
yùn sòng
  • transport;ship;carry;convey;shipment;drop
运送 [yùn sòng]
  • [transport;ship;convey] 把人或物用运输工具输送

运送[yùn sòng]
  1. 用铁路运送这批货物会比用公路好。

    It would be better to transport the goods by rail rather than by road .

  2. 使用空中救护车在医院间运送病人,他们为每个病人节省的费用可达15,000英镑。

    By using the air ambulance to transport patients between hospitals , they can save up to £ 15,000 per patient .

  3. 已安排公共汽车运送客人去机场。

    A bus has been laid on to take guests to the airport .

  4. 援助机构正组织力量向战区平民运送食品。

    Aid agencies are organizing food drops to civilians in the war zone .

  5. 一辆公共汽车在火车站和公共汽车终点站之间往返运送旅客。

    A bus shuttles passengers back and forth from the station to the terminal .

  6. 一个企图往英国大量运送可卡因的男人被监禁15年。

    A man who planned to flood Britain with cocaine was jailed for 15 years .

  7. 重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。

    The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system .

  8. 民兵首领已拦阻了该地区经由陆上运送食品的车队。

    Militia leaders had halted overland food convoys in the region .

  9. 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。

    The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia

  10. 乐施会也会帮助运送难民。

    Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees .

  11. 运送的第一批食品已经离开了博洛尼亚。

    The first consignment of food has already left Bologna .

  12. 几周内就可以开始运送食物了。

    Food shipments could begin in a matter of weeks .

  13. 正常情况下,巴黎的交通系统每天运送95万乘客。

    Normally , the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day .

  14. 现在通过铁路能够给扎营部队运送食物了。

    Railways could now bring food to encamped armies

  15. 美国正在为运送1,200名美国公民的大规模空运做准备。

    The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens

  16. 我们可以运送物资,努力解决饥荒中最关键的问题。

    We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine .

  17. 大约42分钟的运送时间

    a transit time of about 42 minutes .

  18. 单独运送的包裹或是遭到搜查,或是被搬走。

    Unaccompanied bags are either searched or removed .

  19. 以往由卡车运送的很多货物现在都改用双层列车运送了。

    Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks

  20. 首批飞机运送的食物、儿童衣物和药品开始抵达。

    The first planeloads of food , children 's clothing and medical supplies began arriving .

  21. 滑坡和恶劣天气仍在阻碍救援物资运送到该地区。

    Landslides and bad weather are continuing to hinder the arrival of relief supplies to the area .

  22. 天还黑着,就有5辆大巴开始从距银山煤矿140英里的地方出发运送矿工。

    It was still dark when five coaches started to ferry the miners the 140 miles from the Silverhill colliery

  23. 他们订购的家具是分装运送的。

    The furniture they ordered was transported to them in sections .

  24. 当地人用火车运送原木。

    The local people transport logs by train .

  25. 这就是林业工人用以运送木材的空中索道。

    This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber .

  26. 这列火车每天运送一千多位旅客。

    This train conveys over one thousand passengers every day .

  27. 除非装箱,否则航空公司是不会运送那台机器的。

    The airlines won 't carry that machine unless it 's crated .

  28. 他们费了很大力气将两只黑猩猩从肯尼亚运送到英格兰。

    They carted two chimpanzees from Kenya to england .

  29. 他们将由水路运送这批货物。

    They will send the goods by water .

  30. 铁路及船舶运送货物。

    Railways and ships carry goods .