
  1. 我们认为:SLAM网络建模与仿真是研究连续制造业产品质量分析的一种有效手段。

    We are sure that the SLAM network modelling and simulation is very useful tool for productS quality of continuous manufacturing .

  2. 快速淬火连续制造金属薄带的新技术

    New technique of continuous making metal ribbons using rapid quenched method

  3. 连续制造业的质量信息集成

    Integration of quality information in continuous manufactures

  4. 润滑脂连续制造过程

    Continuous grease manufacturing process

  5. 基于误差反向传播的机制,针对连续制造过程的预测与控制,提出多层神经网络的逐个样本学习算法。

    A one-by-one learning algorithm for multi-layer neural network modelling is presented based on the back-propagation mechanism of network error .

  6. 它由经久耐用的防化学腐蚀的塑料制成,良好的气泵作用可以连续制造一些高浓度泡沫,是理想的乳头消毒的工具。

    Made of a tough , durable , chemical-resistant plastic , excellent pumping action that produce a dense and consistent foam , ideal for teats disinfection .

  7. 针对机器人生产线数字化仿真设计、验证环境,讨论了工业机器人及生产线仿真研究现状及存在问题,提出机器人虚拟样机设计思想,构成机器人生产线连续制造过程仿真的重要组成部分。

    In this paper , digital designing and testing system of robot is focused . Research situation of robot line is analyzed and industrial robot virtual prototype is presented , which constructs kernel of continuous event simulation of manufacturing system .

  8. 统计过程控制(SPC)与自动过程控制(APC)相结合的技术是一种先进的质量控制方法,但国内外的研究主要集中在连续型制造业。

    Integration of Statistical Process Control ( SPC ) and Automatic Process Control ( APC ) is an advanced method for quality control , but the study on this method mostly focused on continual manufacturing before both domestic and overseas .

  9. 硅橡胶膜生物反应器(SRMBR)用于连续发酵制造乙醇,在目前被认为是最具有市场开发前景的清洁能源技术之一。

    Ethanol production by a continuous fermentation in silicone rubber membrane bio-reactor ( SRMBR ) is one of the most promising technologies for clearer-energy development .

  10. 军山互通连续钢箱梁制造工艺

    Manufacture Technics of Junshan Mountain Overpass Continuous Steel Box Girder

  11. 用硫酸盐光亮连续电解法制造镀锌钢带

    Production of Galvanized Steel Tape by Continuous Bright Electrolysis Using Sulphate

  12. 连续氧化铝纤维制造、性能与应用

    Preparation , Properties and Applications of Continuous Alumina Fibers

  13. 带钢连续生产线制造执行系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Manufacturing Execution System in Continuous Strip Production Line

  14. 从一卷胶片中投射连续画面以制造活动图像。

    Projects successive frames from a reel of film to create moving pictures .

  15. 连续泡沫镍制造技术

    Production technology of continuous nickel foam

  16. 过程系统是指连续生产的制造业及其企业。

    A process system refers to the manufacturing industry and the enterprises whose production process is continuous .

  17. 经过一年试生产,合资公司由于技术原因不能连续稳定地制造合格产品,1999年关闭。

    After one and half year 's trial production , the JV winded up in1999 , because it was not capable of making steady and qualified disc technically .

  18. 焊接翻转机的结构尺寸、平稳性、翻转的连续性以及制造成本对提高焊接效率和保证安全性有很大的影响。

    The construction dimension , stability , continuity , and manufacturing cost of the welding turnover mechanism has great effect on increasing of efficiency , welding quality and security .

  19. 在国内,常规的半连续铸造由于制造工艺等方面的原因,铸锭内部或表面经常产生组织不均匀、铸造应力与裂纹等缺陷,尤其对于传统上难于铸造的高合金大铸锭更是如此。

    But at home , the cast ingot organizations of conventional Semi-continuous Casting are non-homogeneous casting stress , cracks and so on whatever internal or outside , specially for large Al alloy ingot .

  20. 本文针对我国连续生产过程制造企业自身生产管理的特点,深入分析了连续生产过程制造企业生产计划与控制的集成框架。

    By studying production plan and control of process enterprise , the thesis strengths active cost control in course of production plan and control with respect to the feather of process enterprise production plan .

  21. 江苏是闻名全国的制造业大省,更是制造业强省,连续五年制造业竞争力指数位居全国前列,其制造业信息化水平如何,是值得深入研究的问题。

    Jiangsu province is famous for the manufacturing industry and the manufacturing competitiveness index occupies the forefront of China for five consecutive years . It is worthy of further study to how to measure the level of Jiang su manufacturing information .

  22. 在基于上述生产计划优化模型以及算法研究的基础上,开发了基于连续生产过程制造企业生产计划与控制系统,并已经在实际连续生产过程企业中进行了应用实施。

    In the basis of research on optimized model and arithmetic of process production plan , it is developed that process enterprise production plan and control system of a system . The system is put into practice in practical process enterprise .

  23. 分步成本会计法用于在连续流程操作中制造大量同类产品的生产成本计算。

    A process cost system is appropriate in accounting for costs in the production of a large volume of relatively homogeneous products manufactured in a " continuous flow " operation .

  24. 作为从制造业内部生产部门独立发展出来的行业,生产性服务业贯穿于制造业生产的诸多环节中,有利于保证工业生产过程的连续性,促进制造业升级。

    Producer services developed independently from the inside sector of manufacturing industry , throughout all aspects of production in the manufacturing sector , will help to ensure the continuity of the industrial production process , to promote industrial upgrading .