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  1. 他的住处离城有三刻钟的路程,远离一切村落,远离一切道路,不知是在哪个荒山野谷、人迹不到的角落里。

    He dwelt at a distance of three-quarters of an hour from the city , far from any hamlet , far from any road , in some hidden turn of a very wild valley , no one knew exactly where .

  2. 西双版纳野象谷旅游动机和形象认知的因子分析

    Factor Analysis of Travel Motivations and Image Perceptions for Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley

  3. 野象谷是一个于1996年对外开放的热带雨林森林公园,占地面积达到了370公顷。

    The Wild Elephant Valley is a tropical rain forest park that opened in 1996 , with a total area of 370 hectares .

  4. 对版纳植物园“是增长科学知识的地方”的认可度最高,而野象谷的公众对此认可度最低。

    Furthermore , for the statement " It is a place for improving scientific knowledge " received the highest support at XTBG and the least support at WEVP .

  5. 根据当地警方表示,这只野象名叫“竹笋牙”,周五下午离开了位于西双版纳傣族自治州的野象谷景区,走到了213国道的某路段。

    The animal , named Zhusunya , left the Wild Elephant Valley Scenic Area in the province 's Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture on Friday afternoon and walked onto a section of the G213 National Highway , according to local police .