
  • 网络Improvement;Process improvement;cmm
  1. 本文介绍一个基于Web的软件过程改进框架,试图给出一个解决问题的途径。

    This paper introduces a Web Based Software Process Improvement Framework briefly , which try to solve the problem .

  2. k均值聚类分析在过程改进中的应用

    Application of k-means clustering analysis in process improvement

  3. 面向企业的广义ERP实施及过程改进方法研究

    Research on the Methodology for Enterprises-oriented Extended ERP Implementation and the Process Improvement

  4. 例如,Enterprise类别针对了如何度量性能,以及有意为项目经理及那些想了解整体过程改进的人准备的内容。

    For instance , the Enterprise category addresses how to measure performance and is intended for project managers and those interested in overall process improvement .

  5. 软件开发生命周期中的最佳实践和过程改进已经成为IBMRational的核心能力。

    Best practices and process improvement throughout the software development lifecycle has always been IBM Rational 's core competency .

  6. 基于CMM的软件过程改进的实用框架研究

    Study on Practical Frame of Software Process Improvement Based on CMM

  7. 最后讨论了基于评价的广义ERP实施过程改进的体系及方法。

    Finally , a process improvement system and methods of the extended ERP Implementation based evaluation are discussed .

  8. 基于敏捷方法和RUP的软件过程改进

    Software process improvement based on agile methods and RUP

  9. 一个基于Web的软件过程改进框架SPIF的实现

    An implementation of a web based software process improvement framework

  10. 基于CMM软件过程改进的简化框架和进度规划模型研究

    The Research on Schedule Schema Model and the Improved Simplified Framework of CMM Software Process

  11. 能力成熟度模型(Capabilitymaturitymodel,CMM)是一种基于过程改进的管理模型,强调分阶段地持续改进过程能力的思想。

    Capability Maturity Model provides is a management model based on process improvement , emphasizing the idea of improving process capability continuously according to some phases .

  12. 从软件开发表格看PSP的过程改进思想

    PSP 's Process Improvement Ideas Embodied from Software Development Tables

  13. PSP定义了较完整的个体软件过程改进的框架。

    PSP is the complete the framework of individual software process improvement .

  14. 第三,提出适合我国软件企业知识管理的策略,指导软件企业参照CMM展开知识管理活动,实现软件过程改进。

    Finally , the strategies for the knowledge management based on CMM in our software enterprises are put forward .

  15. 能力成熟度模型集成(CapabilityMaturityModelIntegration,CMMI)是在能力成熟度模型(Capabilitymaturitymodel,CMM)基础上的发展和完善,是当今软件过程改进领域的重要成果。

    Capability Maturity Model Integration ( CMMI ), which developed on the basis of Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ), is the important production in current software process improvements field .

  16. 以及实施QA活动的最佳实践,为组织实施过程改进提供了基础。

    The best practices for implementing QA activities are presented to provide an organization with a foundation for process improvement .

  17. CMM是目前国际上最具权威性的一种软件生产过程改进和软件企业软件过程能力评价标准,已经得到了国际软件产业界的认可。

    CMM is the authoritative appraisal criterion about the software production and process ability , which is accepted by the international software enterprises .

  18. 了解过程改进的战略潜能的过程指导者(U),被拒绝见到可以确实的证明这些改进的度量标准。

    The process mentor ( U ), who knows the strategic potential of process improvement , but is denied visibility into the metrics that can tangibly demonstrate these improvements .

  19. PSP强调个人的承诺和优秀是对过程改进结果有重要影响的要素。

    The PSP stresses that personal commitment and excellence are factors that have a major impact on process improvement results .

  20. 测试过程改进模型能够有效的与CMM模型相结合,在组织过程改进的同时,有效的提高测试过程的成熟度。

    The TPI model can integrate with the CMM model , so company can improve the testing process maturity in the CMM process improvement .

  21. 模型经过正交化、线性化和连续化的处理形成了基于CMM、TSP和PSP的三维软件过程改进模型。

    The new three-dimensional space is a three dimension software process improvement model based on CMM , TSP and PSP ( Tispimactp ) .

  22. CMMI融合了全面质量管理的思想,为软件企业的过程改进提供了标准。

    CMMI integration of a comprehensive quality management ideas for software process improvement provides enterprise standards .

  23. 针对我国软件企业规模的特点,对中小软件企业实施CMM软件能力成熟度模型过程改进进行研究。

    In response to the characteristic of the scale of the software enterprise , implementing and improving CMM course are examined for medium and small software enterprises .

  24. 通过研究CMM的基本理论和软件过程改进的概念及其相关理论,分析了软件过程改进的方法和要点,比较了CMM和其它几种软件过程改进方法。

    Basic theory of CMM , the conception and relatively theory of software process improvement are studied . Method and main point of software process improvement be analyzed .

  25. 这篇文章对DominiqueVauquier的文章(“业务过程改进的6个谬误”)进行了补充。

    This article complements Dominique Vauquier 's article (" The6 Fallacies of Business Process Improvement ") .

  26. CMM强调度量,利用度量数据来促进过程改进。但是CMM没有说明如何实施度量,很多软件公司的度量都处于探索阶段,不仅没有推动过程改进,很多时候反而成了过程改进的阻碍。

    Emphasizing on metric , CMM adopts metric data to accelerate the process improvement , but CMM does not define how to implement the metric , so many companies are in the phase of exploration .

  27. 在扼要论述了CMM的背景与发展现状后,描述了软件过程改进的实用框架:AA框架,并阐明AA框架对国内软件企业进行软件过程改进的意义。

    After briefly disserting the background and developmental actuality of CMM , we describe a Practical Frame of Software Process Improvement : AA frame , and illuminate the significance of AA frame for national software enterprises to improve their software process .

  28. 我将使用的方法是一个A类评估方法,它是由SEI开发的,名为过程改进的标准CMMI评估方法(SCAMPI)。

    The method I will use is a Class A appraisal method developed by the SEI called the Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement , or SCAMPI .

  29. 如果您正在考虑利用CMMI,进行过程改进项目,那么作者关于相关问题的探讨将从一开始加强您的业务案例。

    If you are just now considering a process improvement program , with the CMMI among your options , the authors'discussion of relevant issues will enhance your business case right from the start .

  30. 在实施软件过程改进部分,选择了最能表现CMM过程管理思想的需求管理、项目计划、项目跟踪和监督、软件质量保证和软件配置管理过程中的一些内容进行论述。

    Only some contents of the require management , software project planning , software project tracing and oversight , software quality assurance and software configuration management are mentioned . Those activities explain the concept of quantitative process management of CMM very well .