
  1. 铜官窑釉主要含大量CaO作为熔剂,而MgO和K(Na)2O的含量则低于3%,另一方面釉中P2O5也很高,这些都表明古代一定使用植物灰作为制釉原料。

    High silica and low alumina contents are characteristics of these bodies . The Tongguan ware glaze mainly contains a great amount of CaO as flux , but MgO and K ( Na ) _2O contents are less than 3 % . Otherwise the glazes containing P_2O_5 are also high .

  2. 西夏铜官印1983年出土,为一级文物。

    Xixia Tongguanshan India unearthed in1983 for the objects .

  3. 要把长沙铜官窑遗址打造成世界一流遗址公园。

    Hunan should forge Changsha Tongguan Kiln Site into a world first-class historic park .

  4. 论陶瓷绘画的唐代长沙铜官窑花鸟画晚唐的书家代表人物是柳公权。

    On the flowers and birds painting on ceramics from the Tongguan kiln of Changsha in the Tang dynasty ;

  5. 釉下彩的普及,釉下彩的创烧,为长沙铜官窑在中国陶瓷史上留下浓墨重彩的一页。

    The first burning and popularity of the underglaze colour made the Changsha Kiln very important in China 's history of porcelain .

  6. 本文结合项目实例,长沙铜官窑遗址保护区梅园景观规划设计进行了详细阐述;

    This article unified the project example , Changsha Tongguang kilnware ruins protectorate plum garden landscape plan design has carried on the detailed elaboration ;

  7. 大坝坝型为国内首座混凝土宽缝重力坝,位于铜官峡谷上段两个大断层之间,岸坡陡峻,气势雄伟;最大坝高105米,是当时国内第一座百米以上高坝;

    As the first reinforced concrete dam in China , the Xinanjiang Dam is 105 meters high , also the first dam over 100 meters in China .

  8. 一是要深化政府运行机制改革,以铜陵市为例,介绍并分析了铜陵-池州一体化改革实验区,扩权强镇改革试点,以及铜官山区社区改革试点工作的进展情况。

    First , we should deepen the reform of operation mechanism of Government , in Tongling city , for example , describes and analyzes the Tongling-integration experiment in Chizhou area , town of reinforcing reform , and progress in the reform of District Community .