
zú qún
  • ethnic group;population
  1. 对西方学界有关族群(ethnicgroup)释义的辨析

    Discussion about the Definition of Ethnic Group in the Western Academic Field

  2. 族群与社会文化互动论

    On the Interaction of the Ethnic Group and Social Culture

  3. 整个族群都是同系繁殖,以至于根本不存在基因差异。

    The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain

  4. 现在商家更加意识到同性恋族群消费力、即所谓“粉红英镑”的重要性。

    Businesses are now more aware of the importance of the ' pink pound ' .

  5. 以风险态度区隔市场,得到风险趋避型、平衡型及爱好型三族群。

    Three groups discriminated by risk attitude are risk averter , risk balancer and risk lover .

  6. 不同生物族群生活之间的互动,以相互竞争、食或共生的方式生活著

    Different populations living together and interacting . Populations can interact as competitors , predator and prey , or symbiotically .

  7. 金平傣族是一个跨中越边境而居的特殊族群(ethnicgroup),其民间信仰表现出十分丰富多彩的特征。

    The Dais in Jinping , a special ethnic group living in the border area of China and Vietnam , have very rich and colorful folk beliefs .

  8. 奥兹的DNA显示,他的血统源自中北欧,那也许是显而易见的,但是,这个事实的意思是,他与地中海族群不同,而地中海族群正生活在他南边不远的地方。

    DNA analysis indicates his origin in central-northern Europe , which may seem obvious , but it differentiates him from Mediterranean people , whose lands lie not too far distant to the south .

  9. 他们提倡的「英语与外语」(EnglishPlus),建议美国人应尊重其它族群的母语以及文化,同时也推广英语教学,帮助其它族群融入社会主流。

    Their view , known as English Plus , suggests that Americans should have respect for people 's native language and culture , while promoting the teaching of English to help them fit into the mainstream of society .

  10. 其他地区的族群包括波斯人(Persians)、Lurs、亚美尼亚人(Armenians)(可能是古老美索不达米亚(Mesopotamian)文化的后裔)。

    Other distinct groups are Persians , Lurs , Armenians ( possible descendants of the ancient Mesopotamian culture ) .

  11. 2010年,拉丁裔占美国人口的16%(据皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)数据),但只占有投票资格选民的10%,因为拉丁裔族群相对年轻,且很多属非法居留。

    Hispanics made up more than 16 per cent of the US population in 2010 ( according to the Pew Research Center ) but only 10 per cent of eligible voters , because of their relative youth and the fact that so many are in the US illegally .

  12. 但知情人士表示,其中部分资金可能被用于满足《社区再投资法》(CommunityReinvestmentAct,CRA)的要求。此项法案出台于1977年,旨在防止银行歧视少数族群和较为贫穷的社区。

    But people close to the situation said some of the funds could be used to fulfil the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act , a 1977 law designed to prevent banks from discriminating against minorities and poorer neighbourhoods .

  13. 总理安格拉·默克尔(AngelaMerkel)的内阁推出了国家的第一套一体化战略:一整套草根措施,旨在从强化语言班开始,改善少数族群获得教育、进入劳动力市场的状况。

    Chancellor Angela Merkel 's cabinet drew up the country 's first integration strategy : a set of grassroots measures aimed at improving its ethnic minorities ' access to education – starting with intensive language courses – and to the labour market .

  14. 其余的10%人口包括杜尔伯特族群,北部的部分族群以及东部的dariganga蒙古人群。

    The remaining 10 % include durbet Mongols and others in the north and dariganga Mongols in the East .

  15. 司法项目办公室(OJP)和社区警务办公室(COPS)领导、援助各州、地方、族群政府。

    The Office of Justice Programs ( OJP ) and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services ( COPS ) provide leadership and assistance to State , local , and tribal governments .

  16. 第一章为绪论,阐明了本文的术语体系、理论方法、学术意义,介绍了为此研究所做的田野调查和资料搜集工作,并回顾了国内外关于跨国族群和Hmong人的研究状况。

    My dissertation consists of 7 chapters : Chapter one is an introduction , which discusses the basic terminology , theories , methodology , fieldwork , academic values of this dissertation , and the current studies situation of this subject at home and abroad .

  17. 犹太民族在这个历史性的移民进程中,受其居住国政治、经济、文化传统的影响形成了三大族群:(1)由中欧和东欧犹太人以及美洲移民组成的阿什肯纳兹人(Ashkenazim)。

    The Jewish nation , in this historic immigration process , formed three groups : ( 1 ) The Ashkenazim which are composed of the Middle and Eastern European Jews and American immigrant Jews , and their Yiddish culture .

  18. 黑人音乐与美国非裔族群的自我表达

    The Black Music and the Self-expression of African - American Groups

  19. 在他们的本源和结构中这些族群种族隔离是与生俱来的。

    These group segregations are inherent in their origin and constitution .

  20. 全球化影响下的中国族群政策的新定位

    The Orientation of Chinese Policies towards Nationalities in the New Century

  21. 族群认同是一种社会群体水平上的认同,是族群及其文化存在的基础。

    Ethnic identification is an important identification at social group level .

  22. 这两个族群的最大不同是语言。

    The most distinguishing characteristic of these two groups is language .

  23. 而其他族群则用树叶碾碎昆虫或盛水。

    Yet other groups use leaves to crush insects or gather water .

  24. 长期而言,二族群会有相同的平均数字。

    Over time , both populations will have the same average number .

  25. 我们也将观察认同政治与族群冲突。

    We also look at identity politics and ethnic conflict .

  26. 在马来半岛上的族群中,描述气味的抽象词语很常见。

    Abstract odor terms are common among people on the Malay Peninsula .

  27. 无国籍女人:在传统与现代之间徘徊的族群

    Women of No Nationality : A Group Wandering between Tradition and Modernization

  28. 重解校园文化新人类的四大族群

    Four Young Groups of New Cultural People on the Campus New Culture

  29. 族群政治、性别政治和阶级政治的三维空间&后殖民女性主义批评视角简析

    Three-dimensional Space of Politics of Race , Gender and Class

  30. 民族认同有两个层次,族群认同与国族认同。

    National identity has two levels : ethnic identity and national identity .