
  • Standard time signal;【航天】time reference signal
  1. 利用外部1pps或者解调lpps进行时间同步,产生标准时间信号;

    Generate standard time signal with the time synchronization to extern Ipps signal or demodulated Ipps signal ;

  2. 利用光纤数字同步传送网2.048Mbit/s支路传送高精度标准时间信号

    Transferring High Accuracy Standard Time Signal by SDH 2.048 Mbit / s Branch

  3. 论文提出了一个以远距离传输的标准时间信号为参考来锁定本地晶体振荡器的锁相控制系统的实现方案。

    In this paper , a solution of a control system , which uses the standard time signal as the system reference to lock the local VCXO , is proposed .

  4. 在航天航空领域中,许多测试设备和通信系统都需要统一的时间基准,计算机在其中的作用越来越重要,目前能够为计算机提供标准时间信号的设备还不多。

    Many communication systems and testing equipment need uniform time in the field of spaceflight and aviation . The action of computer in these fields is more and more important .

  5. 在同准确度情况下对各种标准时间信号进行的量值比较(即时频比对)也一直是科学研究中的重点。

    The value comparison among various standard time signal in the same accuracy circumstances , which is also named the comparison of time-frequency , has also been the focus of scientific research .

  6. 原子钟相频跳变是制约标准时间信号准确度和稳定度的关键因素之一,它的分析和检测在守时系统自动化监控中非常重要。

    Phase frequency skip of atomic clock is one of an important factor to restrict accuracy and stability of standard time signal , so its analysis and detection is very important in time keeping work .

  7. 授时接收机是实现整个授时系统功能和性能的终端设备,其主要作用是接收授时台站发播的标准时频信息,来实现本地时间信号与标准时间信号UTC(NTSC)的同步。

    Timing receiver is the terminal device which is to achieve the timing system functionality and performance , and has the main function of receiving standard time and frequency information from time ? dissemination station to synchronize local time signal and standard time signal – UTC ( NTSC ) .

  8. 守时系统在产生和保持我国授时时间标准UTC(NTSC)的同时,还要产生大量物理的标准频率用户信号和标准时间用户信号,为各类应用提供时间频率参考。

    Besides generating and maintaining the time standard UTC ( NTSC ), the time-keeping system generates a large number of physical users ' signals , including the standard frequency signals and the standard pulse signals , which are the time and frequency references for many applications .