
yùn shū yè
  • transportation;transport service;carrying trade
  1. 走近农村试论运输业的经济效益

    Going to the countryside Approach to the Economic Benefit of Transportation

  2. 对发展我国运输业的认识和建议

    Understanding of and Suggestions on Future Development of Transportation Systemin China

  3. 没有哪个行业比航空运输业遭受的打击更严重。

    No industry has been more battered .

  4. 浅谈加入WTO后交通运输业的困境与出路外贸企业入世后的环境对策

    The Predicament and Countermeasures for Transportation Industry After Joining WTO

  5. 论汽车道路运输业的发展趋势和加入WTO后的对策

    On Development Tendency of Road Transport and the Countermeasure after China 'S Entry into the WTO

  6. 中国加入WTO对国内各行业尤其是发展物流运输业将有深远的影响。

    China 's entry into the WTO will have deep impact on various domestic industries especially logistics transportation .

  7. 对加入WTO对道路运输业的影响与挑战作了分析,提出了道路运输业加入WTO后应采取的措施。

    Analysis is made on the effects and challenges to the highway transportation trade after entering WTO , and given the countermeasures .

  8. 随着航空运输业的飞速发展,空中交通日趋繁忙,空中交通管制(AirTrafficControl,ATC)的重要性更加突出。

    With the rapid evolution of air transport business and increasingly busyness of air traffic , air traffic control ( ATC ) is more important .

  9. 面对我国加入WTO后放宽的经济政策,我省的道路运输业面临着发展机遇,更面临着巨大的挑战。

    Faced the relaxation of economic policy after the accession to the WTO , the road transport faces opportunity of development and enormous challenge even more .

  10. 经实证分析,辽宁省交通运输业的发展水平已经成为辽宁区域经济快速增长的瓶颈,特别是铁路运输业的发展更是严重滞后于辽宁省GDP的增长。

    The development level of transportation in Liaoning Province , especially the railway , has become the bottleneck of the rapid growth of the regional economy .

  11. 主要从协整关系、Granger因果关系的检验入手,对交通运输业与国民经济的关系进行了实证研究。

    Based on the theory of Co-integration and granger causal relationship , this paper tests the Co-integration and granger causal relationship between transportation and the national economy .

  12. 介绍了R-122脂环族环氧树脂的性质、合成和在工业、农业、交通运输业与国防上的应用。

    Characteristics , synthesis and application of R-122 alicyclic epoxy resins in industry , agriculture , transportation and national defense were introduced in this paper .

  13. 交通事故与公路运输业状况的关联分析

    The Correlation Analysis between Traffic Accident and the Road Transport Situation

  14. 对加快我国油气管道运输业发展的战略思考

    A Strategy to Accelerate China 's Oil and Gas Pipeline Development

  15. 论我国航空运输业的规制改革与市场化

    Research on the Regulation and Marketing Reform of Chinese Air Transportation

  16. 铁路运输业预警信号系统的研究

    Study on the Pre - Alarm System for Railway Transport Industry

  17. 其利润来源主要有地产和运输业。

    Its profits are mainly from real estate and transportation industry .

  18. 中国交通运输业发展的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Performance of Transportation Industry in China

  19. 铁路运输业资产管理体制改革初探

    Exploration on Asset Management Reform System of Railway Transportation Enterprises

  20. 铁路运输业工资变动分析及思考

    Analysis and Consideration on Wage Variation of Railway Transportation Industry

  21. 基于资产专用性的运输业分类监管研究

    A Study on Classified Regulation of Transportation Industry Based on Asset Specificity

  22. 对我国交通运输业发展政策的思考

    Ponderation on the Policy Concerning Communication & Transportation Industry Development in China

  23. 交通运输业改征增值税的探讨

    Exploration on Collecting Value-added Tax in Traffic and Transportation Industry

  24. 中国支线航空运输业的现状与前景

    Present Situation and Prospect of China Air Feeder Transport Industry

  25. 我国铁路运输业统计指标体系的框架设计研究

    Research on Framework Designation of Statistical Index System for Chinese Railway Industry

  26. 抗战时期西部的航空运输业建设

    The Air Transportation in the West during the Anti - Japanese War

  27. 然后定性地分析了交通运输业与国民经济发展之间的相互关系。

    Then qualitatively analyses the relationship between transportation industry and national economy .

  28. 道路运输业是占用资源和消耗能源较多的产业。

    Road transportation is an industry which consumes more resources and energy .

  29. 黑龙江省公路运输业技术创新策略的分析

    Policy analysis of technology innovation of highway transport industry in Heilongjiang province

  30. 香港的港口资源及港口运输业的发展

    Natural resources and port development in Hong Kong port profile