
  • 网络Operation Management;operational management
  1. MBA生产运作管理课程建设与教学方法研究

    Course Construction and Teaching Method of Operations Management for MBA

  2. 生产运作管理课程教学的问题与改进

    Problems and Improvements in the Teaching of Production and Operations Management

  3. 现代企业生产运作管理方法的选择&JIT、MRPⅡ、ERP的选择

    Choices of Methods of Manufacture Operation for Modern Enterprise & Choices From JIT 、 MRPII 、 ERP

  4. 纽约高线公园(TheHighLine)是研究美国当前景观规划发展的重要案例,作为非传统意义上的公园,纽约高线公园本身具有很多特点,包括其规划设计、理论基础、运作管理等方面。

    The High Line is considered as a significant case for studying the contemporary landscape planning of the United States . As a non-traditional park , The High Line has a wide range of traits , including planning design , theoretical basis and operational management .

  5. 笔者于2006年1月-4月在3A家具厂进行调研,目前该厂的生产运作管理能力限制了企业进一步的发展,进行生产运作系统的重组和改造是企业长期发展战略的一个重要组成部分。

    The author estimated the Three-A Furniture Company in February – May of 2006 that the production operation management of the company limits its development .

  6. XX所的运作管理一直以来都是以研制为主的管理,其管理体系建立在以研制为主的型号单件研制管理基础之上。

    The operation management of XX has always been to develop based on research management , the management system is set up to a management model based on a single piece .

  7. 41岁的乔•拉波索是游戏《星佳城市》(CityVille)的质检主管,这款游戏由社交游戏公司Zynga开发,玩家可在游戏中运作管理一座虚拟城市。

    Joe raposo , 41 , works for Zynga as the quality assurance lead on the game cityville , which lets players run and develop a virtual metropolis .

  8. 云制造模式下大型装备成套服务(LECS)运作管理问题与传统制造模式相比,具有复杂性、分布性、目标性、网络性、动态性和不确定性等特征。

    Operation management of large equipment complete services ( LECS ) in cloud manufacturing has complexity , distributivity , target , network , dynamic , and uncertainty , compared with the traditional manufacturing model .

  9. 建议投资者应该减小或者降低这两只ETF的投资,并且建议基金经理加强对华夏上证50ETF和华夏中小板ETF的运作管理。

    We advise investors to reduce the investment of SSE-50 and SME Board ETF and also suggest the fund manager to strengthen the management and operation of the two ETFs . 2 .

  10. 针对这些问题,作者使用生产与运作管理理论、大规模定制理论及产品生命周期管理理论,结合ACRE公司的实际情况,制定了ACRE公司设计运作管理改进方案。

    To these question , the author uses the production operation theory , mass customization theory and product life cycle management theory , and combines the actual conditions of ACRE Company , and makes the improving scheme of ACRE Company design .

  11. 本文第四章运用博弈论的夏普利值和Owen值作为分析工具,提出了产业技术创新平台运作管理中的收益,成本以及管理权力的分摊方法。

    Chapter IV of this article based on the Game Theory , uses the tools of Shapley Value and Owen Value , gives the methods of apportionment of the profits , cost and the allocation of the management authority under the operation of the industry technology innovation platform .

  12. 主要研究方向:生产运作管理和物流管理。

    Major Research Fields : Production operation management and logistics management .

  13. 国内外现代远程教育运作管理研究述评

    Overview of Domestic and Foreign Study Of Modern Distance Education Management

  14. 第三方物流企业的库存运作管理研究

    Research on the inventory operation management of the third logistics enterprise

  15. 利用需求分析三阶段实施中小型企业电子商务项目运作管理

    Three Stages in Demand Analysis for SME 's E-Business Project Management

  16. 目的探讨麻醉复苏护士的设置使用方法、效果和麻醉恢复室的运作管理。

    Objective To study the usage of PACU nurse and PACU management .

  17. 生产与运作管理之独立需求的库存控制

    Inventory Control of Independent Demand in Production and Operation Management

  18. 区域饭店联盟的决策与运作管理研究

    On the Decision-making and Operation Management of Regional Hotel Alliance

  19. 厦航配餐部生产运作管理系统研究

    Research of Production and Operation Management System of Xiamen Airlines Catering Department

  20. 我国开放式基金发展与运作管理模式的探析

    The Research on the Development and Operating Management of Our Open-end Fund

  21. 虚拟产业群运作管理:一个案例研究

    Operation Management of Virtual Industry Cluster : A Case Study

  22. 我院《生产与运作管理》课程教学方法改革探讨

    Study on Reform of the Teaching Method of Production & Operation Management

  23. 企业服务运作管理预警系统的建立

    Construction of a Forewarning System on Enterprise Service Operation Management

  24. 企业工程项目的前期研究与运作管理

    The Prior Period Study of Enterprise Construction Project and Its Operating Management

  25. 新形势下植物油厂生产运作管理初探

    Simple Discussion about the Operations Management of Vegetable oil plant in New Position

  26. 网上商场的设计构思及其运作管理要素分析

    Analysis of the Design on the E-Shop and the Management of its Operation

  27. 现代企业敏捷运作管理模式的探讨

    Exploration for Agile Operational Model of Modern Enterprise Managment

  28. 《案例》:约克广州空调冷冻设备有限公司&竞争性的运作管理和企业发展

    York Guangzhou Air Conditioning Refrigeration Co. , Ltd Competitive Operation Management Enterprise Development

  29. 虚拟软件企业运作管理研究

    Study on the Operation Management of Virtual Software Corporations

  30. 离散型企业生产运作管理系统的实施

    Implementation of Manufacture Operation Management System in Discrete Enterprise