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bèi fen
  • Seniority;position in the family hierarchy;seniority in the family or clan;status of a generation in the family
辈分 [bèi fēn]
  • [seniority in the family or clan] 在家族、亲友的长幼先后中所居的地位

辈分[bèi fen]
  1. 全家男女老少都穿上节日的盛装,按辈分依次坐定。

    Men , women and children are put on the family holiday attire , followed by the seated position in the family hierarchy .

  2. 这在我们中国是不行的,必须要分清楚辈分、老幼等关系,否则就会被认为不懂礼貌。

    In China this is impossible , we must have a clear position in the family hierarchy points , such as family relations , does not think it will be Donglimao .

  3. 她的辈分比我小。

    She ranks as my junior in the clan .

  4. 在关系上被血统的特定辈分所分开。

    Separated in relationship by a given degree of descent .

  5. 然后按照辈分先后顺序,主教们将选票放入选票坛。

    Then in order of seniority , the cardinals take their ballots to the altar .

  6. 虽然友好,但他们的关系,并没有突破辈分和种种隔阂。

    Although ' friendly ' , the relationship was not one that overcame a generation and multiple layers of reserve .

  7. 汉语称呼语的概念结构有两个维度,其一是亲属/非亲属,其二是辈分。

    The conceptual structure of Chinese address words have two dimensions , one is kinsfolk / non-kinsfolk , the other is generations .

  8. 其中,第二人称指示可以相对直观地表达出话语双方的辈分、关系、社会地位等属性。

    Among them , the second person deixis can relatively directly express the seniority , relation and social status between the talkers .

  9. 我们要在这个辈分分明的文化背景下,不断的审视自己的信念、癖好以及依赖性的行为。

    We examine our beliefs , our addictions , and our dependent behaviour in the context of living in a hierarchical , patriarchal culture .

  10. 即通过计算八叉树结点在其长辈结点中的位置码,将这些位置码按辈分从高到低的顺序排列。

    That is , by calculating the location code of the octree nodes in its elders node , ranging these location code in descending order seniority .

  11. 气候变暖还缩短了钉螺和血吸虫完成辈分转换的周期,导致其密度增加。

    The temperature increase had also shortened the length of the reproductive cycle for snails and worms , leading to an increase in the numbers of both .

  12. 王公大臣们按辈分和官阶分别跪侍在排云门内,金水桥的桥南桥北。

    Ministers and aristoctrats knelt down inside the gates of parting clouds on the southern and northern sides of bridge of gold bridge according to age and rank .

  13. 这种宗族关系虽然沿袭了旧的氏族组织的遗制,但实际上是以父权家长制为核心,按其辈分高低和族属亲疏关系来确定各级贵族的等级地位的。

    Though followed the old clan system , the agnation focused on the patriarchy , and defined a noble rank and status according to their positions in the family hierarchy and kinship .

  14. 权势概念下的各种支配性因素,包括年龄、辈分、社会地位、等级、职业的作用也有很大差别,其中社会地位、年龄和辈分的作用最为显著。

    Variables underlying power such as age , generation , social status , rank , and occupation exert different degrees of influence on the choice of address forms , among which social status , age , and generation are the major affecting factors .

  15. 和我一样,我认识的许多英国朋友都会直接用名字称呼自己父母一辈的亲戚,但是在汉语里,根据不同辈分等级,每一个自己父母的兄弟姐妹都需要用特殊名衔来称呼。

    Similarly , Ive known a lot of my British friends to refer to relatives of their parents generations by first names , whereas in Chinese there are specific titles for each of your parents siblings in relation to their age that you need to refer them by .

  16. 姓名里表示辈分的字通常都是祖辈们的,他们把要用的字从诗句里选出来,放在族谱中供子孙们使用。因此,只看一个人的名字,就可以知道家族里亲戚之间的关系。

    The generation indicating characters in the names are usually given by the forefathers , who chose them from a line of a poem or found their own and put them in the genealogy for their descendents to use.For this reason , it is possible to know the relationships between the family relatives by just looking at their names .
