
jūn lìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • military pledge ;promise to get a job done, and accept severe penalties if unsuccessful
军令状 [jūn lìng zhuàng]
  • [written pledge to dosth,the failing of which would subject one to military punishment] 原为戏曲和旧小说中所说接受军令后写的保证书,表示如不能完成任务,愿依军法受惩。现泛指接受某项重大任务后写的保证书

  1. 他们有一个军令状,奖赏他们的邪恶行动,其中包括黄橙黑颜色的撒旦符号。

    They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions , which include Satanism , and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors .