
  • 网络Title bar;Title BlocK;Caption;titlebar
  1. 用VB实现AutoCAD图纸标题栏数据提取

    Realization of Getting AutoCAD Title Column Data by Using VB

  2. 您可在个人网页视图中修改web部件网页标题栏。

    You cannot modify the web part page title bar when you are in personal page view .

  3. ProductName定义产品的名称,该名称将出现在标题栏。

    Product Name defines the name of the product , which will be shown in the title bar .

  4. AUTOCAD图形文件标题栏、明细栏的处理

    Title column and subsidiary column of Auto CAD graphic files

  5. 在BusinessSpaceManager中,单击某个业务空间的标题栏的空白区域。

    In the Business Space Manager , click a blank area on the title bar for a business space .

  6. AutoCAD中快速生成标题栏和明细栏的方法

    To Produce Title Column and Subsidiary Column in AutoCAD Software

  7. 所有图纸右下角应有标题栏,其格式如附录b所示。

    All drawings shall contain the title block in the lower right hand corner , the format for which is attached as Appendix B.

  8. title属性包含一个String值,这个字符串将在窗口的标题栏显示。

    The title attribute contains a String value that is shown in the window 's title bar .

  9. LotusConnections运行时会自动为每个小部件构建边框和标题栏。

    The Lotus Connections runtime automatically builds a border and title bar around each widget .

  10. 控件标题栏中的可见标题文本是由title属性设置的。

    The visible title text in a control 's title bar is set by the title property .

  11. PDM系统中图档标题栏信息自动入库技术研究

    Realization of Automatic Import of Drawing Title Block Information in PDM System

  12. 默认情况下,导航器的标题栏显示SwitchtoCalendar切换程序。

    By default , the title bar of the navigator has the Switch to Calendar switcher shown .

  13. 第三个示例是另外一个门户项目,其中各对话框的标题栏中带有一个小小的“Addtomypage”图标。

    A third example is another portal project in which each box header has a small " Add to my page " icon .

  14. 该用例更加具体:它假定用户希望更改CompanyInformation值,因此选择对应的标题栏。

    This use case is more specific in that it is assumed that the user wanted to change the Company Information values specifically and , therefore , selects the respective title bar .

  15. AutoCAD明细表和标题栏信息向PDM系统的集成

    Study on Integrating Information of Parts List and Title Block in AutoCAD into PDM System

  16. 基于UG的标题栏和明细表自动生成技术的研究

    The Study of Title Bar and Part List Autogeneration Technique Based on UG

  17. 如果您想要这个portlet组件最小化,点击这个标题栏的Minimize按钮。

    If you want the portlet minimized , click the Minimize button the title bar .

  18. 如果选中此复选框,则在web部件标题栏中自动创建一个超链接,当用户单击该链接时,将在浏览器窗口中显示工作簿。

    Select this check box to automatically create a hyperlink in the web part title bar that , when clicked by a user , displays the workbook in the browser window .

  19. 图纸标题栏与BOM表信息自动提取方法的研究

    Study on automatic information extraction method of heading table and BOM from AutoCAD drawings

  20. 在Customizeportlets对话框中的Attributes标题栏上点击并按住鼠标左键。

    Click and hold the left mouse button over the Attributes title bar in the Customize Portlets dialog .

  21. 这些CSS类定义了可折叠的标题栏的不活动、活动和悬停状态。

    These CSS classes define the non-active , active , and hover state of the collapsible title bar .

  22. 执行这个命令之后,xterm标题栏显示Hello。

    On execution of this command , the xterm title bar displays Hello .

  23. DXF文件中标题栏及明细表信息获取方法

    Method of getting information from caption table and list table in DXF files

  24. 基于CATIA的工程图图框、标题栏和明细栏快速生成技术

    The Fast Generating of Heading and Part-list Frame in Engineering Drawing Based on CATIA

  25. 将鼠标悬停在KPIs小部件上或选择其标题栏。

    Hover of the KPIs widget or select its title bar .

  26. 介绍了用Windows应用程序开发工具语言VB,实现对AutoCAD图纸标题栏数据的提取的理论方法和实际操作实现。

    This paper describes the theory method and the real active reality to get AutoCAD title column data by using Windows application development language VB .

  27. 以下小节逐步指导用户创建一个IBMCognosReportStudio模板,设置标题栏的背景色。

    The following sub section steps a user through the creation of an IBM Cognos Report Studio template which sets the background color of the title block .

  28. 在Mywidgets页面中,单击Twitter小部件标题栏右侧的向下箭头,然后单击编辑。

    On your My widgets page , click the down arrow to the right of the Twitter widget title bar , and click Edit .

  29. 例如,可以使用echo命令在xterm标题栏上显示一些基本信息。

    For example , you can print some basic information on the xterm title bar using the echo command .

  30. 基于ActiveX技术的图纸标题栏信息自动提取工程图纸标题栏信息自动提取方法的研究

    METHOD OF AUTOMATICALLY EXTRACTING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION FROM DWG FILE BASED ON ActiveX TECHNOLOGY On automatic extraction of information from heading in engineering drawings