
tóng bì
  • copper;copper coin
铜币 [tóng bì]
  • [copper] 铜制的钱币

铜币[tóng bì]
  1. 他擦亮了一枚古铜币。

    He polished up an old copper coin .

  2. 第三种是一分钱的铜币。爷爷还告诉我他当时还用另一种铜币买糖吃。

    The third was a one-cent copper coin and my grandfather told me that he used another kind of copper coin to buy sweets .

  3. 1分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币。

    Pennies , nickels , dimes , and quarters are United States coins .

  4. 你的零钱里有铜币吗?

    Have you any coppers in your change ?

  5. 分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币

    Pennies , nickles , dimes and quarters are United States coins . 1

  6. 英国财政部称,每十枚铜币(即便士)中就会有六枚硬币仅在一次使用后就被人存置一旁,甚至被扔进垃圾箱。

    The Treasury1 says that six out of ten copper2 coins are used only once before being stashed3 away or even chucked in the bin4 .

  7. B:在博物馆里我们可以看到中国使用的铜币具有很悠久的历史。

    B : In the museums we can see that Chinese copper money had a long history .

  8. n.铜;铜币铜很容易形成薄片或细丝。

    copper Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire .

  9. n.喷泉,喷水�有些人会掷铜币到许愿池里并许个愿,他们相信这些愿望会成真。

    fountain Some people throw coins into fountains and make a wish , believing that their wish will come true .

  10. 看,这里是一些贝壳钱币和铜币。

    Look , here are some shell money and copper coins .

  11. 他在口袋里摸索了一会儿,掏出了几枚铜币。

    He fumbled in his pocket and brought out some coppers .

  12. 劳驾给我6便士的铜币。

    Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers ?

  13. 价值为四分之一便士的一种早期的英国铜币。

    A former British bronze coin worth a quarter of a penny .

  14. 他给小孩几个铜币。

    He gave the small child a few coppers .

  15. 他身边只有几枚铜币。

    He had only a few coppers with him .

  16. 他名下没有一个法国铜币。

    He hasn 't a Sou to his name .

  17. 八个铜币行吗我只有这么多

    Would you take it for eight coppers ? It 's all I have .

  18. 法新英国旧时铜币,相当于四分之一便士。

    A coin formerly used in Great Britain worth one fourth of a penny .

  19. 他找给我便士铜币。

    He gave me my change in pennies .

  20. 他把旧铜币擦亮。

    He polished up the old copper coins .

  21. 超过十镑的数目可以用铜币作为法定货币来偿付吗?

    Are copper coins legal tender for a sum in excess of 10 pounds ?

  22. 它仅仅只价值几个铜币而已。

    It costs only a few coppers .

  23. 他来到底特律时,口袋里只有几枚铜币。

    He had only a few coppers in his pocket when he came to Detroit .

  24. 里面通通都是铜币。

    It will all be copper .

  25. 然后他打开箱子,从箱子里拿了许多铜币装满了口袋。

    Then he opened the box and filled his pockets with copper coins from the box .

  26. 铸币厂在宾夕法尼亚的费城开始铸造铜币、银币和金币。

    The Mint began to make copper , silver , and gold coins in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  27. 不再像清明两代用的铜币中间留有一个方形空洞。

    Rather than having the square hole in the middle as in the Ching and Ming Dynasties .

  28. 他用他的小手,小心翼翼的拿了这枚铜币来找你。

    He came over to you with this coin safe and unharmed in his small little hands .

  29. 货币&标准金币,银币和铜币系统把我吸引到货币的问题上。

    Money-That bring me to money , which is the standard Gold , Silver , and Copper system .

  30. 于是,士兵把铜币丢掉,把口袋及背袋装满了银币。

    So he threw away all his copper coins and filled his pockets and his bag with silver coins .