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  1. 建立健全军事财政制度体系是我国军费结构优化的制度保证;

    Establishing and perfecting the system of military public finance ;

  2. 汉代军事财政的渊源及其发展阶段

    The Origin and Developing Stage of Military Finance in the Han Dynasty

  3. 不断完善军队财务管理模式努力提高保障和管理水平&学习《中国军事财政发展战略研究》的思考

    On perfecting the model of troops financial management and improving logistic support capability

  4. 汉代军事财政问题研究

    The Study of the Military Finance in Han Dynasty

  5. 论新世纪新阶段军事财政转型

    On the military financial transform at the new stage of the new century

  6. 军事财政运行机制重构

    Re-construction of military financial operation mechanism

  7. 唐王朝军事财政体制的变迁与国家的兴衰

    The changes of military financial system in the Tang Dynasty and the rise and decline of the state

  8. 汉代军事财政的渊源可溯及到周朝,至秦已比较完善。

    The origin of the military finance in the Han Dynasty can trace back to the Zhou Dynasty , and it consummated in the Qin Dynasty . The Han Dynasty inherited the system of the Qin Dynasty .

  9. 军费分配结构的合理与否对军队战斗力的大小有直接作用,对军费分配结构优化的研究是军事财政学和军事经济学的永恒主题之一。

    The military expenditure construction directly affects the troops combat effectiveness , therefore , the research about the allotment construction of military expenditure is a eternal topic in the fields of military public finance and military economics .

  10. 我们今年将在军事、财政和平民等问题上投入显著的额外资源。

    We are going to put substantial additional resources in this year in terms of military , financial and civilians .

  11. 泽汗表示,由于美国近年来在军事和财政上的过度支出,美国的选择其实有限。

    Zeihan says US options will be limited in the years ahead because the country is over extended militarily and financially .

  12. 他们从新式企业对封建国家政治、军事、财政等方面的效用,来阐释发展新式企业的正当性与合理性。

    They affirmed the usefulness of modern enterprises from political , military and financial and other aspects , and explained the reasonableness and rightfulness in developing modern enterprises .

  13. 由于其重要的地理位置,自武汉失守以后,四川成了正面战场的政治、军事、财政、经济的中心。

    Because of the predominant geographical position , Sichuan became the center in the front battlefields politically , militarily , financially , and economically after the fall of Wuhan .

  14. 为着了解敌人的情况,须从敌人方面的政治、军事、财政和社会舆论等方面搜集材料。

    In order to know the enemy 's situation , we should collect information on his political , military and financial position and the state of public opinion in his territory .

  15. 阿拉伯人在英国的军事、财政援助下,怀着建立独立、统一的阿拉伯国家的梦想发动了举世震惊的阿拉伯大起义,在打败土耳其的战争中作出了重大贡献。

    The Arabs held the dream of the establishment of an independent unified Arab country and launched the shocking Arab Revolt with the British military and financial aid , which subsequently made a significant contribution in the Anti-Turkey war .

  16. 对陕西地区财政收支状况分析,可以看出陕西地区财政和军事捆绑,呈现出消费性强的军事财政特点,财政活动基本围绕军事供给展开。

    Analysis of Shaanxi financial balances , Shaanxi regional financial and military bundle can be seen , showing a strong consumption of " military budget " feature , basic financial activity around the military supply .