
  1. 军售禁令还使得日本承包商无法参与日益普遍的先进武器系统跨境合作开发项目,比如美国与其它8个国家合作开发的f-35联合攻击战斗机。

    The curbs also prevented Japanese contractors from taking part in the cross-border projects that are increasingly common for advanced weapons systems such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , which was developed by the US in partnership with eight other nations .

  2. 欧盟解除对华军售禁令前景

    Prospects for EU 's lifting the Ban of Arms Sales to China

  3. 欧盟对华军售禁令有其历史背景。

    The historical background for theban deserves to be examined .

  4. 欧盟预期将在4月23日解除对投资的限制,同时维持军售禁令。

    The European Union is expected on April 23 to lift restrictions on investment , while keeping an arms embargo .

  5. 欧盟自2003年起考虑解除对华军售禁令,其主要推动力来自于法国和德国。

    The European Union began to consider lifting its arms embargo against China in 2003 , which was mainly promoted by France and Germany .

  6. 对欧盟当断不断,迟迟不能解除对华军售禁令和给予中国市场经济地位非常失望。

    Some are disappointed by the EU 's indecision and procrastination in lifting the arms embargo and granting full market economy status to China .

  7. 持续数十年的军售禁令迫使日本制造商始终在一种孤立的环境下生产军事装备。它们还面临一种经济上的严苛环境——日本军方是它们的唯一客户。

    The decades-long embargo has forced Japanese manufacturers to produce their military hardware in isolation and with the tough economics of having their own military as sole customer .

  8. 希望三国在推动欧盟承认中国完全市场经济地位,以期在解除对华军售禁令问题上继续发挥积极作用。

    China hopes that the three countries could continue to play an active role in urging EU to recognize China 's full market economy status and lift arms embargo on China .

  9. 军售禁令,即一国或多国集团禁止其内部向他国出售军事物资及相关技术的规定,它是武器禁运的具体表现形式。

    An arms ban is a prescript imposed by one or more States to forbid arms sales from its internal to other countries . It is an idiographic embodiment of arms embargo .

  10. 他们还不明白,既然中欧已是全面战略伙伴,为什么还要继续维持歧视性的对华军售禁令?

    They do not understand , why does the EU continue to maintain discriminatory arms embargo against China , when China and the EU are already comprehensive strategic partners for such a long time ?

  11. 然而,即便是依照它自己的处世之道,中国不支持对伊实施更严厉的制裁(包括军售禁令和针对伊朗能源产业的有效措施)也是错误的选择。

    Yet , even by its own lights , China is making a mistake by not supporting much tougher sanctions on Iran including an arms embargo and effective measures against the Iranian energy industry .