
  • 网络Liandao;Lian Island
  1. 舟山陆海连岛大型桥梁GPS控制网的建立与数据处理

    Primary GPS Network Design and Data Processing for Zhoushan Large Bridge Across the Sea

  2. NW向大沽河&朝连岛南断裂分为三段,北段呈门路状向湾内下降,为白垩系与胶南群片麻岩的分界断裂;

    The NW-trending Dagu river-Chaoliandao fault is divided into three parts , the north part drawdowning turn northeast step-shapedly is the boundary of the gneiss and Cretaceous .

  3. 以现场天然沙为试验床质,利用系列比尺模型,采用不规则波与潮流共同作用的方式,对江苏LNG接卸站陆连岛栈桥桩基周围的冲刷情况,进行了试验研究。

    Taking natural sand as model sand and using series scale model , the scouring around the foundation of the Land-island jetty of Jiangsu LNG Loading Station is tested under the interaction of irregular wave and tide current .

  4. 最大淤积区位于连岛坝的西侧,淤积速率为1.4cm/a。

    Siltation rate is between 0.5cm / a ~ 1.4cm/a . Maximum siltation area locates at west of the connecting islands dam .

  5. 舟山大陆连岛工程景观绿化方案构想

    Conception of Landscape Afforestation Plan for Zhoushan Mainland-Islands Link Project

  6. 水域高密度地震映像法在舟山大陆连岛工程中的应用

    Application of estuary high density seismic imaging to the island-mainland link project in Zhoushan

  7. 芝罘连岛沙坝北端封闭泻湖成因与发育过程

    Origin and morphological evolution of the closed lagoon in the northern part of Zhifu tombolo

  8. 以连岛为首的家庭旅馆也越办越红火,从一定程度上解决了连云港旅游住宿接待能力季节性不平衡的问题。

    Home Hotels become more and more prosperous and to certain extent have solved seasonal unbalanced accommodation capacity problems in Lianyungang .

  9. 进入21世纪,世界各地跨海连岛工程的建设促进了桥梁朝着超大跨度的方向发展。

    Entering the 21st century , the construction of sea-crossing projects and isles connection projects all over the world promoted the development of longer-span bridges .

  10. 连岛坝拆除对潮流、波浪和地形地貌与冲淤的影响主要位于连岛坝两侧附近海域。

    Siltation velocity is 1.4cm/a.The impact of removing connecting islands dam at current , wave , topography , erosion and deposition mainly locates at its two sides .

  11. 本文采用潜堤作为修复连岛沙坝的措施,提出二种潜堤的布置方案,并通过物理模型实验验证了修复措施的有效性。

    We used submerged breakwater as measures for repairing tombolo , and proposed two layout programs about submerged breakwater , we verified the effectiveness of the measures for repair by physical model test .

  12. 而后依据确定的防御优势标准,得出我加强坦克连岛上阵地防御作战任务,并对其可行性进行了定性分析。

    After that , according to the fixed standard of superior defense , this paper reaches and qualitatively analyses the conclusion of the defense task for our reinforced tank company on the Island .

  13. 文中还讨论了离岸堤堤后的淤积规律,提出了连岛坝及稳定沙嘴的形成条件,并探讨了透浪式离岸堤的一些基本问题。

    The depositional law on the back of the offshore breakwater and the condition of forming a tombolo and spit are discussed , and some basic problems about permeable offshore breakwater are also discussed .

  14. 多塔悬索桥是一种全新的结构型式,具有较大的跨越优势、较好的经济效益及便利的施工特点等优点,在跨海连岛工程中有广阔的应用前景。

    Multi-tower suspension bridge is a new structure type , with greater span advantage , better economic efficiency , convenience of the construction and other advantages , so it have extensive application prospect in projects of cross-sea and connect-islands .

  15. 在过去的二十世纪,世界桥梁工程经历了前所未有的高速发展,进入二十一世纪,桥梁工程又跨入了跨海连岛工程的新时期。

    In the past of the twentieth century , the bridge engineering of world has experienced a high-speed development . With the 21st century coming , the bridge engineering will get into a new period of crossing ocean and connecting islands .

  16. 最后,利用战斗动力学原理具体分析了我加强坦克连岛上阵地防御时与敌对抗的能力,为战斗的组织与实施提供了一些具体可行的建议。

    At last , this paper concretely analyses our reinforced tank company 's confronting ability of positional defense on the Island by using the theory of combat power mechanics and provides some practicable advices for organization and implement of positional defense .

  17. 首先利用综合战斗力指数法,通过对比分析我加强坦克连与敌战车营特遣队的战斗力,得出了我加强坦克连岛上阵地防御的作战能力。

    At first , taking the index method of combat force and analyzing the combat force contrast of our reinforced tank company and enemies ' chariot battalion , reaches our reinforced tank company 's combat ability of positional defense on the Island .

  18. 舟山恰好地处长三角之嘴,随着上海国际航运中心、杭州湾大桥、及舟山大陆连岛工程等项目的建成实施,舟山发展港口物流业的区位优势日益突显。

    Zhoushan is located at the mouth of Changjiang Delta , and with the construction and operation of Shanghai International Shipping Center , Hangzhou Bay Bridge and Zhoushan Peninsula Project , the local advantages in developing harbour logistic are becoming increasingly outstanding .

  19. 它是世界上少数的完整地保留了原生态地貌特征、典型的连岛沙坝,在世界同类地貌景观中具有无可比拟的地位,已经接近或者达到世界遗产的水平。

    It is one of few tombolos that retained the original eco-geomorphological features completed in the world , it has an unparalleled position in similar landscapes in the world , it has been chose to or reached the level of the World Heritage .

  20. 1960年以来,南、北长山岛由连岛坝连接,西侧水文动力条件发生了较大变化,趋于淤积,水质质量下降,生态环境恶化。

    The South Changshan Island and the North Changshan Island have been connected by connecting islands dam since 1960 . The great change about dynamic condition have take place in the west of dam . The water quality and ecological environment become worse .

  21. 六横大桥工程是舟山市南北连岛工程的又一组成部分。已列入舟山市公路水运交通建设规划(2003&2010)以及舟山市普陀区六横岛交通规划(2004~2010)。

    The Liuheng Bridge Project is another component of Zhoushan South-to-North Islands Connecting Project , which has been listed in the ' Zhoushan Communications Construction Project of Highways and Waterways 2003-2010 ' and ' Liuheng Island Communications Project of Putuo District of Zhoushan 2004-2010 ' .

  22. 为改善岛上交通状况,整治和恢复海洋生态环境,促进海岛经济发展,2002年,山东省委、省政府确定了建设南北长山大桥的战略决策,使得连岛坝的拆除成为可能。

    Shandong provincial party committee and government make the strategic decision-making to build the South and the North Changshan Islands Bridge in order to improve traffic conditions on the island , to renovate and renew marine ecological environment , to promote the economic development of island .

  23. 方案一中人工岛北侧普遍形成岛后淤积,有发展成连岛沙坝的可能;方案二中人工岛由于结构设计特点北侧始终处于冲刷状态,不会形成连岛沙坝。

    In precept one , there is generally accumulation of mud behind island which is possible to develop into tombolo . In percept two because of characteristic of structure design of man-made island , N side of island will always in erosion state and it will not become tombolo .