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jūn mín
  • military and civilian;the army and the people;soldiers and civilians
军民 [jūn mín]
  • [the army and the people] 军人和平民

军民[jūn mín]
  1. 军民关系亲如鱼水。

    The army and the people are as inseparable as fish and water .

  2. 军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌?

    If the army and the people are united as one , who in the world can match them ?

  3. 军民一条心。

    Our fighters and people are of one mind .

  4. 广大军民同心同德,坚决打败入侵者。

    The broad masses of people and armymen fought staunchly with one heart and one mind to defeat the aggressors .

  5. 军民肩并肩地进行抗洪。

    The soldiers and villagers fought against the flood shoulder to shoulder .

  6. 军民鱼水情。

    The army and the people are as close as fish are to water .

  7. 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。

    We also defeated severe flooding . With the military and civilians20 heedless of danger and difficulty , and standing21 in unity6 , we managed to minimize the damage of the floods .

  8. 联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)的多项决议也明令禁止向伊朗出口军民两用商品。

    Dual-use goods are also specifically prohibited for export to Iran by a long line of UN Security Council resolutions .

  9. 在国家军转民的政策指引下,C研究院曾经实施了军民民品划分、分离的体制变革。

    In the national policy under the guidance of the conversion , C Research Institute have implemented the reform of separation and division , the .

  10. 纳米TiO2复合材料的制备、复合途径对TiO2性能的影响及其在军民领域中的应用是当前研究的热点之一。

    The effect of the method and preparation of nanometer TiO2 composite materials on their quality and their application is the studied focus in recent years .

  11. GPS军民两用,市场规模大,但由于是军方控制,对用户的安全使用具有潜在威胁。

    With large market scale , GPS is for both military and civil use , but because it is controlled by the army , it has a potential threaten to customer 's safe use .

  12. 具体分析了影响X航天设计院军民两用技术产业化的因素,主要有:科技成果的适产业性、科技成果转让方利益、合作单位需求、科技成果价格、外部宏观环境以及中介组织推进速度等。

    These factors are the fitness of industrialization of tech achievement , the benefit of tech achievement transfer , the requirement of partners , the price for tech achievement , market environment and media organizations ' action .

  13. 实际运作表明,通过加强X航天设计院军民两用技术产业化管理,提高了X航天设计院的整体运行效率,增强了X航天设计院在市场上的竞争能力。

    In general speaking , the industrialization of military service tech and civil service tech in X Aerospace Institute could improve managing efficiency of X Aerospace Institute ; let X Aerospace Institute be more competitive in the market .

  14. 作为一个出色的军民两用技术,GPS全球定位系统近年来获得了飞速的发展,文章介绍了当前军事和民用GPS应用产品的技术发展状况和趋势及国内外GPS市场的情况。

    Global Positioning System , as an excellent dual-use technology , has been developed rapidly in recent years . The development situation and tendency of GPS application products in military and commercial market is described in this paper .

  15. 简要述评用于有源阵列雷达微波单片集成电路T/R组件近两年来的进展,介绍由这些组件构成的反火炮雷达天线,并展望组件在军民两方面的应用前景。

    This paper briefly reviews advance of MMIC T / R modules for active phase array radar applications in recent years , presents COBRA antenna and its T / R module , and describes prospect of T / R module in civil and military applications .

  16. 在此过程中,ZW院研究和开发出众多军民两用和民用高新技术产品,建立了一批技术含量较高的高新技术企业,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    During the process , ZW academe has studied and explored many hi-tech products for both military and civil use , set up some enterprises with hi-tech content , and acquired fairly good economic and social benefit .

  17. SISC研究所发展战略的研究,对保证SISC研究所军民品持续、稳定、健康的发展,促进国防及国民经济效益均有重要的现实意义。

    Study on SISC development strategy is of important operation significance to ensuring the continuing , healthy and stable development of SISC military products as well as to promoting national defence and national economy benefit .

  18. 然而随着新一代军民应用需求的不断提高,各国不断提出并应用了新特性卫星导航信号,例如BOC调制、TDDM调制等机制的信号。

    However , with the continuous demand improvement of new generation military and civilian applications , various countries propose and apply the new characteristic satellite navigation signal unceasingly , such as the BOC modulation , TDDM modulation mechanism signal , and so on .

  19. 小型无人机(MUAV),因其在军事、救援、航拍及遥感等诸多军民领域巨大的潜在应用价值,已兴起为一个热门的研究领域。

    Micro unmanned aerial vehicle ( MUAV ), has been a hot point in the area of automatic control in recent years , thanks to its potential applications in multiple areas , such as military , rescue , aerial photography , and remote sensing .

  20. 军民两用技术市场化运行机理及开拓模式研究

    Research on operational mechanisms and developing pattern of dual-use technological mercerization

  21. 军民区域协同医疗服务系统的研究与应用

    Research and application of regional collaborative medical service system for civil-military

  22. 军民矛盾这是老问题了

    Civilians versus the military it 's an age old question .

  23. 塔希提岛本地人或居民。军民共守前哨岛屿。

    The army and the people guard the island outpost together .

  24. 这是当时中国军民授予他们的锦旗。

    This is the silk banners awarded by the Chinese people .

  25. 军工企业实行军民一体化模式的因素关系分析

    Research on Factor Relation of Civil-Military Integration Mode in Military Enterprise

  26. 非常规突发事件中军民一体的指挥体系研究

    A Research on the Integrated Military-Civil Command System in Emergency

  27. 绵阳科技城军民结合创新体系建设研究

    Study on Construction of Military-civil Combined Innovation System of Mianyang Sci-tech City

  28. 军民兼容物流体系建设研究

    Construction of military and civilian integration material flow system

  29. 军民技术共享是实现军民结合发展最主要的手段和内容。

    Technology sharing is the main measure and core content of military-civilian integration .

  30. 战争中不少军民丧命。

    Civilians and soldiers were killed during the war .