
yùn fèi bǎo xiǎn
  • freight insurance
  1. 500箱红茶,成本加运费保险费到利物浦价,每公斤20英镑,七月装船。

    Five hundred cases of black tea , at20 pounds per kilogram , C.I.F.Liverpool .

  2. 运费保险比照适用本条的规定。

    The provisions of this article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the insurance of freight .

  3. 你们的报价都是成本加运费保险的到岸价格,我们希望你们能报离岸价。

    All your prices are on a CIF basis . we 'd rather you quoted us FOB prices .

  4. 我们需要样机到德国,成本加运费保险,到汉堡,你们能做吗?

    We need the sample machine sended to Germany , CIF Hamburg harbour . Are you able to do this ?

  5. 乙方将所装配的晶体管收音机运交甲方指定的外国买主,有关运费保险费由甲方承担。

    All transistor radios assembled by Party B will be shipped to foreign buyers designated by Party A. The relevant freight and insurance premium shall be borne by Party A.

  6. 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;

    Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts , including contract of marine insurance for Hulls , for the Carriage of Goods by Sea , for Freights , for Interests of Ship 's Mortgagees and for Liability ;

  7. 而且,我们还要为这些花运费和保险费。

    It 'll also cost us freight and insurance changes in sending notes .

  8. 我们什么时候可以得到成本加运费和保险费的实盘?

    When can I have your CIF firm offer ?

  9. 这个价格还不包含运费和保险费。

    The freight rates and the insurance premium are not included in the price .

  10. 卖方有时要求买方安排装运的运费和保险。

    The seller is sometimes requested by the buyer to arrange freight and insurance for shipment .

  11. 备注:运费,保险,税,杂费等由买方付。

    Remark : freight , insurance , duties , tax are to be borne by the recipient .

  12. 运费、保险费付至某地价

    Freight including insurance paid to

  13. 请就下列每项货物向我方报成本加运费、保险费到西雅图的最低价格,其中包括我们百分之五的佣金。

    Please quote your lowest price CIF Seattle for each of the follow-ing items , including our5 % commission .

  14. 价目表的价格都是基隆港船上交货价,但如有需要,我方也可以提供运费、保险费在内的条款。

    The list prices are all on FOB Keelung basis but CIF terms are also available upon your request .

  15. 用集装箱运送货物的运费和保险费一般比非集装箱运输要便宜。

    Freight fees and insurance premium for container-shipped goods are generally lower than those for goods not shipped by container .

  16. 如果他们负责运费和保险,那会省我们好多麻烦。

    If they can take care of the freight and insurance , it 'll save us a lot of trouble .

  17. 因这超出卖方的正常控制,运费和保险费应由买方承担。

    As this goes beyond the normal duty of the seller , the freight charges and insurance premium should be for the buyer 's account .

  18. 所有商品均未含运费及保险费,根据不同目的地区域,不同运输方式由买方承担。

    All commodities not including the transport expense and the insurance premium , according to the different destination area , the different transport mode undertake by the buyer .

  19. 亲爱的先生:我很遗憾地承认,这些天我太忙以致忘了运费和保险费。

    Dear Sirs , I 'm sorry to admit that I just forgot the cost of freight and insurance , as I 've been so busy these days .

  20. 运费和保险:运费和(或)保险费从缔约时有效的收费上的任何增加由买方承担。

    FREIGHT & INSURANCE : Any increase of freight and / or insurance rates from the current rates available at the time of contract shall be on the Buyers'account .

  21. 如果货物已经装船的话,保险公司也是受害者之一。你们的报价是船上交货价还是成本加运费和保险费的到岸价?

    If goods are carried on the ship , the insurance is one of the victims in this case . Be all your price on a fob or cif basis ?

  22. 伦敦的价格条件没有改变货物发送地,而只表明发货人支付至伦敦的运费和保险费的责任。

    The condition c.i.f.London does not alter the place of delivery , but only express the consigner ′ s liability to pay the charges for freight and insurance to London .

  23. 备注:运费,保险,税,杂费等由买方付.但必须在货物未运到目的地之前通知承运方,并应按有关规定付给承运方所需费用。

    Remark : Freight , Insurance , duties , tax are to be borne by the recipient . However , the shipper shall inform the carrier before the arrival at destination , and pay the relevant charges to the carrier .

  24. 如果你扣掉探险费用,还有野人的运输费,运费和保险:运费和()险费从缔约时有效的收费上的任何增加由买方承担。

    The fee for the expedition included delivery of savages . FREIGHT & INSURANCE : Any increase of freight and / or insurance rates from the current rates available at the time of contract shall be on the Buyers ' account .

  25. 所有发票应标明分类价格:①FOB价,②预付运费,③预付保险费。

    All invoices must show breakdown value : ① FOB value ,② Freight Prepaid ,③ Insurance Premium Prepaid .

  26. 当然,如果买方愿意成本加运费价或者成本保险加运费价格,我方也可以照办。

    Of course , we also quote CFR or CIF prices if the buyers so desire .

  27. 在对船舶抵押融资主体论述之后,作者接着探讨了船舶抵押融资客体包括的范围。提出船舶抵押融资客体应包括船舶、运费和租金、保险赔偿金、征收灭失等的补偿金或赔偿金。

    After that , the author probes into the range of the object and suggests it should include the compensation of vessel , freight , rent , insurance damage , expropriation losses , etc.