
  • 网络Transportation Decisions
  1. 基于MTO的制造商产品运输决策模型

    Product transport decision-making model based on MTO

  2. 首先从库存成本入手,引入了最佳批量规模(EOQ)方程式后分析循环库存和安全库存;接着考虑影响运输决策的多种因素;

    Introducing EOQ equation , the paper analyzes cycle inventory and security inventory and gives out the best choice of cost .

  3. 运输决策与库存控制整合优化研究综述

    Problems of Integrating Transportation and Inventory Decisions : A REVIEW

  4. 军交运输决策系统关键模型的设计

    Design of a Military Transportation Decision - making System

  5. 期望本文的研究成果对快递企业作出合理运输决策有所帮助。

    Expected that paper help make the rational transport decision-making to the express enterprise .

  6. 公路危险品运输决策策略研究

    The Study of Road HazMat Transportation Strategies

  7. 战时公路军事运输决策支持平台及数据中心建设初探

    An Exploration into the Construction of a Wartime Highway Military Transportation Decision-supporting Platform and Data Centre

  8. 物流系统中的运输决策

    Decision on Transportation in Logistics System

  9. 接下来介绍了本人参与开发的一些运输决策算法和该软件系统的功能模块。

    After that , it introduces some transportation strategic algorithms and functional modules I have participated in .

  10. 在定性方面,本文分析了碳减排对运输决策的影响,在传统运输决策仅考虑经济影响的基础上引入环境影响。

    In qualitative aspects , the paper analyzes the impact of carbon emission reduction to transportation decision-making .

  11. 从头开始重新设计城市公交系统的自主权,可能是每一个运输决策者的梦想。

    FREE hand to redesign a city 's bus services from scratch may be a transport planner 's dream .

  12. 最后本文给出了完善装备制造业运输决策,优化运输成本的建议。

    At last , this paper gave the proposals of consummating the equipment manufacturing industry transportation decision and optimizing transport cost .

  13. 库存控制和运输决策是物流管理中的两个中心环节,分别在现代物流中起着非常重要的作用。

    Inventory control and logistics management are the two central part in the decision-making , and plays a very important role in modern logistics .

  14. 物流系统规划主要进行四个方面的决策:客户服务目标、战略性设施选址决策、策略性库存控制决策和作业性运输决策。

    Logistics system design need make such four decisions as service level , strategic facility location , tactic inventory control policy and operational transportation routing .

  15. 结合决策支持系统理论,建立了军械物资运输决策支持系统总体结构,设计了各子系统结构。

    With the decision support system theory , the structure of ordnance material transportation was established , and the structure of each subsystem was designed .

  16. 与目前文献资料中类似研究模型相比较,在决策中考虑运达概率对运输决策的影响是本文模型的一大突出特点。

    Comparing with the similar model in passing literature and data , it is a bright point that successfully carrying probability is considered in decision-making for this model .

  17. 为实现配送中心运作决策一体化,构建多物品两级库存和运输决策优化模型。

    An optimization model was proposed to integrate operation decisions of distribution center by taking into account both the transportation and inventory cost of distribution centre and customers .

  18. 准确的短期预测能为物流的库存决策、采购与供应决策、存储与搬运决策、运输决策,以及提高客户服务质量提供强有力的支持,是企业管理决策的第一步。

    As the first step to lay down a good management policy , exact forecast is very important not only for the enterprises to purchase distribute and transport the material but also for reducing the stock .

  19. 实证研究表明,本文所建立的模型能够较好的解决装备制造业运输决策的相关问题,进而达到有效控制运输成本的预期目的。

    The empirical research shows that the models this paper established can solve the related questions about the equipment manufacturing transportation decision in a better way and then achieve the expected purposes of controlling the transportation cost effectively .

  20. 基于弹药安全性的运输装载决策系统研究

    Research on Loading Decision-making System Based on the Security of Ammunition

  21. 交通运输项目决策中综合评价方法及应用

    Integrated Evaluation and Its Application on the Decision-making of Transportation Projects

  22. 不发达网络环境下基于神经网络的危险品公路运输路径决策

    Highway Transportation Route Decision-making for Hazardous Material Based on Nervous Network

  23. 基于数据仓库的船舶运输智能决策支持系统

    Intelligent Decision Support System for Shipping Operation Based on Data Warehouse

  24. 超限超重货物运输路径决策模型和算法禁限运货物运输证明书

    The Model and Algorithm of Route Decision in Out-of-gauge and Enhanced-load Freight Transportation

  25. 物流运输管理决策优化问题研究

    Study on Optimization Decision of Logistics Transportation Management

  26. 二叉树模型简明易懂也更加容易为输电运输项目决策实施者所理解。

    Binomial tree model is straightforward and easy to understand for decision maker of power transportation projects .

  27. 对于军交运输指挥决策和国防交通战备规划有一定的意义。

    It is some meaning for command decision of military transportation and combat readiness program of national defense transportation .

  28. 这对于我国发展重载运输的决策与未来重载主型货车转向架选型具有很强的现实意义。

    It 's quite meaningful to develop our heavy haul railway transportation and choose the heavy haul freight car bogie in the future .

  29. 因此,进行物流运输优化决策问题的研究,能够提升物流运输管理的科学水平。

    Therefore , to study optimization decision problems of logistics transportation , can help to enhance the science level of transportation and logistics management .

  30. 再后,从成本、方式选择和兼并三方面研究了交通运输融资决策问题。

    Thirdly , the issue of finance decision is dealt with from three aspects of cost , means of choice and merger & acquisition .