
  1. 股票甩掉前场的获利,在星期一的创新追高后了结。

    Stocks shook off some early profit-taking in Monday 's record-setting advance .

  2. 与此同时,我国房地产价格也随之不断追高,房地产市场出现了过热的迹象。

    At the same time , the price of the real estate in China has continuously risen ; the real estate market has appeared an overheated indication .

  3. 提出了追迹高功率激光系统中的鬼点和笔形光束的物理模型:沿光路树进行光线追迹;

    The method based on tracing rays along the layout tree has been proposed to model the ghost foci and pencil beams in high power laser .

  4. 方法将大鼠和小鼠各60只分别随机分为大、小鼠空白对照组、高脂模型组、阳性对照组及野马追提取液高、中、低剂量组。

    METHODS : 60 rats and 60 mice were respectively randomized to normal control group , hyperlipidemia model group , positive control group and lindley eupatorium herb groups ( at high , middle and low doses ) .

  5. 野马追提取液对高脂血症的降脂作用与作用机制研究

    Regulative Effect of Extract of Lindley Eupatorium Herb on Blood Lipids and Mechanism in Experimental Hyperlipidemia Models

  6. 硫酸钾不同时期追施试验:硫酸钾不同时期追施对株高和叶片数的影响不明显,而对烟株叶面积有较大影响。

    Different periods of topdressing potassium sulfate potassium sulfate test : different period dressing fertilizer on plant height and leaf number effect is not obvious , but for tobacco leaf area has bigger influence .