
  1. 比起褒贬现实政治的「论事之文」,讨论传统学问的「述学之文」,无疑更能体现1910年代中国读书人的趣味。

    Compared with the style of argumentative prose used to discuss immediate political questions , the academic prose of traditional scholarship more clearly reveals Chinese academic taste in the1910s .

  2. 以白话为文学创作的工具,这还不够,还必须深入到以白话为述学工具,白话文运动的成功,才有充分的保证。

    It was not enough to use vernacular Chinese in literary writing , but necessary to use it as a mode of academic prose to ensure the success of the vernacular movement .

  3. 胡适之讲求「述学」之文,目的是打破其时十分流行的「纯文学」与「杂文学」对举的论述框架。

    The intention of Hu Shi 's call for using the vernacular in academic writing was to break down the then-popular argument that contrasted " pure literature " with " jumble literature " .

  4. 试述阳明学对日本现代化政权的催生

    The Influence of Yang-Ming Study on Japan 's Modern Government

  5. 治安学研究的困惑与发展&兼述治安学学科专业建设专家咨询座谈会

    Perplexities and Progress on the Research of Public Order Discipline & The Forum on Professional Reconstruction of Public Order Discipline

  6. 论崔述的考据学与清代汉学之关系乾嘉汉学治学宗旨及其学术实践探析&以戴震、阮元为中心

    Analysis of the Relationship between Cui Shu 's Textual Research and Han Learning in the Qing Dynasty

  7. 试述近代中医急症学发展迟缓的原因及其对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures on the Slow Progress of Modern TCM Acute Diseas

  8. 潜在主题模型的应用研究越来越多,本文所述在生物信息学领域的应用就是一个很好的实例。

    And the application of the model in the field of bioinformatics is a perfect example in this paper .

  9. 从网络资源中看学科导航构建的内涵与作用&兼述民族传统体育学学科导航体系及其经典网站举要

    The Conception and Function of Disciplines Guide Construction According to the Network Resurce & the guide system of national traditional discipline and illustrate the good websites currently

  10. 从语法句法术语的使用谈宋金人语法观的树立&兼述中国古代语法学的一个重大发展

    On the Grammatical Conception of the People in the Song and Jin Dynasties from Their Use of Grammatical and Syntactic Terms & Concurrently on one of the important Developments of Ancient Chinese Grammatology