
  • 网络transport helicopter;Chinook
  1. 重型运输直升机构型对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Heavy Transport Helicopter Configuration

  2. 俄国直升机部队的骄傲,母鹿是一种多功能攻击,运输直升机,可以搭载6个人。

    The pride of the Russian rotary fleet , the Hind is still a versatile attack and transport helicopter capable of holding six men .

  3. 陆军航空兵装备攻击直升机、运输直升机和其他专用直升机及轻型固定翼飞机,遂行空中机动和支援地面作战任务。

    The Army aviation corps , equipped with attack , transport , and other specialized helicopters and light fixed-wing aircraft , carries out air maneuvers and provides support for ground operations .

  4. 黑鹰直升机凭借其平台的技术优势,是目前国际上为数不多的先进战术运输直升机,其综合性能一直处于国际领先地位。

    Depending on the technical advancement , Black Hawk helicopter is currently one of the few advanced tactical transport helicopter in the world , and its overall performance is still in international leading level .

  5. 尽管今年八月份发生了很丢面子的事故——阿富汗武装叛乱分子击落了一架奇努克武装运输直升机,造成机上海豹突击队6分队队员的死亡,但这丝毫不能影响海豹突击队的强大本色。

    Sadly , members of the elite Navy SEAL Team 6 were killed when Afghan insurgents shot down a Chinook transport helicopter in August of this year - but that should not take away from their " tough " factor in this article of comparison ;

  6. 直-8运输型直升机通风加温系统性能试飞

    Performance Flight Test of the Ventilating and Heating System of Z-8 Transport Type Helicopter

  7. 所以我们唯一可用的运输工具是直升机。

    So the only means of transportation we have available are helicopters .

  8. 有时大白鲸也会被租用出去,用于运输火箭、直升机甚至是艺术品。

    Belugas have occasionally been chartered to fly satellites , helicopters and even works of art .

  9. 为了运输这架直升机,他们租来一艘气垫船,又卸下了螺旋桨叶片,还有专门的维修人员30小时全程护送。

    They rented a hovercraft to move the helicopter . They removed the propeller blades . Maintenance staff escorted the hovercraft all the way for 30 hours .