首页 / 词典 / good


  1. POSH的产生,来自一群令人追崇的网页设计师,他们希望能够写出简短、易记,能够使人一看就知道其意义的语义化HTML。

    The term POSH was coined because a group of highly respected web designers wanted to have a short mnemonic to easily capture the essence of the concept of Semantic HTML .

  2. 自柏拉图以来,西方文化传统一直追崇本原中心主义。

    Since Plato , traditional Western culture has been adoring arche-centrism .

  3. 建筑设计中地方风格与追崇主义之间的矛盾关系

    The Contradictory Relationship between the Local Style and Pursue Careers in Architecture Design

  4. 不管怎么说,许多排毒净体的狂热追崇者都很注重健康。

    Many cleanse aficionados are health-conscious anyway .

  5. 这就是他能让人们一直追崇的原因。

    That 's why he 's been able to retain the following that he has .

  6. 谚语丰富多彩、生动隽永,反映了每个民族追崇的重要而独特的文化价值观。

    Proverbs , in colorful and vivid language , reflects important cultural values typical of every culture .

  7. 喜欢体育运动,艺术作品,追崇健康的身心、现实的休闲生活。

    Like the sports activity , the artistic work , chase high and healthy body and mind , realistic recreation .

  8. 而现在,我们转向了另一种模式,即追崇自主选择,个人权利,自我实现与幸福的模式。

    And we have shifted it to a model of free choice and individual rights , and self-fulfillment and happiness .

  9. 摘要:长期以来,客观、公正的新闻专业主义报道原则一直被媒体所追崇。

    For a long time , OBJECTIVITY , JUSTICE are the principles of journalistic professionalism which have been persued in media industry .

  10. 近日,某品牌地板因平面广告引市场热衷追崇。单纯的概念和单一的价格噱头未来可能很难再打动消费者了。

    The pure concept and the sole price will laugh uproariously possibly are very in the future difficult to move the consumer again .

  11. 它反映了金人追崇欧阳修和企盼长命高寿文化心理的广为流行。

    It embodies the popularity of cultural psychology of veneration for Ouyang Xiu , anticipation for longevity in the Kin Dynasty as well .

  12. 胜者可以得到如同当代体育明星那样的拥戴,拥有追崇的群体、巨大的财富,甚至可能有品牌产品的支持。

    The victors were rewarded like our modern sports stars are , with fan clubs , great wealth and possibly even product endorsements .

  13. 这时人们会看到,能够做到完美无暇这个目标是他们的最高追崇。

    From now on , seeing from the beginning of developing the product to making it perfect , perfect is the last goal .

  14. 不当得利制度有悠久的历史,公平正义理念一直是人类社会追崇的理想状态。

    The system of unjust enrichment has a long history , and equity and justice has been geared to human society as the ideal state .

  15. 对肯尼迪政治生涯的盲目追崇,导致布朗口出痴言:鲍比(肯尼迪)是第一位现代政治领导人。

    Mr Brown 's idealised account of Kennedy 's career leads him to the unconvincing claim that Bobby was " the first modern political leader " .

  16. 喜欢体育运动,艺术作品,追崇健康的身心、实的休闲生活。更让中国人骄傲和自豪的是,体育锻炼、健身休闲提高了人的寿命。

    Like the sports activity , the artistic work , chase high and healthy body and mind , realistic recreation . Physical training has increased the Chinese people 's life expectancy .

  17. 当一个人的生活质量,环境和自身追崇的精神和物质理念先去甚远的时候,最真实的想法就是希望得到解脱。

    When one 's life quality and living environment go far from his spiritual and material goal that he always pursues , the most real thought is to seek and acquire disentanglement .

  18. 女性主义伦理学猛烈抨击这种追崇根深蒂固的社会性别的传统伦理学,力图消除自然与社会、公共领域与自然领域的二元结构障碍。

    The Feminist Ethics slams violently to this deep-rooted traditional gender ethics and trys to eliminate the obstacles of dual-structure , like as nature and society , the public field and the natural field .

  19. 他们把学校命名为胡沙尔学校,追崇我父亲心中的另一位英雄--胡沙尔.汗.哈塔克,一名斯瓦特南方阿卡拉的战士。他曾在17世纪时,试着将普什图的所有部落联合起来,对抗莫卧儿王朝。

    They named it the Khushal School after one of my father 's great heroes , Khushal Khan Khattak , the warrior poet from Akora just south of Swat , who tried to unify all Pashtun tribes against the Moghuls in the seventeenth century .