
  • 网络remote collaboration;tele-cooperation
  1. 桌面视频系统及其在远程协作中的应用

    Desktop Audio-visual System and Its Applications in Tele-cooperation

  2. 基于web的工程建设远程协作系统的探讨

    Discussion on Project Construction Remote Collaboration System Based on Web

  3. 基于Internet的远程协作学习是现代远程教育的一个重要的研究领域。

    The long-distance collaboration learning based on Internet is an important research field of modern long-distance education .

  4. 一种基于WEB方式的远程协作OA系统

    A Distance Collaboration OA System Based on WEB Model

  5. 许多新型业务如远程协作,分布式存储,多人在线游戏等正被应用到P2P网络中。

    Many new applications such as remote collaboration , distributed storage , multiplayer online games are applied to the P2P network .

  6. 他生活在田纳西州西部农场中的一个小镇上,在这里与全球的同事远程协作,研究RationalCollaborativeApplicationLifecycleManagement(CLM)解决方案的性能和可靠性。

    He lives in a small town in the farmlands of western Tennessee , where he collaborates remotely with colleagues around the world on the performance and reliability of the Rational solution for Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management ( CLM ) .

  7. 远程协作由于其高效、快速、廉价、丰富的交互特点,成为CSCW(计算机支持的协同工作)领域的热点之一,研究内容包括支撑平台技术、多媒体通信技术等方面。

    As an efficient and low-cost way for cooperation , remote cooperation technology has became a hotspot of CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ) research . Branchs of this technology include cooperative platform , multimedia communication and so on .

  8. 面对不断增长的网络化测试需求,本文深入研究了远程协作测控系统(RCTCS)的体系结构介绍了RCTCS抽象结构、管理技术、网络配置结构;

    Facing the increasing requirement in Network Test , this paper makes a deeply discussion on the system framework of Remote Cooperative Test and Control System ( RCTCS ), introducing the system 's abstract structure , management technologies and network configuration .

  9. 群体决策支持系统在远程协作学习中的应用

    The application of group decision support system in distance collaborative learning

  10. 远程协作实时钻井应用系统的设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of Remote Cooperative System for Real-Time Drilling Application

  11. 即时通讯技术在远程协作学习系统中的应用研究

    Application and Research of Distance Collaborative Learning in Instant Messaging

  12. 远程协作故障诊断系统的设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of Remote Cooperative Diagnosis System

  13. 远程协作学习实验的设计与操作

    Design and Operation of Remote Cooperated Learning Experiment

  14. 概念图支架在远程协作学习中的应用探索

    Application of Concept Mapping in Distance Collaborative Learning

  15. 基于ITU-TT.120协议的多媒体远程协作平台核心机制及实现技术研究

    Research on the Core Mechanism and Implementation Technique of ITU-T T.120-Based Multimedia Cooperative Platform

  16. 基于因特网的设备故障远程协作诊断技术

    Internet Based Remote Cooperative Diagnostics for Machine Faults

  17. 关键技术涉及远程协作网架构、数据库安全保密等。

    The key technique includes remote cooperation frame , database security coding and so on .

  18. 网上远程协作式学习的研究项目:中国的春节与美国的圣诞节。

    Telecollaborative Learning WebQuest of Spring Festival in China and Christmas in the United States .

  19. 典型的新型应用有可信管理,目录服务,在线游戏,远程协作等。

    The typical newly-developed applications include trustable management , directory service , online games , remote collaboration and so on .

  20. 该文针对大型复杂设备提出了采用基于网络的多专家远程协作诊断的方法。

    In this paper , a method of multi expert cooperative diagnosis for large complex equipments based on networks has been provided .

  21. 视频图像目标检测与跟踪是远程协作系统中感兴趣的研究课题之一。

    Object detection and tracking in video sequences is becoming one of the research focuses in the field of remote collaborative system .

  22. 网格为应用和用户带来很多好处:提供便捷的资源访问接口,虚拟环境中的远程协作和资源共享,以及消除信息孤岛。

    Grid brings many advantages , including convenient and shortcut access interface , remote cooperation and resource sharing in virtual environment , and information island elimination .

  23. 因此,通过网络来实现项目的远程协作和在分布式环境中对项目信息与知识的共享,得到众多的企业的需求。

    Therefore , it comes to the requirement of various enterprises to realize remote project cooperation and share the project information and knowledge of the distributed environment .

  24. 在这次活动中,远程协作创建的重要性显而易见&来自世界各地的大量设计师和构建师志愿者为创建这个环境投入了数千小时时间。

    The importance of remote cooperative creation became obvious - many volunteer designers and builders from around the world put thousands of hours into creating this environment .

  25. 随着网络技术的发展,基于互联网开展的远程协作学习为高校精品课程的有效使用提出了解决方案,基于远程协作学习的高校精品课程实施机制研究正是在此基础上提出的研究课题。

    With the development of network technology , distance collaborative learning based on the Internet proposed solutions for the effective use of college elaborate courses , this study is based on such a research basis .

  26. 现代科学问题需要科学家进行远程的协作式研究。

    Modern scientific problems need cooperating research between remote researchers .

  27. 本文主要介绍了军用远程多媒体协作系统的安全管理中心及加密算法的软件实现。

    In this paper , we describe the research and realization of the Security Management Center of the Military Remote Multiple_Media Cooperation System and its encryption algorithm .

  28. 通过因特网可以实现企业信息发布、商机的发现、甚至全球范围内企业间数据与资源共享,进行远程项目协作等。

    It can be realized via Internet to release information , seek for business opportunities , share data and resource among global enterprises , and carry on remote project cooperation .

  29. 远程设计网络协作系统采用DDN数字数据网络通信技术和分布式文件系统,实现异地、多人之间的文字、语音、视频交流和文件共享。

    Based on DDN network communication technology and distributed File System , Remote Network Co-operation Design System implemented text , audio and video communication and files exchanges for people in different area .

  30. 一种复杂装备远程监测与协作诊断系统框架

    A Remote Monitoring and Cooperative Diagnosis System Work for Complicated Equipment