
  • 网络Military Procurement
  1. 军事采购的方式与程序

    Briefly on the way and procedure of military procurement

  2. 对军事采购实施有效监督探讨

    A study of the supervision of military procurement

  3. 10月1号,美国暂停了拟议中的一项1991年度总计5.74亿美元的一揽子援助方案,这其中有2.5亿美元是用于军事采购的。

    On 1 October the US suspended a proposed $ 574 million aid package for 1991 . Of this amount , $ 250 million is for military purchases .

  4. 2009年报道过一则网络入侵,那次黑客侵入了商洛克希德马丁公司载有超过3800亿美元F35战斗机项目数据的电脑,这是五角大楼最大手笔的军事采购。

    Cyber intruders were reported in2009 to have broken into computers holding data on Lockheed 's projected $ 380 billion-plus F-35 fighter program , the Pentagon 's costliest arms purchase .

  5. 我国加入世贸组织后军事采购制度改革问题研究

    Research on Military Purchase System Reform after Our Country Entering into WTO

  6. 军事采购立法基本问题研究


  7. 论军事采购合同的法律适用

    The law application of military acquisition contract

  8. 他努力裁减公务人员并要在军事采购中避免非法超支。

    He is assiduously shedding civil servants and wants to fix the procurement process to avoid exorbitant cost overruns .

  9. 军事采购过度集中于研制愈来昂贵的军舰和飞机,这些舰艇和飞机设计复杂,配备了内置的应对特殊威胁的功能。

    Military procurement is too focused on building ever-costlier new ships and aircraft of complex design , with built-in capabilities to meet specific threats .

  10. 第二章介绍了军事采购相关理论,以及现代军事采购市场资源配置的建议和军队现代后勤战略的构想。

    Chapter II describes the related military purchase theories , as well as the suggestion of resource allocation in modern military purchase market and the imagination of modern military logistics strategy .

  11. 军事采购合同法律性质定位问题,是关系到整个军事采购法律制度体系的构建和基本法律规则适用的基础性问题,可以说一定程度上决定了军事采购制度建设的方向。

    The legal character of military procurement contract relates to the structure and application of principle of legality of the whole military procurement legal system and has a crucial effect on the construction of military procurement system .

  12. 格林纳特上将表示,冷战后期设计的“奢华轿车型”平台(目前仍占据着大量的军事采购份额)不能很好地顺应军事安全和军事科技的变迁。

    The " luxury-car " platforms designed in the last days of the Cold War ( and which still dominate much military procurement ) have not adapted well to changes in security and technology , he says .

  13. 一是论述了军事采购合同中军事采购机关一方的军事优益权及其体现,主要包括供应商资格审查权、格式合同条款制定权、合同成立审批权、合同履行的监督控制权等。

    First , it discusses the military privilege in military procurement contract , including the right of qualification examination on supplier , the right of making standard contract clauses , the authority approve the contract and the authority to supervise contract performance and so on .

  14. 基于竞争性谈判的军事装备采购机制和方法研究

    A Study on the Mechanism and Method of Military Equipment Procurement Based on Competitive Negotiation

  15. 印度政府正在进行一系列军事硬件采购,包括组建一支价值高达200亿美元的新式多用途喷气式战斗机部队。

    New Delhi is making a range of military hardware purchases , including a new multi-role jet fighter strike force worth as much as $ 20bn .

  16. 军事机关采购的主要任务在于以经济有效的方式,整体考虑质量、时效与价格等因素,如期获得各种装备、物资,支持军队各项军事斗争准备工作需要。

    The main mission of military stocking is with effective fashion , considering quality whole , the complication of time and price , acquiring equipments and material to sustain the needs of the army for warfare provision .

  17. 军事装备招标采购的障碍与对策

    Public bidding of military equipment : obstacles and Countermeasures

  18. 有效应用科学适用的评标方法是确保军事计量设备招标采购成功的关键。运用了模糊集合理论和方法;

    It is vital to effectively apply science and applicable method of judgment about tendering in order to insure the success for military metrology equipment bidding .