
  1. 虚拟现实技术在军事职业教育实践教学中的应用

    Application of VR Technique in the Teaching Practice of Military Professional Education

  2. 对专业技术人员进行攻击不同目标的训练,传统的方法是靠实装进行,不仅技术含量低,同时也给院校军事职业教育的新装备的实践教学带来困难。

    When specialized technicians are trained to attack different targets , traditional methods depend on practical loading . Such methods not only have low technical content , but also bring many difficulties to the teaching practice of military professional education .

  3. 对加强军事后勤职业教育的思考

    Enhancing the professional education of Military Logistics

  4. 武警院校教育属于以高等教育为基础的军事专业教育和职业教育。

    The armed police college education belongs to higher education with the base of military profession education and occupation education .

  5. 《条例》围绕培养德才兼备的高素质、专业化新型军事人才,对于推动军事职业教育建设发展、构建新型军事人才培养体系,具有重要意义。

    Focusing on training new types of high-caliber and professional military personnel with both integrity and ability , the regulations are of great significance for promoting the development of military professional education and fostering a new system for training military personnel .