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  1. 创始人是两个朝鲜族兄弟,他们从1604年开始用本地粘土制作典礼用的茶碗。

    The founders were two Korean brothers who began to make tea ceremony bowls from local clay in 1604 .

  2. 国际泰学研究领域的又一个讹误&缅甸历史上的掸族三兄弟与掸族统治时代神话探析

    An Error in the Area of International Tai Studies : A Re-analysis of the Myth of " Three Shan Brothers " and the " Shan Dominion Period " in the History of Burma

  3. 中国的朝鲜族同国内各兄弟民族一样具有光荣的革命传统。

    The Chinese Korean has the same glorious revolutionary tradition with the other brother nationality in domestic .

  4. 蒙古族民间故事中兄弟型故事源远流长,内容丰富、流传广泛。

    Mongolian Folk Tales of Brothers Story has a long history and spread widely with rich contents .

  5. 在历史的发展中,保安族在与其他兄弟民族间相互交流的过程中不仅创造了赖以生存发展的物质财富,也创造了包括保安腰刀在内的绚丽多彩的民间艺术等精神财富。

    During the historical development , this group has not only created material wealth , but also created colorful folk art and spiritual wealth , including broadsword in the process of mutual exchange with other brothers .