
  • 网络Liancheng County
  1. [目的]了解连城县碘缺乏病(IDD)的病情消长趋势,评价措施的落实情况和防治效果,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To study the prevalence trend of iodine deficiency disorder ( IDD ) in Liancheng county , and evaluate the control measure on it .

  2. 连城县农村宅基地利用及微形态研究

    Research on Utilization of Homestead and Microscopic Shape in Liancheng County

  3. 连城县地瓜干产业发展对策研究

    Study on the Development of Sweet Potato Processing Industry in Liancheng

  4. 1995~2005年连城县碘缺乏病监测结果分析

    Analysis on Surveillance Results of Iodine Deficiency Disorder in Liancheng County from 1995 to 2005

  5. 连城县素有“中国红心地瓜干之乡”的美称。

    Liancheng County is known as " The township of sweet potato processing in China " .

  6. 2001~2003年连城县旅店业餐具及公共用品卫生状况调查

    Investigation on the sanitary status of hotel tableware and public appliances in Liancheng County 2001 ~ 2003

  7. 通过几年来现代烟草农业建设的积极推进与有效探索,连城县烤烟种植户均规模水平得到了提升。

    Through the years the construction of modern agriculture and actively promote tobacco and effective exploration , the level of average household size in Liancheng County tobacco cultivation has improved .

  8. 为适应现代烟草农业发展的要求,连城县烟草专卖局(分公司)积极开展了现代烟草农业建设。

    In order to meet the requirements of modern agricultural development of tobacco , Liancheng County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau ( Branch ) take active in the construction of modern agriculture development of tobacco .

  9. 该品种在福建连城县甘薯种植1万多公顷中占80%,是龙岩连城县地瓜干最主要的原材料来源。

    This variety plants in more than 10,000 hectares in the Fujian Liancheng County sweet potato to account for 80 % , is the most main raw material origin of dried sweet potato in Liancheng County .

  10. [方法]对连城县1972-2005年麻疹疫情资料进行流行病学分析。[结果]1972-2005年麻疹合计发病11197例,年均发病率为115.31/10万;

    [ Methods ] Epidemiological analysis was carried out on the data of measles in Liancheng County from 1972 to 2005 . [ Results ] There were 11 197 patients from 1972 to 2005 , the annual average incidence was 115.31/100 000 ;

  11. 龙岩市位于福建省西部,具有极其优越的种植甘薯地理气候条件,龙岩市甘薯种植面积和总产仅次于水稻,且连城县是我国最大的甘薯加工生产县。

    Longyan located in the west of Fujian province , it has excellent geographic climate condition to cultivate batata , the cultivation area and total production of batata is second only to rice , and Liancheng is the largest county of batata processing .

  12. 基于这样的课题假设,笔者采用调查问卷法,对连城县地理位置分别位于城区、城郊、边远乡镇的五所初级中学的300名学生进行生物课堂教学状况的问卷调查。

    Based on this assumption the subject , the author used the questionnaire method , interviews , for even the County are located in urban location , peri-urban , remote rural areas , five of the 300 students in junior middle school biology teaching status questionnaire .