
  • 网络Art history;history of art;AP Art History;arthistory
  1. 她正在研读艺术史。

    She 's studying art history .

  2. 德国游学者约翰·温克尔曼凭借他对希腊和罗马雕塑的全面研究,开创了艺术史领域。

    The German traveler Johann Winckelmann pioneered the field of art history with his comprehensive study of Greek and Roman sculpture .

  3. 她于是邀请他去亚特兰大讲艺术史。

    She then invited him to Atlanta to lecture on the history of art

  4. 凭借着对艺术史的渊博学识,他成为一名专业画家。

    With this comprehensive knowledge of the history of art , he has since become a professional painter .

  5. 她在大学里学习建筑和艺术史。

    She studied architecture and art history at the university .

  6. 如果我打断她热情洋溢的涂鸦,向她介绍我从《101年艺术史》(ArtHistory101)一书中了解到的一件作品,对她将是干扰,而非提升。

    Interrupting her impassioned doodles to point out a work I 'd studied in Art History 101 was more often a distraction than an enhancement .

  7. 在从军之前,尤金在巴黎美国大学(AmericanUniversityofParis)拿到了艺术史学士学位。

    Before enlisting in the Army , Eugene earned a bachelor 's degree in art history from the American University of Paris .

  8. 大学毕业后她在康奈尔大学(Cornell)专攻艺术史,并副修了钢琴专业她赴巴黎攻读法语。

    After college she majored in art history , and minored in piano at Cornell she moved to Paris to study French .

  9. 一月份,巴拉克・奥巴马(BarackObama)总统在谈论将职业培训计划更好地与雇主需求结合这一话题时,他对艺术史学位价值的质疑不经意引起了一片哗然。

    In January , President Barack Obama inadvertently caused a bit of an uproar when he questioned the value of a degree in art history while he was talking about better aligning job-training programs with employer needs .

  10. 这也让我们回想起艺术史上无数描绘抹大拉的玛丽亚(MaryMagdalene)用泪水与香膏涂抹在基督的脚还有基督自己给门徒洗脚场景的画作。

    It also calls tomind countless portrayals in the history of art of Mary Magdalene anointingChrist 's feet with perfume and tears and Christ himself washing the feet of hisapostles .

  11. 布莉奇特•亚历山大(BridgetteAlexander)是芝加哥一名研究19世纪法国艺术史及哲学文化的专家,过去她都向学术界的朋友隐瞒自己看电视的习惯。

    Bridgette Alexander , a Chicago-based expert in 19th-century French art history and philosophical culture , used to hide her TV habit from her scholarly friends like ' a rendezvous with a secret lover , ' she says .

  12. 布莉奇特•亚历山大(BridgetteAlexander)是芝加哥一名研究19世纪法国艺术史及哲学文化的专家,过去她都向学术界的朋友隐瞒自己看电视的习惯。她说那就像“与秘密情人幽会”一般,现在他们之间的谈话发生了转变。

    Bridgette Alexander , a Chicago-based expert in 19th-century French art history and philosophical culture , used to hide her TV habit from her scholarly friends like ' a rendezvous with a secret lover , ' she says . ' Now the conversation has shifted . '

  13. 丹磨色美夸原质&楚绘画的艺术史意义

    The Significance of Chu 's Painting in the History of Art

  14. 一部版画史,就是插图艺术史。

    The history of print is just that of illustration art .

  15. 2009年谁动了艺术史,顶层画廊,上海。

    In2009 , China International Gallery Exposition , Beijing , China .

  16. 高校艺术史公选课程信息化应用教学改革研究

    On the Teaching Reformation of University Art History Optional Course Computerization

  17. 艺术史的硕士文凭在这城里一文不值

    An M.F.A. in art history is useless in this town .

  18. 艺术史的形式分析论文和这非常相似。

    A formal analysis paper in art history is very similar .

  19. 艺术史研究的历史与现状表明艺术史学科具有明显的跨学科性。

    The research of art history and current situation are obvious trans-disciplinary .

  20. 现代绘画是艺术史上的转折点。

    Modern painting is a turning point in the history of art .

  21. 我在大学只拿过一堂艺术史。

    Other than taking an art history class in college .

  22. 两种文化在音乐和艺术史上都很有造诣。

    Both cultures are rich in music and art history .

  23. 我修的是艺术史那是我的起点

    I 'd majored in art history , for a start

  24. 贡布里希的艺术史思想

    The Art History Thought of Leonardo Honorary Editor Ernst Gombrich

  25. 浅谈儿童美术的特征及其在艺术史上的重要性

    Talking about the Characteristics and Significance of Children 's Paintings

  26. 从艺术史看雕塑语言的符号性

    Looking at Symbol of Sculpture Language from Art History

  27. 他对考古学和艺术史有特殊的兴趣。

    His special interest was archaeology and art history .

  28. 艺术史专业、英语专业和地理专业的同学们,联合起来吧!

    Art history majors , English majors , and geography majors , unite !

  29. 请听一个学生和一位艺术史教授之间的对话。

    Listen to a conversation between a student and an art history professor .

  30. 听一段学生和艺术史教授的对话。

    Listen to a conversation between a student and his art history professor .