要一条琥珀项链吗?

    Would you like an amber necklace for your birthday ?

  17. 用红豆、芋头和黄油给自己过生日。

    You celebrate your birthday with taro , red bean and butter .

  18. 每个人都知道她是个真正的书呆子,所以她过生日时只得到了书。Brainstorm1头脑风暴

    Example : Everyone knows she 's a real bookworm so she only got books for her birthday .

  19. 他不想去,因为他无论如何也想不起曾见过那个过生日的男孩。

    He didn 't want to go , however , because he couldn 't recall ever meeting the birthday boy .

  20. 例句我以前总说路易丝小气,但我还真是错怪她了,我今年过生日她送了我礼物。

    I used to think that Louise was mean , but I had to eat my words when she gave me a birthday present this year .

  21. 她二十年都没好好过生日了。是的,生日是小事,但也很重要。

    She hasn 't had a proper birthday celebration in two decades . Yeah . It 's a little thing . But it mattered like hell .

  22. 我过生日的时候,她送给我一盘CD作为报复。

    For my birthday , she retaliated with a CD as well .

  23. Susan一只小鸟跟我呢喃细语。说你要过生日了。

    Susan , a little birdie told me you are having a birthday soon .

  24. 在鲍伯过生日的这个欢乐时刻,能够说句话向他表示由衷道贺,真是无比的荣幸(pleasure)。

    I consider it a great privilege to say a word of hearty congratulation to Bob on the happy occasion of his birthday .

  25. Matthew的朋友Danielle就快过生日了。

    Matthew 's friend , Danielle , has a birthday coming up .

  26. 我们假设有这样的需求,任何时候调用birthday方法,我们都应该发送一张生日贺卡给过生日的人。

    Let 's suppose we have a requirement that whenever a birthday method is called , we should send a birthday card to the person in question .

  27. Clifford非常喜欢朋友们送他的礼物,但是有自己的家人和朋友陪它一起过生日是最好的生日礼物。

    Clifford likes the presents his friends gave him , but having his family and friends with him is the best birthday present of all .

  28. 每隔一个月,思科公司(Cisco)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯都会邀请两个月内过生日的员工,参加一场由他亲自主持的非正式问答会,员工能在会上无拘无束地交流。

    Every other month , Cisco CEO John Chambers invites employees whose birthdays fall within the designated two-month period to an informal Q & A with the head honcho himself .

  29. 我昨晚独自一个人过生日,好郁闷。

    I was alone on my birthday yesterday and feeling blue .

  30. 全家人欢天喜地给爷爷过生日。

    The whole family celebrated grandpa 's birthday in high glee .