
yě xīn jiā
  • careerist;schemer;ambitious schemer;adventurist;ambitionist
野心家 [yě xīn jiā]
  • [careerist;schemer;ambitionist] 追求地位的人

野心家[yě xīn jiā]
  1. 什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。

    Nothing could sate the careerist 's greed for power .

  2. 个人利欲支配着这个资产阶级野心家的行动。流动扶轮复康专科及资源中心

    Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on . Rotary Rehabaid Mobile Centre

  3. 野心家在那儿争权夺利,他们不会随之起舞。

    They don 't scramble against careerists for interest and power .

  4. 现在落在国际野心家的手上。

    It 's now on the hands of an international adventurist .

  5. 而另一方面,官僚主义者、野心家和热衷于控制的狂人则应当担忧。

    Bureaucrats , careerists and control-freaks , on the other hand , should be worried .

  6. 修行完备的人也用兵打仗。可是他与一般谋略家、野心家不同。

    A man of perfect practice also resorts to arms but he is different from the politician .

  7. 是野心家,还是悲剧英雄?&《红与黑》中于连人物形象分析

    A careerist or a tragic hero ? & About Julien image in " the red and the black "

  8. 过去30年,英国议会的意识形态色彩不再那么浓厚,集团意识有所增强,政治野心家也更多了。

    Over the past 30 years , parliament has become less ideological , more tribally loyalist and more careerist .

  9. 莎士比亚四大悲剧之一《麦克白》描述了一个野心家的毁灭。

    Macbeth , one of Shakespeare 's four tragedies , depicts the moral falling process of an ambitious nobleman .

  10. 看见他施舍他的钱,又说他是“野心家”

    When they saw him scattering his money about , they said ," he is an ambitious man . "

  11. 在你孩子还没开始走路前就回去工作,你正冒险使自己看上去像个冷酷的野心家。

    Return to work before your baby has started to walk and you risk being seen as a ruthless careerist .

  12. 可在未来野心家眼里,迫使美国应付支离破碎的初选机制,只会给自己带来好处。

    But it will be a boon to future aspirants if it forces America to deal with its broken primary system .

  13. 然而它背后的这位孤僻的创始人却被周围的人描绘成了一位野心家。

    The man behind it is a private man but is described by those around him as a man with a big heart .

  14. 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫里哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。

    But Chinese misers prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac .

  15. 胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方个人利欲支配着这个资产阶级野心家的行动。

    Courage should be great and the mind clear , knowledge should be general and conduct irreproachable Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on .

  16. 许多野心家、临近的强国等,都无时无刻不在想着夺取您的位子,您当然不会有安全感了!

    Many career men and the big powers around your country are ready to usurp your position at any time . Therefore , you feel unsafe .

  17. “人们没有加薪,所以经理正寻找其他方法奖励效率高的员工。”《厚脸皮的野心家》作者佩尼洛普•图朗克说。

    " People aren 't getting raises , so managers are looking for other ways to reward high performers ," says Penelope Trunk , author of The Brazen Careerist .

  18. 佩内洛普-特兰克是《厚颜野心家》一书的作者,同时也是一位企业家,她估计,85%的大学生正在为了得到一个学位而浪费时间和金钱。

    Penelope Trunk , author of Brazen Careerist and widely syndicated guru , estimates that 85 % of college students are wasting their time and money on getting a degree .

  19. 毕竟,如果天赋是决定出人头地的全部因素,那些缺乏明显天赋的野心家为什么还要自寻烦恼?

    After all , if inborn talent were all that determined who climbed to the top of the heap , why would ambitious sorts who lacked conspicuous natural skills even bother ?

  20. 在休利特和拉希德调查的女性“野心家”中,超过四分之一的人称她们现在比三年前每周多工作8至18个小时。

    More than a quarter of the female high-fliers surveyed by Ms Hewlett and Ms Rashid report working between eight and 18 hours more each week than they did three years ago .

  21. 许多人不知道,为暴利驱使的野心家们已在暗中建立起了一个基因帝国,妄想把全人类的基因据为己有。

    A lot of people do not know , the aspirant that drives for sudden huge profits people already darkling built empire of a gene , covet the gene glom on to complete mankind .

  22. 她们积极参与社会活动,有较强的政治意识,也有了为争取自身权利而斗争的精神,甚至还出现了一些妇女野心家。

    In addition , they took positive role in social activities and acquired strong political consciousness . Finally , they began to struggle for their own rights , and even women political aspirants emerged .

  23. 美国影片《第六日》表现的是在未来世界里,为了避免造成世界的混乱,人们制定了“第六日法令”来禁止那些野心家们任意复制人类。

    But cloning human being may be very easy in the near future . " the sixth day ", an American movie , is about a futuristic world . " the sixth day law " was made to prevent cloning human beings arbitrarily to avoid chaos .

  24. 在拥有饮茶文化的国家有如此大的扩张野心,对于一家咖啡公司而言似乎是在冒险。

    It might seem risky for a coffee company to expand so aggressively in a culture of tea-drinkers .

  25. 许多评论者都强调了他的野心和虚伪,把他看作野心家和伪君子。

    Many critics regard Julien as an aspirant and a hypocrite , thus laying stress upon his ambition and vanity .