
  • 网络art industry
  1. 就表现形态来看,数字艺术产业主要有七种形式,即:互联网艺术产业、手机媒体艺术产业、数字电影产业、动漫产业、数字电视产业、游戏产业、DV艺术产业。

    Seen from its representational condition , digital art industry mainly can be divided into seven kinds , namely , internet art industry , mobile media art industry , digital film industry , animation and comic industry , digital television industry , game industry , DV art industry .

  2. 在此背景下,数字艺术产业也取得了可观的发展。

    Under such environment , the digital art industry is also developing optimistically .

  3. 当然,从某种方面来看,艺术产业面临着所有行业都需要应对的趋势,很多主流mba课程都涵盖了这些方面。

    Of course , in some ways the arts sector is facing trends all industries need to address , which are covered in many mainstream MBA programmes .

  4. 第四章是对艺术产业域的技术问题探讨。

    The fourth chapter studies the technology in the field of art-industry .

  5. 山东民间艺术产业开发现状是优势与制约因素、机遇与挑战并存。

    Shandong folk art industrial development has advantages and constraints , opportunities and challenges .

  6. 数码艺术产业的发展探悉

    The Development of the Digital Art Industry

  7. 复制一传播是从技术层面解析艺术产业的关键所在。

    " Copy - promulgate " is the key for analyses about art-industry 's technology .

  8. 第一章概述艺术产业的概念、特征、类别与构成要素;

    Chapter one : Outline art industry concept , characteristic , category and integrant part .

  9. 关于当代中国大众艺术产业化经营的若干思考

    Considerations on Chinese Popular Art Industrial Management

  10. 结语部分对有中国特色的艺术产业的建构和发展及相关问题进行了总结性的探究。

    Epilogue is the expectation of the intending build and development about the Chinese characteristic art-industry .

  11. 第三章是艺术产业组织和发展逻辑研究。

    The first chapter is the study of the organization and development history of the art industry .

  12. 艺术产业:合作的艺术世界

    Art industry A Cooperative Field

  13. 我国艺术产业具有着广阔的发展前景,同时也面临着诸多问题。

    Our country 's art industry has the broad prospects for development , but simultaneously faces many problems .

  14. 天津近代戏剧艺术产业化初探&以茶园戏曲经济为个案

    The Brief Analysis Of The Industrialization Of Tianjin Modern Drama & Taking The Tea House Opera Economy As An Example

  15. 发展艺术产业符合历史潮流和艺术生产的规律,具有重要的意义。

    Developing art industry conforms to the historical trend and the artistic production rule , and has the vital significance .

  16. 现代科技不仅使艺术产业化成为可能,也使艺术与传播媒介同生共长。

    Modern technology not only put the art-industrialization into practice but also impulse the art and media to grows together .

  17. 从社会定位来讲,数字艺术产业是文化产业的一个分支。

    From the point of view of social orientation , digital art culture is just a branch of cultural industry .

  18. 文化艺术产业是二十一世纪的朝阳产业,正在日益成为国民经济的重要支柱。

    In the21st century the Culture-Industry is on the rise and is becoming an important foundation of the national economy .

  19. 文化艺术产业作为文化产业的重要分支行业,它的发展,理应得到重视。

    As an important branch of cultural industry , the development of Arts and culture industry should be received attention .

  20. 论述了旧建筑改建为视觉艺术产业空间的功能设计,提出设计原则、设计手法。

    On the old building into a visual arts industries space design features of the proposed design principles , design practices .

  21. 作为湖南省文化艺术产业示范基地的一个文化创意元素,创意‘火车’体现现代文明与古典文明的有机结合。

    As an element of cultural and creative campus of Hunan Province , innovative'trains'represent modern civilization and an organic combination of classical civilization .

  22. 融于山水画境悠生&记莆田国际油画艺术产业园区规划

    Melt to swing a life in landscape painting boundary & Recording plan of the art industry garden of international oil painting in Putian

  23. 另一种方式是由政府主导的文化艺术产业园区,也是政府在文化产业化上的项目投入。

    Another way is by the government-led industrial park , arts and culture , but also for projects in the cultural industry of investment .

  24. 对视觉艺术产业的功能特点对建筑空间的影响和需求进行分析,归纳了视觉艺术产业空间的特征。

    To the visual arts industry features on the impact of building space and needs analysis , summarized in the visual arts industries space characteristics .

  25. 这些问题有艺术产业自身二律悖反规律带来的,也有我国的特殊国情、历史问题所遗留下来的问题。

    These problems are caused by the counter-rule of art industry , and also by our country 's special national condition and political nature that leave behind .

  26. 汤普森教授将当代艺术产业视作一台制造品牌的机器,令那些支付高价买回一具盐渍鲨鱼的收藏家感觉良好。

    Professor Thompson sees the contemporary art industry as a machine for building brands that help collectors feel good about paying large sums for a pickled elasmobranch .

  27. 第二,西安市文化艺术产业的空间布局模式为增长极模式和点轴布局模式。

    Secondly , the spatial layout pattern of the culture and arts industry of Xi ' an city are growth pole mode and dot axis layout mode .

  28. 当代文化产业的蓬勃发展为民间艺术产业化提供了良好契机,也为民间艺术指明了产业发展的现实路径。

    The flourish of contemporary cultural industries provides a good opportunity to the industrialization of folk art , And points out the realistic methods to the industrial development .

  29. 第二,借助开发平台是壮文化经济价值开发成功的行为机制,这些行为平台包括旅游产业、创意产业、饮食产业、艺术产业和展览业。

    Secondly , to develop Zhuang culture economic value entails necessary platform , including tourism industry , creativity industry , food industry and art industry and exhibition industry .

  30. 恰当地定位艺术产业与它们的关系,是保证我国艺术产业兴旺发达的关键之一。

    To properly identify the relationship between art industry and the relevant industries is one of the keys to assure the blossom of art industry in our country .