
  • 网络Ancients of Ooga
  1. 他进一步认为荆是距今4000-500O年前生活在江汉地区的一个远古部落的名称,而荆州也因此而得名。

    Moreover , it indicates that Jingzhou is named after an archaic clan living in the Jianghan area in 5000-4000 B. P. , which was known as Jing .

  2. 从远古部落社会至夏、商、西周、春秋到战国时期至鸦片战争前,中国古代军事伦理思想的形成与发展经历了一个漫长的过程。

    The form and develop of Chinese ancient thoughts of military ethics experienced a long process from remote antiquity society to Xia Dynasty , to Shang Dynasty , to Western Zhou Dynasty , to Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time , to Opium war .

  3. 炎黄二帝是中国远古时期的部落首领,是中华民族的人文初祖和远古圣王。

    Yan and huang emperor is Chinese ancient tribal leaders , is the early human ancestors of the Chinese nation and far philosopher king .

  4. 远古时代,许多部落有自己的图腾。

    Many tribes have their own totems in the ancient age .