
  • 网络Poetic Art;The Art of Poetry;Ars Poetica;arspoetica
  1. 《诗艺》中的意象是构成诗的主旋律,赋予了诗的弹性美。

    Images play an important role in Ars Poetica and they bring about the beauty of elasticity in the poem .

  2. 麦克利什《诗艺》的意象弹性美

    Beauty of elasticity of image in Macleish 's Ars Poetica

  3. 为何羞愧,非为神圣诗艺。

    Then blush not for an art which they inspire .

  4. 地面的蔑视者啊,你的诗艺举世无双。

    Thy skill to poet were , thou scorner of the ground !

  5. 中国新诗象征主义诗艺研究

    A Study on the Symbolism of Chinese Neo-poetry Art

  6. 甚至我们的诗艺也不得不从渊博的仿作演绎出来,

    even our poetical arts have been forced to evolve from scholarly imitations ,

  7. 诗歌创作实践作为诗学的中心,这就是诗艺。

    For the centre of poetic , poetry composition practice is also poetry art .

  8. 中国古典诗歌传统和屠岸的诗艺探索

    The Tradition of Chinese Classical Poetry and the Exploration of Poetic Art of TuAn

  9. 波德莱尔与中国象征派诗艺

    Baudelaire and the Symbolistic Poetry Art of China

  10. 论古典诗艺传统在20世纪新诗中的嬗变

    On a Change of Classical Poetry and Art Tradition in Contemporary Poetry of the 20th Century

  11. 从诗歌理想和诗艺两个方面进行探讨。

    It is described from two aspects : his poetic ideals and the art of poetry .

  12. 事实上,浪漫主义精神始终贯穿于穆旦的生命体验和诗艺探索的全过程。

    In fact , romantic spirit runs through on Mu-dan 's life in his exploring for poem .

  13. 因此,海德格尔诗艺观是对传统艺术理论的反叛和超越。

    Therefore , the art of Heidegger not only rebels but also oversteps the traditional art theories .

  14. 另一条为诗艺线&由格律到意象象征到超现实再到半格律。

    And another is the line of skill that is from rhyme symbolizing super actuality to half-rhyme .

  15. 和谐真实合式&贺拉斯《诗艺》的美学思想新探

    Harmony , Reality , Decorum : Analysis of Aesthetic Thought of Horatius ' " Poetry Art "

  16. 京派意象是中国传统诗艺与西方象征主义、意象派等诗学思潮相融合的产物。

    First , jing Literary School 's imagery is different from Chinese classical poetry and the Western imagism .

  17. 李金发的诗艺探索留给后来者很多的思考和镜鉴。

    LI Jinfa 's exploration in creative techniques of poetry offers the later generations many inspirations and references .

  18. 其三诗艺方面,在下字上,诗人偏爱选用轻盈性、固定性两类动词。

    Thirdly , on the skill of using words , the poet prefers to choose lissome and fixed verbs .

  19. 其诗艺理论的建构,既有对中国传统诗艺理论的继承,又有对西方现代文艺思想的借鉴。

    It has inherited the ideas of Chinese traditional poem , even drawed lessons from the western and modern literatures .

  20. 体悟原作认知诗艺&从汉诗英译的个例谈诗译的几个问题

    Understanding of the Artistic Techniques of the Original Poem in Translation & On the English versions of one Chinese classical verse

  21. 本文是一项兼具学术史考察与诗艺诗学论说双重性质的研究。

    This dissertation is a two-sided research which involves both the study of the academic history and the discussion on art poetics .

  22. 在这个时期诗人注重形式典雅,对诗艺精益求精。

    Pays great attention to the form in this time poet to be elegant , strives for perfection to the poem skill .

  23. 他的诗艺精湛得益于古典艺术,思想崇高来自于他的宗教热诚。

    His marvelous art of poetry profit from the classical art and his lofty thought comes from his zeal for the religion .

  24. 究其原因,主要基于船山以儒家的温柔敦厚的诗教原则及晋宋风流的诗艺理想为衡量标尺所致。

    This is mainly due to his ideal poetic criterion affected by Confucian mildness and romanticism which was a fashion from Jin Dynasty to Song .

  25. 《长征》诗从宏观微观总体上去体味,具体到诗艺、书法、社会效应等方面去分析,其为极品实乃当之无愧。

    From both macro-view and micro-view , poetic art , calligraphy , social efficiency and other aspects , it is the best in the world .

  26. 通过对三次诗歌革命进行的历史性考察,和对20世纪诗歌艺术流变的追踪,可以发现诗艺发展的规律及其未来趋向。

    Through describing the changes of poetry art in 20th century from extensive angles , and its developmental law and its future trend can be found .

  27. 作为中国最早的现代主义诗歌流派,在引进波德莱尔诗艺时表现出的某种程度和稚嫩,是不可避免的;

    In China , the symbolism is the ini-tial stage of modernistic poetry , so the naivety manifested when introducing Baudelaire 's poetry art is inevitable .

  28. 本文认为,中国诗学的核心是一个持久的诗艺传统,而该传统在现代主流的诗论研究的片面格局中被遮蔽了。

    This article considers that the mainstream of Chinese Ancient poetics is a long , continued poetry art Tradition which is shaded by unilateral modern research .

  29. 童心美是闻一多诗艺特点的重要构成,是诗人人格美在诗中的体现。

    Beauty of naivety , which is an important component of artistic features of Wen Yiduo 's poem , is the embodiment of his perfect personality .

  30. 郭小川六七十年代的诗艺之思主要集中在他的《谈诗书简》里。

    Thinking an Poetic skill in 1960 's and 1970 's by GUO Xiao - chuan is mainly collected in his " letters of talking poetry " .