
  • 网络standard white;Normally White
  1. 用MINOLTACR-321型测色仪在标准白背景下测色,记录数值,进行比较、分析。

    The composite color was measured with MINOLTA CR-321 colorimeter under standard white background , data were recorded and analyzed .

  2. 彩电标准白场快速建立方法及计量仪器的研究

    Study on the Way of Quickly Setting up the Standard White Field of TV

  3. 用标准白细胞计数法和MTT法检测细胞增殖;

    Cell proliferation was examined with standard cytometry and MTT .

  4. 针对此问题,对影响黑白CCD平场的因素进行了分析,并提出了一种通过获取暗本底图像数组及标准白图像数组对图像进行校正的方法。

    To solve this problem , influence factors of flat-field were analyzed , and a method of image correction was presented .

  5. 考核彩电和彩显的颜色复现能力,主要是考核其复现的白场颜色与标准白场颜色的色偏差。

    The color rendition is deeply related with the standard white field rendering by itself .

  6. 标准白场同时也是校准各类彩色分析仪和白平衡仪的标准。

    The color rendition is checked by the color deviation between the rendered white field and the standard white field .

  7. 产生标准高斯白噪声序列的方法

    A method for generating standard Gaussian white noise sequences

  8. 然而,在已有的商业软件包中难以找到确实能产生标准高斯白噪声序列的程序段。

    However , it is hardly to find such a piece of program in known commercial software packages really suitable to generate standard Gaussian white noise sequences .

  9. 结论:制订产品水分含量标准<2%,白砂糖含量标准>85%。

    Conclusion : Make out the standard : content of water < 2 % , content of sugar > 85 % .

  10. 采用纯漂工艺漂白的布匹,产品质量全面达到并超出了现有国家标准,不仅白度高,而且强力也高。

    The cloth bleached by that means is not only high in whiteness but also high in strength , and therefore its whole quality has paralleled or even beyond the existing national quality standard .

  11. 在北京故宫附近或在上海的南京路上,中国人通常以这种标准的开场白和老外搭讪。

    It 's a familiar phrase near the Forbidden City in Beijing , or along the Nanjing Road in Shanghai , as Chinese people try a standard opening gambit to spark up a conversation with a foreigner .

  12. 在此最佳工艺条件下,经漂白后橡实淀粉的白度均超过标准玉米淀粉的白度。

    On these conditions , the whiteness values of bleached acorn starch are better than that of corn starch .

  13. 新修订的《透明皂》标准,通过在白度计上测定透明度,实现了透明度的定量测定。

    In the new standard of transparent soaps , the trans ˉ parency can be determined quantify by white degree meter .

  14. 在三种不同小波基下讨论了标准周期信号与白噪声信号;讨论了标准周期信号与白噪声信号的加性叠加信号;

    We discussed the standard period signal and white noise signal under three kinds of wavelet bases , and discussed the synthesized signal of the standard period signal add with white noise signal ;

  15. 中村清淡却又恰到好处的洋蓟炖菜,配上标准浓度的洋蓟白汁和一只肥美的水煮牡蛎,会让所有人震惊,除了那些害怕味道协调、口感丰富的人。

    His lean and precise artichoke barigoule , rounded out with a classically thick artichoke velout é and a fat poached oyster , won 't scare anybody except those who fear harmonious flavors and luxurious textures .

  16. 对黑白钨矿、萤石、石榴石的选矿工艺研究分别获得质量符合GB2851-81一级Ⅰ类品标准的黑、白钨精矿;

    Based on study of the mineral processing technology of wolframite , scheelite , fluorite and garnet , the wolframite concentrate and scheelite concentrate which are up to technical standard of GB 2851-81 for Grade one can respectively achieved .

  17. 在流域内实施合理的污染物总量控制方案,可以消除浓度排放标准与水环境质量标准之『白J脱节和矛盾的现象。

    Pollution total control scenario is rational performed that it may avoid the phenomena of disjoint and conflict between the concentration discharge target and water environment quality objective .