
ɡuò shī shā rén
  • manslaughter;involuntary manslaughter;negligent homicide;negligent manslaughter;negligently kill another
过失杀人 [guò shī shā rén]
  • (1) [manslaugh-ter]∶非故意或预谋的杀人

  • (2) [negligent homicide]∶由于疏忽造成的杀人

  • 他因过失杀人罪而被判刑

  1. 杰克逊的私人医生ConradMurray因涉嫌过失杀人罪在美国洛杉矶出庭受审。

    Michael Jackson 's personal physician , Conrad Murray , has gone on trial in Los Angeles , charged with involuntary manslaughter of the singer .

  2. 过失杀人罪是我们能接受的最低限度。

    Involuntary manslaughter is as low as we 're willing to go .

  3. 她因受到挑衅而过失杀人的有罪答辩被驳回。

    Her plea of guilty to manslaughter through provocation was rejected .

  4. 她被裁定过失杀人罪名成立,缓刑两年。

    She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years

  5. 那些司机必然会受到过失杀人的指控。

    Those drivers should face an automatic charge of manslaughter

  6. 她被判谋杀罪名不成立,仅以过失杀人罪判处5年监禁。

    She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter

  7. 她申诉说自己并非蓄意谋杀,而是过失杀人,法官接受了她的申诉。

    A judge accepted her plea that she was guilty of manslaughter , not murder .

  8. 基于精神失常可减轻刑事责任的理由,博兰被免除了谋杀罪,但仍然获判过失杀人。

    Borland was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility .

  9. 在迈阿密,由多种族人士组成的陪审团裁决洛扎诺犯过失杀人罪,但上诉法庭推翻了该判决。

    A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter , but an appellate court overturned the convictions .

  10. BP已经承认犯有过失杀人罪等罪名,并同意支付40亿美元的联邦刑事处罚金。

    BP has already pleaded guilty to manslaughter and other charges and agreed to pay $ 4 billion in federal criminal penalties .

  11. BP已对美国司法部提出的14项刑事指控认罪,其中11项罪名为过失杀人罪。

    The company pleaded guilty to 14 criminal charges brought by the Department of Justice , 11 of which were counts of manslaughter .

  12. 为了救王子和她自己,他必须揭出Daniels家庭不愉快的事,揭发身体与精神上的凌虐和可能过失杀人的历史。

    To save the Prince and herself she must uncover the unpleasant truths in the Daniels family , revealing a history of physical and mental abuse and possible manslaughter .

  13. 周二,奥运会及残奥会明星奥斯卡•皮斯托瑞斯(OscarPistorius)因杀害其模特女友瑞瓦•斯滕坎普(ReevaSteenkamp),被南非法官以过失杀人罪判处五年监禁。他将为此在监狱度过最多五年时间。

    A South African judge on Tuesday sentenced Oscar Pistorius , the Olympic and Paralympic star , to serve a maximum of five years in jail for the culpable homicide , or manslaughter , of his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp .

  14. 她的律师把对她的指控由谋杀罪降为过失杀人。

    Her lawyers got the charge reduced from murder to manslaughter .

  15. 他可能会被控业务过失杀人。

    They might have enough to charge him with criminal negligence .

  16. 杀人包括谋杀罪,过失杀人和杀害婴儿。

    Homicide cover the crime of murder , manslaughter and infanticide .

  17. 但判处科学家犯有过失杀人罪的决定是错误的。

    But convicting the scientists of manslaughter was the wrong decision .

  18. 她被判犯了情节较轻的过失杀人罪。

    She was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter .

  19. 他申辩自己犯有过失杀人罪而未犯谋杀罪。

    He pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter .

  20. 还会加一条过失杀人的指控。

    And we 're adding the charges of negligent homicide .

  21. 我这里有一项对你犯有过失杀人罪的指控。

    I have a charge here of criminal negligence in the death .

  22. 他被控过失杀人,但被从轻处理。

    He was charged with manslaughter , but got off .

  23. 那个男人对他的罪行供认不讳,警察以过失杀人的罪名起诉了他。

    The man confessed to his crime and was charged with manslaughter .

  24. 沙文因三级谋杀和二级过失杀人罪被捕。

    Chauvin has been arrested on third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges .

  25. 她因过失杀人被判入狱五年。

    She was sentenced to five years imprisonment for manslaughter .

  26. 他因酒驾过失杀人罪而被捕。

    He 's been arrested on suspension of intoxication manslaughter .

  27. 当局对建筑承包商提出过失杀人指控。

    Police have registered a case of culpable homicide against the builder .

  28. 他被控犯有过失杀人罪,在缴纳保释金后已获准保释。

    He was charged with manslaughter and released on bond .

  29. 后来法官放轻了过失杀人的裁定将伍德沃德释放。

    The judge later reduced the verdict to manslaughter and set Woodward free .

  30. 亨德里克斯应当接受过失杀人的审判。

    Hendricks is due to stand trial for manslaughter .