
  • 网络data analysis system;OLAP;DAS
  1. 基于XML的联机数据分析系统

    An OnLine Data Analysis System Based on XML

  2. 基于MatLabWeb的中药滴制剂过程数据分析系统研究

    Research on Data Analysis System for Chinese Materia Medica Pilule Manufacturing Process Based on MatLab Web

  3. 而且集成后的测控数据分析系统,可以完全脱离MATLAB环境独立运行。

    The integrated applications can run independently without MATLAB .

  4. 在此基础上架构公交IC数据分析系统框架。

    The framework of bus IC data analysis system is built .

  5. 基于UML的胃肠动力数据分析系统的开发

    Development of Data Analysis System of Gastrointestinal Motility Based on UML

  6. 针对工业应用环境,用VISUALBASIC和Matlab开发出了一套数据分析系统,实现了浑浊度数据分析和实时显示。

    The data analyzing system of turbidity is designed by Visual Basic and Matlab , the function of data analysis and real-time display is implemented .

  7. 然后把重点放在阐述IPv6数据分析系统的设计上。

    Then , we put emphasis on introducing the design of this IPv6 data analyzing system .

  8. 现代企业的建立的数据分析系统按照架构不同,可以分成B/S和C/S两种模式。

    According to different implementations on the client side , enterprise analyzing and disposal systems could be divided into two kinds which are B / S and C / S.

  9. Net开发应用平台,应用软件工程的思想和方法分析、设计并实现了一个烟叶数据分析系统。

    Net as well as the thought and the method of application software engineering , a data analysis system on tobacco leaf is analyzed , designed and realized .

  10. KDD在感光材料数据分析系统中的应用研究

    The Research about KDD Technology Applied in Photosensitive Materials Data-analysis System

  11. 本文介绍了油气管道通径仪的原理,组成以及用Delphi平台开发的数据分析系统。

    This paper introduces the structure and principle of gas-oil pipeline diameter detector . The implementation about diameter analysis system of gas-oil pipeline under Delphi is expatiated .

  12. 国土资源综合分析平台是基于WebGIS的综合数据分析系统,它是为国土资源部能有效分析、预测海量地理信息而设计的数据分析平台。

    The project " Country Resources Comprehensive Data Analysis System " , which is designed for Ministry_of_Land_and_Resources_of_PRC analyzing and estimating large quantity of geographical data more reasonably , is a data analysis system based on Web GIS platform .

  13. OEE多维数据分析系统的应用研究

    Study on the Application of OEE to Multidimensional Data Analysis System

  14. 您现在了解了如何监视Hadoop集群、使用监视数据分析系统瓶颈和优化性能。

    You now know how to monitor a Hadoop cluster , analyze the system bottleneck using the monitoring data , and tune the performance .

  15. 利用通用接口总线(GPIB)技术可以实现微机控制的测量和数据分析系统。

    Microcomputer-controlled measurement and automatic data analysis systems can be realized efficiently by using the General Purpose Interface Bus ( GPIB ) technique .

  16. 本文介绍利用GPIB接口组建的用于电气化铁路传导性干扰测试的数据分析系统。

    This paper presents a data acquisition and analysis system of GPIB mode used for the investigation of conductive interference of electrical railway .

  17. 采用KD&RTI系列仿真开发工具构建了基于HLA的卫星过境数据分析系统,并实现了该系统在局域网环境下的仿真功能。

    2 , By using a tool named KD-RTI , it constructed this simulation system based on HLA , and realized the simulating function of the system in the condition of local net ;

  18. 本文所介绍的多维联机数据分析系统XOLDAS是一个通用的OLAP系统开发平台。

    Extensible On-Line Data Analysis System ( XOLDAS ), presented in this dissertation , is a general-purpose OLAP platform .

  19. 发动机可靠性数据分析系统设计与研究

    Research and Development of Reliability Data Analysis System for the Engine

  20. 油气管道通径仪数据分析系统

    Diameter analysis system of gas-oil pipeline Path Coefficient and Its Application

  21. 模糊评价在环境数据分析系统中的应用

    The application of fuzzy evaluation to the environmental data analytical system

  22. 全二维气相色谱数据分析系统

    A data processing system for comprehensive two - dimensional gas chromatography

  23. 电子式互感器数据分析系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of a Data Analyzing System of Electronic Transformers

  24. 机车车辆动应力测试数据分析系统的研究

    Research on the data analysis system of vehicle dynamic stress measurement

  25. 接着开始着力讲解数据分析系统。

    Then , it focus on the data analysis system .

  26. 工作面支架压力监测与数据分析系统

    The Monitoring and Data Analyzing Syatem of Supporter Pressure on Working Face

  27. 建立适用于远程勘探的物探数据分析系统

    The establishment of a geophysical data analytical system suitable for longrange exploration

  28. 离体皮肤氧耗量测定与微机数据分析系统

    Measurement of oxygen consumption in split-thickness skin and the computer analysis of data

  29. 传导性干扰数据分析系统

    A Data Analysis System for Investigation of Conductive Interference

  30. 凸轮测量数据分析系统的研究

    Research on Analysis System of data Measured from Cam