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jìn gǔ
  • ancient time nearest to the present;the near ancient times
近古 [jìn gǔ]
  • [the near ancient times] 最近的古代,我国多指宋元明清(到19世纪中叶)这个时期

  • 近古之世。--《韩非子.五蠹》

近古[jìn gǔ]
  1. 论近古汉语副词忒煞&兼与忒比较

    On Ancient Chinese Adverb Te Sha in Late Antiquity & And Compared with Te

  2. 以三位一体文明模式的形成和发展的历史为主线,中国古代社会可分为远古、上古、中古、近古四个时期。

    Chinese ancient history could be divided into four stages , with the main line of trio civilization model .

  3. 多种植物区系成分共存,分别有中国日本森林植物区系成分,中国喜马拉雅区系成分,近古热带特有植物成分。

    Various floristic elements including China Japan Flora , China Himalayas Flora and approximate ancient tropical zone flora are coexisting in the area .

  4. 在近古时期,主宰跨大陆贸易的是栗特人,而在更近代时期,亚美尼亚人依靠他们的语言技能扮演了重要角色。

    In late antiquity , it was the Sogdians who dominated transcontinental trade , while more recently , Armenians played a prominent role thanks to their linguistic skills .

  5. 本文通过运用大量的文献资料,出土的考古实物,各种壁画、泥雕等对上古、中古、近古时期以及近现代筝的形制进行考察。

    With the help of literatures , archaeology founding , fresco and mud engraving , mis dissertation describes the shape of Zheng in the various periods , ancient China , middle China and modern China .

  6. 时代属古近系古新统(E1),与老挝万象钾镁盐矿属同时代、同构造带。

    The age of this K-salt deposit belongs to Palaeogene Palaeocene ( N_1 ), which is formed in the same period and in the same structual zone as those of Vientiane K-Mg salt deposit of Laos .

  7. 古近纪古新世与始新世(P/E)界线间的地质事件的发现便是其重要成果之一。

    One of them is the geologic event at thePaleocene / Eocene boundary ( P / E ) .

  8. 塔里木盆地古近纪岩相古地理

    Lithofacies palaeogeography of the Paleogene in Tarim Basin

  9. 黑龙江嘉荫地区古近纪早期古气候分析

    An Analysis of the Early Paleogene Climate of the Jiayin Area , Heilongjiang Province

  10. 通过对鄱阳湖沉积物的高密度采样和有机质碳同位素分析,讨论了鄱阳湖近8ka来的古气候环境。

    The paleoclimate during the last 8 ka is presented through the high resolution organic carbon isotope records of the Poyang Lake sediments .

  11. 其中,白垩系-古近系界线、古新统-始新统界线和始新统-渐新统界线与国际上相应界线接近或一致。

    The boundaries between the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene , Paleocene and Eocene , and Eocene and Oligocene in China nearly accord with corresponding ones elsewhere in the world .