
  • 网络Chasing the ball;PurSue
  1. 苏亚雷斯追球时被基耶利尼挡住。

    Suarez was chasing the ball and was blocked by the Italy defender .

  2. 追球去快去追

    Get chase the ball . Chase it

  3. 埃里克跑进来追球,后面跟着一只走得慢腾腾的狗。

    Eric runs in after it , followed by a big dog , walking very slowly .

  4. 他把球远远地扔进了树林,小狗飞快地跑去追球。

    He threw the ball deep into the woods and the dog chased after it quickly .

  5. 对人文精神的追球体现在天下大同、和而不同、阴阳演化、圆道无极。

    The pursuit of humanistic spirit is reflected in the unity and the differences of the world , the evolution of Yin and Yang .

  6. 比如,尽管他们通常喜欢追球,但他们并不一定会把球捡回来给你。

    For example , although they often like to chase balls , they don 't necessarily see the need to bring them back to you .

  7. 这个宠物狗除了闷闷不乐,它主人爆料说它还是个精力旺盛的狗,它喜欢吃零食,晒日光浴和在公园追球。

    Despite his sullenness , his owner Derek Bloomfield said he was an energetic dog who enjoyed eating snacks , sunbathing and chasing balls around the park .

  8. 马拉多纳在追球时偷偷地用他的手将球越过守门员击入球网,同时假装自己的手从来没碰过球。

    Maradona was tracking down a ball and slyly used his hand to punch it over the goalkeeper into the net -- while pretending his hand never actually touched it .

  9. 通过改变左右轮速实现旋转,机器人在追球的过程中,要预测小球的位置,然后以最快的速度追球;

    Rotation course can be realized by changing the velocity of left wheel and right wheel . During the process of chasing ball , robot predicts the position of the ball , then chases the ball at the fastest speed .

  10. 加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。

    Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball , Nadlovu had beaten him to it .

  11. 猫追着球跑过来跑过去。

    The cat made little rushes to and fro after the ball .

  12. 当曼联防守的时候你看到他在走路,手扶着屁股,并没有追着球放铲。

    You see him walking back when United are defending , hands on hips , not chasing to recover the ball or make tackles .

  13. 两个发球区的发球直得率在外角和内角上差异较小,追身球有显著性差异。

    Difference is less on being so straight as two half court service to be led in the exterior angle and the interior angle , body-hit has notable difference .

  14. 他抓住扫帚,调头往下直奔玻璃球而去,他这一扑的速度可真快,一秒钟之后就差不多追上那只球了。

    He leaned forward and pointed his broom handle down , next second he was gathering speed in a steep dive , racing the ball ,