
  • 网络mathematics of operations research;Mathematics of OR
  1. 利用IT手段进行决策支持是统计分析、运筹学等数学理论和现代信息技术相结合的产物。

    Decision support is the outcome of integration from modern information technology and mathematics , such as statistical analysis and operational research .

  2. 运筹学教学与数学建模

    The Teaching of Operations Research and Mathematical Modelling

  3. 分枝界限算法是求解组合优化问题的技术之一,它被广泛地应用在埃运筹学与组合数学中。

    Branch and Bound ( B & B ) is a problem solving technique which is widely used for various problems encountered in operations research and combinatorial mathematics .

  4. 车辆路径问题是近几十年来运筹学、应用数学、网络分析、计算机应用及交通运输等学科研究的一个热点问题。

    Vehicle routing problem is a hot question during near decades and is studied such as operations research , applied mathematics , network analysis , computer application and traffic transport , etc. .

  5. 综合运用系统科学、运筹学、模糊数学、数理统计等理论和方法来构建人才甄选模型、人才团队协作模型、人才激励模型等。

    System science , operational research , ambiguous mathematics , mathematical statistics and other theories and methods are used to formulate the talents selection model , team work model , talents inspiration model and so on .

  6. 把经济数学和运筹学中的数学方法应用于铁路运输生产技术计划的编制当中,抽象出空车调整的数学模型,并对该模型的理论和实现作了详细的介绍。

    Mathematical methods of economy mathematics and operational research are applied into making railway freight plan , mathematical models on vacancy car distribution are abstracted as well as introduced particularly and also the way of realization is given .

  7. 在投资管理方面,则应用运筹学原理构建数学模型,通过多方位分析比较来确定最佳方案(包括设计方案和施工方案)。

    As to the management of investment , it gets to decide on the best plan ( including the design plan and the construction plan ) by applying the principle of operational research to forming mathematic patterns and then analyzing them multi-dimensionally .

  8. 以运筹学中的数学规划模型为基础,建立了一个基于边际效用理论的静态资源配置模型,考虑资源配置的实际情况,求解过程中提出了在高校有限资本配置中的循环求解法。

    By using mathematic planing , in this paper , a static capital disposition model is established based on marginal utility theory . Taking the practical resource disposition into account , a recycling solution is provided to the college 's capital dispositon .

  9. 第五章研究分析了设备工程目标的特性及设计评价原则、流程,提出了设备工程目标控制的原理及基于数理统计、运筹学的一般数学模型。

    The fifth chapter has researched and analyzed the plant engineering goal characteristic and the design appraisal principle , the flow , proposed the general mathematical model of the plant engineering goal control principle based on the mathematical statistic and the operations research .

  10. 建模以及求解过程中应用了博弈论、运筹学、经济学、数学等方面的知识。

    The knowledge in the process of modeling and solution is involved : Game theory , Operations research , Economics , Mathematics and so on .