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  • 网络Clan rules;regulations of the clan;Gaya
族规 [zú guī]
  • [regulations of the clan] 宗法制度下家族的法规,用来约束本家族成员

  1. 宗族内部因引进乡约而宣讲圣谕、设立族约、制定族规,推动宗族建设并组织化。

    The introduction of community compact promoted the construction of clan .

  2. 家法族规与人民调解制度&试论两者的共通之处及家法族规对人民调解制度的借鉴

    FOR THE PEOPLE The Clan Rules and the System of People Intermediation

  3. 广西家法族规概论

    An Introduction to the Family and Clan Regulations in Guangxi

  4. 从徽州谱牒中的族规家训看其社会教化效应

    The Social Enlightening Effect of the Huizhou Family Doctrines

  5. 家法族规在明清法律体系中的地位

    The Position of Family discipline and Clan Role in Ming and Qing Dynasties ' legal system

  6. 在中国宋代以后的社会,这种律法即体现为族训和族规。

    In the Chinese society , the kinds of laws and statutes express as the clan disciplines and instructions .

  7. 新安理学所倡导的伦理观,是徽州宗族制订族规和祖训的理论依据;

    The ethics advocated ethics became the theoretical foundation for the establishment of clan and tribal laws and teachings .

  8. 家族则通过家法族规来约束族内女性成员的思想和行为。

    The family adopted domestic discipline and clan rule to control the members of women 's thought and behavior in the family .

  9. 宗族权力是对地方正式权力运行产生直接影响、且有组织、有族规、有家谱的一种地方非正式权力。

    Tribe power is kind of non-formality power having organization , rules and family tree , which directly affects the operation of local official power .

  10. 针对日益增多的女性犯罪,国家法律和家法族规都对其进行了相应的调整。

    With the growing number of female crimes , laws as well as clan regulations and family rules found their place in the control of them .

  11. 家法族规在中国文明史上占据过重要的地位,对于中国社会的形成与发展也起到过一定的作用。

    Clan rules played a very important role in the history of China civilization and have deep effects on the form and development of China society .

  12. 从地域性的视野分析,家法族规是赣南客家传统文化的一部分,其历史久远。

    Based on the field work analysis on regionalization , family laws are partially traditional culture of Gannan Hakka people , which has a long history .

  13. 第三部分阐述家法族规等民间法律规则在当下中国存在的合理性。

    Next , the third part states the rationale of the existence of nongovernmental laws and regulations such as domestic disciplines and clan regulations in modern China .

  14. 在土家家法中,族规是宗族的法典;族长是家族的首领,拥有绝对权力;家法实施的范围和家谱的范围一致。

    According to the family law of Tujia nationality , the clan regulation is the code . Shaikh is the leader of whole family and has absolute power .

  15. 论家族主义对东南亚华人的影响土家族族规与现代社会调适探析

    The Influence of Clan oriented Ideology on the Chinese in Southeast Asia On the Harmonization Between the Rules in the Patriarchal Clan of Tujia People and the Modern Society

  16. 权威性、地域性、规范性、强制性是其鲜明特征;传统风俗习惯、家法族规、村规民约、行业规章、宗教教规、民族习惯是主要渊源。

    Its distinctive features are authority , regional , normative , mandatory and it is origined in traditional customs , Clan rules , village regulations , industry regulations , religious rules and customs of nationalities .

  17. 它以宗族自身力量和国家力量作为其强制执行的后盾,族规、家法、家礼、祠规、家训、家教等都可统称之为宗族法。

    The power of clan and country is the safeguard of enforcement . Clan rule , domestic discipline , family courtesy , rule of the shrine , family precept and family education are altogether called clan law .

  18. 就宗族法的发展历史看,明清时期准立法、准司法性质的家法族规为中国封建时代的典型。

    Ming and Qing Dynasties ' family discipline and clan role , which possess the implied legislation and judicature , remains the model of Chinese feudal period time from the perspective of the developing history of clan law .

  19. 第四,通过家谱中所收录的族规家训、人物传赞等内容,分析其中所反映出来的当地宗法思想和社会风尚,为当地思想文化研究提供一定的参考价值。

    Fourth , through the family motto , and figures deeds in the genealogy , we can see the patriarchal ideology and social trends in Jianli . So the genealogy also provide a reference value for the local ideological and cultural studies .

  20. 司马光以宗族建设作为治理国家的切入点,在谱牒、家法族规、祭祖等方面都丰富和发展了宋代的宗族制度。

    Regarding the construction of the basic unit of social organization as the inserting point to govern the country , in the genealogy , lessons at the family rules , worship and other aspects , Sima Guang enriched and developed the clan system of the Song Dynasty .