
  • suitor;pursuer;seeker
  1. 在这个意义上说,汉德森是一个生存价值的执着追求者。

    In this sense , Henderson is a persevering pursuer of the existence value .

  2. 《蒹葭》塑造了追求者及其目标两个独特的形象。

    This poem figured two special image , one pursuer , the other object .

  3. 她从未结婚,不过追求者不少。

    She never married but had many admirers .

  4. 我妈妈曾经有一个爱慕她的追求者。

    My mother had a suitor who adored her .

  5. 苏珊美丽端庄,因此有很多追求者。

    Susan is beautiful and handsome , so she has many admirers .

  6. 凭您那一副漂亮的脸蛋,您永远不会缺乏追求者的。

    With your pretty face you will never want admirers .

  7. 建筑咨询公司LittleinCharlotte的初级岗位通常会有数百名追求者。

    Architectural consulting firm little in Charlotte often gets hundreds of aspirants for entry-level positions .

  8. Penny的现追求者向前追求者取经。

    Penny 's current suitor asking advice from her former suitor .

  9. 39岁的丹尼尔·埃里克·戈尔德(DanielEricGold),他是一名演员,曾在《丑女贝蒂》(UglyBetty)中短暂出演贝蒂曾经的追求者,也许有些人能认出他。

    and Daniel Eric Gold , 39 , an actor whose face is recognizable from his stint as Betty 's sometime suitor on " Ugly Betty . "

  10. 各色“追求者”,从私人银行家到法国百万富翁伯纳德阿尔诺(bernardarnault),都放弃了收购他公司的打算。

    Various suitors , from private bankers to the French billionaire Bernard Arnault , have given up on the idea of acquiring his company .

  11. 在所有追求者当中,Vice和福克斯的关系最密切,福克斯以7000万美元买下了Vice至少5%的股份,詹姆斯·默多克是Vice的董事会成员。

    Among its other suitors , Vice has the strongest relationship with Fox , which last year bought a 5 percent stake in the company for $ 70 million . James Murdoch is on Vice 's board .

  12. 哈米什•林克莱特(HamishLinklater)饰演索菲的追求者;

    Hamish Linklater as her fatuous suitor ;

  13. 利用基于分层聚类的k-means算法对客运服务消费者进行分类研究,我们将其分为四种类型,分别为:效率追求者、谨慎节约者、服务至上者和清净安全者。

    Passenger services can be divided into four types of consumers with the use of k-means arithmetic which based on hierarchical clustering methods on the consumer market : people of pursuit efficiency 、 people of cautious and prudence 、 Service-oriented persons and people of pursuit security .

  14. 将要获得博士学位的Hone小姐说:鉴于幽默需要高水平的语言能力,女人把幽默作品看做是男人是个充满智慧的追求者的标志。

    Miss Hone , who is close to completing her PhD , said : ' Given that humour requires high-level linguistic capacity , women are thought to use humour production as a sign that a man is a mentally-capable suitor . '

  15. 一个来自美国的追求者说:我对这个邀请很感兴趣。

    One American suitor wrote : Im interested in the offer .

  16. 他曾经是莉莉最热烈的追求者之一。

    He had been one of lily 's most fervent admirers .

  17. 一个接一个,追求者撤退了。

    One by one , the pursuers withdrew from the competition .

  18. 挖出个追求者。那不像你。

    Digging up a suitor . that 's not like you .

  19. 也知道还有其他追求者与我竞争

    And I know I 'm in competition for your affections .

  20. 追求者多的少女往往钟情于最糟糕的家伙。

    A lass that has many wooers often fares the worst .

  21. 她有大量的高素质甜心追求者哦。

    She had sweethearts A-plenty and men of high degree .

  22. 她最终嫁给了她的追求者中最痴情的一个。

    Eg : She eventually married the most persistent of her admirers .

  23. 他们只知自我追求者们的处世规则。

    They only know the rules of a generation of self seekers .

  24. 无论她们年龄多大,总会有追求者。

    No matter how old they are , they always have pursuers .

  25. 你拥有追求者是完全有可能的。

    And it is completely believable that you would have an admirer .

  26. 在那两年里,你跟17名追求者约会过。

    During that time , I saw 17 different suitors .

  27. 数字经济的狂热追求者们有时候会忘记比特也许并不是一切。

    ENTHUSIASTS of the digital economy sometimes forget that bits are not everything .

  28. 她在寻找怎样理想的追求者呢?

    What does she look for in would-be suitors ?

  29. “辣奢族”指的是那些奢侈品的狂热追求者。

    It refers to die-hard pursuers of luxury products .

  30. 软件的开发者表示,有时直接屏蔽追求者会变得非常尴尬。

    The creators say that sometimes simply blocking someone creates awkward social circumstances .