
  • 网络Sports hygiene;Hygiene of sport
  1. 海南省中学生体育运动卫生现状分析周口市县、乡级学校食堂卫生现状调查

    Athletic Sports Health Status of Junior Middle School Students in Hainan

  2. 必须重视研究运动卫生科学问题

    Great Importance Must Be Attached to Study on Sports Sanitation and Science

  3. 大学体育专业女生月经状况与经期运动卫生探讨

    A tentative study of menstruation in College Physical Education Majors and exercise hygiene during the menstrual period

  4. SA-4卫生整理剂及其在运动袜卫生整理工艺中的应用

    Hygienic Finishing Agent-SA-4 and Its Application to the Hygienic Finishing processing of Athletic Hoses

  5. 该项运动倡导卫生工作者做出洗手承诺,这是因为接触到不同病人之后,卫生工作者的双手可能会传播一些危及生命的感染性疾病。

    It advocates the need to improve hand hygiene practices of health-care workers to help stop the spread of potentially life-threatening infections in health-care facilities .

  6. 国产家蚕丝素的化学组成研究本文介绍了SA-4卫生整理剂的结构类型、抗菌防臭整理原理及其在运动袜卫生整理中的应用。

    A Study on the Chemical Constitution of the Fibroin of Chinese Cultivated Silk The chemical constitution , the principle of anti-bacteria and odour resistant and its application to the hygienic finishing processing of athletic hoses discussed .

  7. 基于Excel的切纸机裁切机构运动分析卷筒卫生纸裁切与打孔机

    Kinematics Analysis of Paper Cutter Mechanism with Excel

  8. 从服装材料的风格、运动机能、卫生机能等几方面讨论服装的感觉性能,从一个侧面可以为评价服装舒适性提供参考。

    This article deals with the sensitive property of clothing as to the clothing style , exercising function and sanitary function etc.

  9. 通过对肥胖青少年的饮食、运动、心理卫生等现状进行深入调查和研究,提出了肥胖发生的预防措施。

    This article attempts to propose several measures to avoid the obesity through the profound investigation and research into adolescents diet , exercises , and psychological sanitation .

  10. 而作为复合材料重要分支的纤维增强复合材料更以迅猛的发展向航空、航天、交通运输、体育运动及医疗卫生等各个领域进发。

    As an important branch of composite materials , fiber reinforced composite materials gain rapid development with its excellent performances . It has been applied in such areas as aviation , aerospace , transportation , sports and public health and so on .

  11. 发起了大众信息宣传运动以及针对当地卫生工作者的培训班。

    A public information campaign was developed as well as training courses for local health workers .

  12. 参与全球性运动,改进手卫生并得到世卫组织的承认;

    Be part of a global movement to improve hand hygiene and receive acknowledgement of this from WHO ;

  13. 该运动是由马里卫生部组织的,并得到了世卫组织和其它组织的技术支持。

    It was organized by the Malian Ministry of Health with technical support from WHO and other organizations .

  14. 民国乡村建设运动中的环境卫生事业探析

    On the Improvement of Environmental Sanitation during the Rural Reconstruction Movement in the Period of the Republic of China

  15. “拯救生命:清洁你的双手”是一项全球性运动,旨在促进卫生工作者讲究手卫生。

    " Save lives : clean your hands " is a global campaign to improve hand hygiene among health-care workers .

  16. 为了绕开制造不公平的专利系统,开源运动为分布式建立卫生纳米技术提供了一条新的道路。

    To bypass the inequity-creating patent system , the open source movement offers new avenues for the distributed creation of health-related nanotechnologies .

  17. 韩国首尔总教区「一身一心运动」荣获由卫生福利中心颁发的「生命与爱」大奖。

    The suicide prevention center of the One-Body One-Spirit Movement of Seoul archdiocese won the grand prize of Life and Love from the ministry for health and welfare .

  18. 研究人员引导实验组的女服务员换一种心态看待自己的工作,告诉她们:打扫房间其实是一种强度不小的锻炼,运动量不比卫生局局长所建议的要少。

    The researchers primed the experimental group to think differently about their work by informing them that cleaning rooms was fairly serious exercise & as much if not more than the surgeon general recommends .

  19. 公司的全球计划是与运动服装品牌、卫生服务部门、健康医疗保险公司、环境组织、及对产品的目标客户具有深入了解的广告公司合作。

    The global scheme plans to partner with sportswear brands , health services , health insurance firms , environmental groups , and potentially advertisers who could be offered unique insights into the audiences they are targeting .

  20. 新生活运动的内容包含很多方面,主要有规矩与清洁、禁烟清毒和社会风俗改良、普及教育及识字运动、卫生防疫、战时宣传支援抗战和一些其他方面内容。

    The New Life Movement contains many aspects , mainly the " rules " and " clean ", opium poison and the social customs reformation , universal education and literacy movement , health and epidemic prevention , wartime propaganda to support the Anti Japanese War and some other aspects .