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  • barbarian;savage;yahoo
  1. 我们的数学老师是个坏蛋,一个彻头彻尾的野蛮人。

    Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian

  2. kkr早期大胆收购了许多大企业,且成功率很高,其名称因而变成了进取型“野蛮人”策略的代名词。

    In its early days KKR made repeated , audacious and often successful bids for so many big companies that its name became synonymous with aggressive " barbarian " tactics .

  3. 这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

    The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature .

  4. 罗马帝国被日耳曼的野蛮人推翻了。

    The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians .

  5. 他们教化那些野蛮人。

    They civilized the savages .

  6. 那是一个野蛮人居住的岛屿。

    That 's an island inhabited by savages .

  7. 凌晨02:56,在莫斯科最主要的金属音乐俱乐部“Relax”中,“野蛮人之夜”的着装法则是黑色和稍有些毛骨悚然的奇装异服。

    A.M.Black and slightly creepy is the dress code for " goth night " at Relax , a mainstay of Moscow 's metal music scene .

  8. 《等待野蛮人》是南非作家J·M·库切首部为自己赢得国际声誉的寓言式作品。

    Waiting for the Barbarians is an allegorical work written by John Maxwell Coetzee from south Africa , which wins the international reputation for the author .

  9. 野蛮人视保护MountArreat和里面神秘物品为他们誓死的职责。

    The barbarians consider it their sworn duty to protect Mount Arreat and the mysterious object within .

  10. 当时,博尔曼和斯通几乎不再有联系,拍摄布莱克•莱夫利(BlakeLively)主演的沙滩惊悚片《野蛮人》(Savages)时,两人发生了争吵。

    At the time , Stone and Borman were barely speaking after a falling -- out during the making of Savages , a beachy Blake Lively thriller .

  11. 权力的写作&解读J.M.库切的《等待野蛮人》

    A Writing of Power-A Reading of J.M. Coetzee s Waiting for the Barbarians ;

  12. 尽管kkr多年来引来了许多模仿者,但它本身的企业文化令我吃惊,它的形象更像“门口的野蛮人”,而不是精英资本家。

    While KKR has spawned many imitators over the years , its own corporate culture has struck me as less hard core capitalist than its barbarians at the gate image .

  13. 顺便说一句,Cimmerian是野蛮人柯南的绰号。

    Cimmerian , by the way , is yet another moniker Conan the Barbarian is known by .

  14. 国王Liwang(河878-7年)领导的军队14日对野蛮人在南方,但未能取得任何胜利。

    King Liwang ( r.878 – 7 BC ) led14 armies against barbarians in the south but failed to achieve any victory .

  15. 在1993年的电影《门口的野蛮人》(BarbariansattheGate)中,詹姆斯•加纳饰演烟草与食品巨头RJRNabisco公司CEO罗斯•约翰逊。该公司经历了当时规模最大的一次杠杆收购。

    In the 1993 film " Barbarians at the Gate , " James Garner played F. Ross Johnson , the CEO of the tobacco and food giant RJR Nabisco , which underwent one of the biggest leveraged buyouts at the time .

  16. 她15岁美丽的女儿Nisa和她的朋友Kayla被一群凶恶的野蛮人即MS-13黑帮组织残忍杀害。

    whose beautiful 15 year old daughter , Nisa , along with her friend Kayla , was brutally murdered by a gang of vile savages known as MS-13 .

  17. 而我们还曾厚颜无耻地称塔利班为野蛮人。

    And we had the cheek to call the Taliban vandals .

  18. 野蛮人的解决办法是假定有邪魔恶怪。

    The Savage solves it by the supposition of evil Spirits .

  19. 和那些野蛮人一起生活过之后,我能想象得到。

    After living with those savages , I can only imagine .

  20. 这些野蛮人通常是友善,谦恭和好客的。

    These savages were usually friendly , courteous , and hospitable .

  21. 我以前曾像吝啬的野蛮人那样生活过。

    I had previously lived the life of a miserly savage .

  22. 周末有野蛮人闯进了进来。

    Some , uh , vandals broke in over the weekend .

  23. 你就会成为一个会使用机器的野蛮人。

    You are on your way to being the mechanized savage .

  24. 因为他们也将如野蛮人野蛮人沟通。

    Because they will be also barbarians if communicate with barbarians .

  25. 两名强大的野蛮人冒险者去进行一项伟大的任务。

    64 two mighty barbarian adventurers leave on a great quest .

  26. 他还知道我就是那个野蛮人暴君吗?

    Did he know that I had been the Barbarian Tyrant ?

  27. 为刺客的狂怒和野蛮人的旋风增加了新的动画效果。

    Added a graphic effect to the fury and whirlwind skills .

  28. 没有哭过的年轻人是野蛮人。

    The young man who has not wept is a savage .

  29. 他把他们当作需要驯服和教化的野蛮人对待。

    He treated them as savages to be tamed and civilised .

  30. 哪个野蛮人不会跳舞。我刚学会跳这种新舞步。

    I 've just learned how to dance this new step .